Rippey Public Library Board Minutes - March 27, 2024


Present: Elizabeth Roberts, Cindy Devilbiss, Chelsi Lawrence, DeeAnn Thompson, Brenda Roberts, Jennifer Stagg, Kyle Mowrer (via phone), Cara McCoy


Meeting called to order: 6:50 p.m.


Approval of Agenda: Chelsi made a motion to approve the Agenda. Kyle seconded the motion. Motion carried

No Public present

Adoption of February 2024 Minutes: Kyle made a motion to approve the February Minutes as written. Chelsi seconded the motion. Motion carried

Adoption of March Bills: Remove the bill for APS, Add $100 for Cara for camera purchase. Chelsi made a motion to approve the March Bills as amended. Kyle seconded. Motion carried.

Clerk’s Report: None

Ragbrai Balance: $2,686.57


Kyle made a motion to approve $300 from the Ragbrai fund to purchase board games for the library. Chelsi seconded the motion. Motion carried.


Memorial goose has been placed in the flower garden on the south side of the library in memory of Lyle Rychnovsky. A memorial plaque with a stake will be placed in the garden at a later date.


DeeAnn made a motion to pay Summer Reading Program event providers Rick Brammer and Randy Lebeck $350 each. Kyle seconded the motion. Motion carried.


Jennifer made a motion to approve up to $300 for expenses incurred for supplies for the Summer Reading Program. DeeAnn seconded the motion. Motion carried.


Cindy, Cara and a third person will download an app for the Blink surveillance cameras.


Meeting adjourned @ 7:40 p.m.



Rippey Public Library Board of Trustees Meeting-Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Present: Elizabeth Blakeman, Cindy Devilbiss, Chelsi Lawrence, DeeAnn Thompson, Brenda Roberts, Kyle Mowrer (via phone), Cara McCoy
Absent: Jennifer Stagg

Meeting called to order @ 7:00 p.m.

Approval of Agenda: Elizabeth made a motion to approve the Agenda. Kyle seconded. Motion carried
No public present
Adoption of January 2024 Minutes-Chelsi made a motion to approve the January minutes. Kyle seconded the motion. Motion carried
Adoption of December 2023 Minutes-Chelsi made a motion to approve the December minutes.  Elizabeth seconded the motion. Motion carried
Adoption of February 2024 Bills-Chelsi made a motion to approve the February bills. Kyle seconded the motion. Motion carried
Adoption of current Clerk’s Report-DeeAnn made a motion to approve the Clerk’s Report. Kyle seconded the motion. Motion carried.

General Fund: $7,887.10
Memorial Balance: $8,571.01
Grant Balance: $625.75
Petty Cash: $45

Cara updated the board on the strategic planning process. Cara will research other strategic plans of other libraries our size and report back to the board at the next meeting.

Cameras are here and ready to be mounted.

The board discussed ways to use the remainder of the RAGBRAI funds.

Chelsi made a motion to use $1,000 from the General Fund to purchase new books. Elizabeth seconded the motion. Motion carried.

The board reviewed and discussed a policy for Library Photography at events. Chelsi made a motion to approve the Library Photography Policy to be printed, laminated and posted during public library events. Elizabeth seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Cara gave an update on the Summer Reading Program 2024. (Read, Renew, Repeat)

Cara requested a day off on March 9, 2024. Request approved

Next Meeting: March 27, 2024 in the Rippey Public Library @ 7:00 p.m. 


Rippey Public Library Board of Trustees Meeting - Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Present: Jenn Stagg, DeeAnn Thompson, Cindy Devilbiss, Kyle Mowrer, Elizabeth Roberts, Chelsi Lawrence (via phone), Cara McCoy
Absent: Brenda Roberts

Meeting called to order @ 7:00 pm

Approval of Agenda: Kyle made a motion to approve the Agenda. Elizabeth seconded. Motion carried
No public present
No December Minutes
Adoption of January Bills: DeeAnn made a motion to approve the January Bills. Jenn seconded. Motion carried.
Adoption of Clerk’s Report: Kyle made a motion to approve the Clerk’s Report. Elizabeth seconded. Motion carried,

After board discussion, Jenn moved to approve the purchase of  electronic “OPEN”  signs totalling $80. DeeAnn seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Kyle made a motion to use $1,000 from the Adult Grant fund and $1,000 from the Memorial Fund to purchase new books. Jenn seconded the motion. Motion carried.

There was discussion about sending letters to community members requesting feedback on the library. A  minimum of 20 people will be chosen for a strategic planning project.

Placement of 3 cameras for the library will be discussed with the City Council. Proposed placements: 1 - in library above storage closet, 1- SE wall above the TV in the library, 1 - South wall facing West in the commons area.

Kyle made a motion to purchase a Bluetooth Doorbell for $50. Jenn seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Chili Cook Off raised $206. Dale Hanaman won first prize.

AED Grant is completed. Need to mount our AED in the library.

Jenn made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Kyle seconded. Motion carried.

Next Meeting: February 28, 2024 in the Rippey Public Library @ 7:00 p.m.


Rippey Public Library Board of Trustees - Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Present: Cindy Devilbiss, Elizabeth Roberts (via phone), Chelsi Lawrence, Kyle Mowrer, Brenda Roberts, Jennifer Stagg, Cara McCoy
Absent: DeeAnn Thompson

Approval of Agenda: Kyle made a motion to approve the Agenda. Chelsi seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Approval of November minutes: Kyle made a motion to approve the November minutes. Chelsi seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Approval of December Bills: Chelsi made a motion to approve the December Bills. Jennifer seconded the motion. Motion carried.

General Fund: $10,190.29
Memorial Balance: $9,788.13
Grant Balance: $1,896.59
Petty Cash: $24

Old Business:

RAGBRAI Money Update: Kyle made a motion to use up to $500 in purchasing an 18 foot inflatable projection screen and a projector. Chelsi seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Grant Update: There was discussion about spending the remainder of the Adult Grant on a painting class as a possible activity.

Kyle made a motion to approve the Budget drafted for the 2024-2025 Fiscal Year. Jennifer seconded the motion. Motion carried.

New Business:

After board discussion, Kyle made a motion to close the library during BRR Ride on Saturday, February 3, 2024. Jennifer seconded the motion. Motion carried.

A mailer will be sent to advertise the annual Chili Cook Off. The event is scheduled for Saturday, January 27, 2024 from 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

Chelsi made a motion to allow $100 be used for supplies and prizes needed for the day of the chili cook off. Kyle seconded the motion. Motion carried.

An $85 credit will be coming from Verizon for the second Hot Spot device Cara requested for use last month when the original Hot Spot device had not been returned to the library. 

Meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m..

Next Meeting: Wednesday, January 31, 2024 in the Rippey Public Library @ 7:00a.m.



Rippey Public Library Board Meeting-Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Present: Elizabeth Blakeman(via phone), Cindy Devilbiss, Chelsi Lawrence, Brenda Roberts, Jennifer Stagg

Absent: Kyle Mowrer, DeeAnn Thompson

Agenda: Chelsi made a motion to approve the Agenda. Jennifer seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Minutes: Chelsi made a motion to approve the October minutes. Jennifer seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Bills: Chelsi made a motion to approve the November bills. Elizabeth seconded the motion. Motion carried
Clerk’s Report: Jennifer made a motion to approve the Clerk’s report. Chelsi seconded the motion. Motion carried.
General Fund: $10,190.29
Memorial Fund: $9,788.13
Grant Fund: $1,896.59
Petty Cash: $22.00

Old Business:

The Trustees discussed hiring a company to clean the carpet for the Library. Two bids were received. Royal Home Services: $350.00 and Zerorez $370.00 This will be tabled until Spring.

Elizabeth made a motion to purchase a new laptop computer using the remaining balance of the Computer Grant and cover the remainder of the cost using funds from the General Fund.

The Board of Trustees discussed the Rotary Grant that is to be used to create two Blessing Boxes to be placed in front of the library and one in front of the church. The library had no discussion about the grant application before it was submitted and monies were received.Chelsi made a motion monies received from the Rotary will be returned to the Rotary due to conflict of interest with the Rotary guidelines and application submitted.

Cara has had contact with the state librarian, Marianne Mori, about strategic planning for the future of the library. Marianne sent questions to be used in phone contacts for 20% of the Rippey population.

December 16, 2023 from 9-11 a.m. there will be cocoa, cookies and a craft (ornament wreaths and snowman)

The Board of Trustees looked at 2 alarm systems. PerMar security services $2,180.00 for installation and $24 monthly. 3 Blink cameras @ $269.00 along with $100 yearly subscription
Chelsi made a motion to purchase 3 Blink cameras from Amazon along with a $100 yearly subscription. Jennifer seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Meeting adjourned @ 8:57 p.m.

Next Meeting: December 20, 2023, in the Rippey Public Library @ 7:00 p.m.


Rippey Library Board of Trustees Minutes - October 25, 2023

Present: Elizabeth Blakeman, Cindy Devilbiss (President), Chelsi Lawrence, Cara McCoy(Director), Brenda Roberts(Secretary), Jenni Stagg, Kyle Mowrer(via phone), DeeAnn Thompson

Approval of Agenda: DeeAnn made a motion to approve the Agenda. Chelsi seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Adoption of October 2023 Bills: Jenni Stagg made a motion to approve the October Bills. Kyle seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Approval of Clerk’s Report:Chelsi made a motion to approve the Clerk’s Report. Kyle seconded the motion. Motion carried.

General Fund: $11,667.22
Grant Balance: $3,472.24
Memorial Balance: $9,302.22

Old Business:
Ragbrai Money Uses:
Chelsi made a motion to approve the library carpet cleaning not to exceed $400. Elizabeth seconded the motion. Motion carried.

The Board of Trustees read and approved the Library of Things Guidelines and Waiver.

Kyle made a motion to purchase an Epson ™-T20III, Monochrome Thermal POS Printer, Netum
Scan Wireless Barcode Scanner with Stand, MUNBYN Thermal Paper using funds from the Tech Grant. Any amount not covered by the grant will be used from the General Fund. Chelsie seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Deal’s Orchard donated 25 pumpkins for the Trunk or Treat night. Children and adults will be able to decorate a pumpkin while enjoying a cookie and a cup of Deal’s Orchard Cider. Brenda will purchase 3 gallons of apple cider from Deal’s Orchard for the party.

The Board looked over the projected Budget numbers for the 2024-25 fiscal year.

The Board looked over the Greene County Annual Report for the fiscal year 2023.

The Annual State Report is due at the end of October.

Chelsi made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Kyle seconded the motion. Motion carried.

The Board moved into Closed Session
Next meeting will be November 29, 2023 @ Rippey Public Library @ 7:00 p.m.


Rippey Public Library Board of Trustees - September 27, 2023

Present: Cindy Devilbiss, Kyle Mowrer, Chelsi Lawrence, Jennifer Stagg, DeeAnn Thompson, Brenda Roberts, Cara McCoy
Absent: Elizabeth Blakeman

Public Comment: Paula Rychnovsky attended and discussed ways to use the Lyle Rychnovsky memorial money to improve the library.

Approval of Agenda: Chelsi made a motion to approve the agenda. DeeAnn seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Chelsi made a motion to approve the purchase of 2 rocking chairs along with memorial plates to be placed on the chairs from the Rychnovsky family memorial. A concrete goose will be purchased from Created in Johnston up to $250 and books about geese for the library. Jennifer seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Approval of the August Minutes: DeeAnn made a motion to approve the August minutes. Chelsi seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Approval of the September bills: Kyle made a motion to approve the September bills. Chelsi seconded the motion. Motion carried.

General Fund: $10,157.44
Grant Balance: $3,861.94
Memorial Balance: $10,049.57
Petty Cash:

Approval of the Clerk’s Report: Kyle made a motion to approve the September Clerk’s report. Chelsi seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Jennifer made a motion to purchase 2 sets of Pickleball equipment, a Life Basis Radon Detector using funds from Ragbrai. Kyle seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Cara will type up a policy for use of the Pickleball and sports equipment to be reviewed and approved by the Board of Trustees at the October meeting.

Chelsi made a motion to purchase 2 Floor mats for behind the circulation desk not to exceed $125, silicone mat for under the popcorn machine not to exceed $40, vacuum cleaner not to exceed $200 using funds from Ragbrai.

Sarah Schwery is not available to assist with the new computer set up. Kyle moved to hire Dave Summerson to assist with the new computer set up not to exceed $450.
Chelsi seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Kyle made a motion to purchase pumpkins for Halloween decorating not to exceed $120. Chelsi seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Dale and Nancy Hanaman will be covering October 5th, 6th and 7th for Cara’s sister’s wedding.  

Meeting adjourned at 8:42 p.m.
Next meeting: October 25, 2023 @ 7:00 p.m. in the Rippey Public Library


Rippey Public Library Board of Trustees: July 19th,2023

Call to Order: Cindy Devilbiss

Present: Elizabeth Blakeman-Roberts, Chelsi Lawrence, Cindy Devilbiss, Kyle Mowrer, Jennifer Stagg, DeAnn Thompson, Cara McCoy
Absent: Brenda Roberts 
Approval of Agenda: Kyle made a motion to approve the Agenda. Chelsi seconded. Motion carried.
No Public Comment.
Adoption of June Minutes:  Elizabeth made a motion to approve the June Minutes. Chelsi seconded. Motion carried.
Adoption of July Bills: DeAnn made a motion to approve the conditional July 2023 Bills. Elizabeth seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Clerk’s Report will be emailed out the week after this meeting due the meeting being a week early and the City Clerk being on vacation. 

General Fund: $9,092.77
Memorial Balance: $8,444.57
Grant Balance: $3,791.94
Petty Cash: $66.03

Ragbrai was discussed. Cindy is getting the cookies, ice, and water. Cara will get the fruit. The price of the items was discussed with all items being $1 or $2. Our spot is across the street from the library and we are supposed to be set up at 8am on July 25th. 

Started training on Chapter 5 of the trustee handbook. Will continue with the second half of Chapter 5 in August. 

Strategic Planning ideas were given to us by Maryann Mori, State Librarian, that the board could pursue. The board is working on deciding what option would be best for the library and getting community input. Tabled until August. 

Grant Update:  
Kyle moved to purchase 2 desktop computers and 2 laptop computers from Dymin Systems for the price $1,937.96 with grant money allotted for new computers. DeAnn seconded the motion. Motion carried.
We switched companies due to a raise in price from Dell Technologies. 

Cara presented current activities and responses to the Summer Reading Program. 
Ideas for adult events discussed. Ideas the director is pursuing include Art on the Fly, quilt shop, an art teacher coming to teach a class or the county conservation coming in to do a program. 

Review of the Confidentiality and Privacy Policy. Kyle made a motion to adopt the confidentiality and privacy policy, as reviewed. Chelsi seconded. Motion carried.

Yearly report of the library was given out by the director. 

Next Meeting: August 30th, 2023 @ 7:00p.m.



Rippey Public Library Board of Trustees May 31, 2023

Call to Order: Cindy called the meeting order.

Present: Elizabeth Blakeman, Cindy Devilbiss, Chelsi Lawrence,Cara McCoy, Kyle Mowrer, Brenda Roberts, DeeAnn Thompson

Approval of Agenda: Elizabeth made a motion to approve the agenda. Kyle seconded the motion. Motion carried
DeeAnn moved to approve April Minutes as amended. Kyle seconded the motion. Motion carried
May Bills: Elizabeth made a motion to approve the May Bills. Kyle seconded the motion. Motion carried
Clerk’s report: Kyle moved to approve the Clerk’s Report. Elizabeth seconded the motion. Motion carried

General Fund: $2,227.29
Memorial Fund: $8,444.57
Petty Cash: $60.93
Grant Balance: $6,327.95

Strategic planning tabled
Trustee Training session consisted of learning the basics of the new Atrium book system program 
Grant Update: Beginning to use grants for books. Purchased a sewing machine
Summer Reading Program calendar of events was presented

Ragbrai - Tuesday, July 25, 2023 - serve Gatorade powder, water, fruit, cookies

There was a discussion about filling the vacant Library Board of Trustees position. Lyle Rychonvsky has stepped down from his position due to medical reasons.

Director’s report:
Cara expanded on the Summer Reading Program of events. There was discussion of her upcoming vacation time and coverage of the circulation desk in her absence. She discussed the lack of wording continuity in the By-Laws of the Library and the City Ordinance regarding the Board of Trustees. Cara and Brenda will attend the City Council meeting on Monday evening (Cara via-phone) to discuss the need for a vote from the city to amend the current City Ordinance regarding the library in order to align the By-Laws and the City Ordinance for the library to receive state funding.

The Library Board of Trustees went into closed session for the annual evaluation of the Library Director.

Next Meeting: Wednesday, June 28, 2023


Rippey Public Library Board of Trustees Minutes - April 26, 2023

Present: Elizabeth Blakeman, Cindy Devilbiss (president), Cara McCoy (Librarian), Brenda Roberts (secretary), Lyle Rychonvsky, DeeAnn Thompson

Absent: Chelsi Lawrence, Kyle Mowrer

Cindy Devilbiss called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

Approval of Agenda: Elizabeth made a motion to approve the Agenda. DeeAnn seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Public Comment: No public was present
Approval of March Minutes: Elizabeth made a motion to approve the minutes. DeeAnn seconded the March minutes. Motion carried
Approval of Bills: DeeAnn made a motion to approve the April bills. Lyle seconded the motion. Motion carried
Clerk’s Report: DeeAnn made a motion to approve the clerk’s report. Elizabeth seconded the motion. Motion carried
General Fund: $3,648.14
Memorial Balance: $8,444.47
Grant Balance: $7,295.32
Petty Cash: $55.68

Old Business:
*Cara spoke with the City Attorney about amending the current Library Ordinance. We were given permission to move forward to the City Council to get it placed on the November ballot.
*The Toddler Fest was successful. 260 participants were present for the programmed activities.
*Cara did a radio interview about the grants the library has received.
New Business:
MariAnn Mori spoke to the trustees, through a Zoom call, about strategic planning for the future of the library.
*A STEAM Petting Zoo will be hosted by the Rippey Library May 11th and 12th. This is a hands-on learning experience for children.
*Ragbrai - Mariann Mori will share a list of possible events to sponsor during Ragbrai.
*Rotary Grant - 3 Blessing boxes will be built for the purpose of sharing books when the library is closed as well as providing non-perishable items.
*Cara received a large donation of a variety of library bound books for the library.
*There will be a regular meeting next month and the board will go into closed session to discuss the librarian’s yearly evaluation.

Meeting was adjourned at 8:06 p.m.

Next meeting: Rippey Public Library Board of Trustees Wednesday, May 31st, 2023


Rippey Public Library Board of Trustees Minutes-March 1, 2023 
Rescheduled from Wednesday, February 22, 2023 due to Ice

Present: Elizabeth Blakeman, Chelsi Halligan, Kyle Mowrer, Lyle Rychonvsky, DeeAnn Thompson, Cara McCoy(Library Director), Cindy Devilbiss (President), Brenda Roberts (Secretary)

Cindy Devilbiss called the meeting to order.

Approval of Agenda: Lyle made a motion to approve the agenda. Elizabeth seconded. Motion carried.
Public Comment: No public comments
Approval of Bills: The bills were amended to reflect a name change of a memorial deposit: Change from Kathy Johnson to Kathy Jackson. DeeAnn made a motion to approve the bills as amended. Chelsi seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Clerk’s Report: Elizabeth made a motion to approve the Clerk’s report for February. Kyle seconded the motion. Motion carried.
General Fund: $4,028.00
Memorial Balance: $8,444.57
Grant Balance:2,495.32
Petty Cash: $42.28

Old Business:
*Paperwork for Tier 1 accreditation has been filed with the State.
*Write and approve Library Ordinance. Cindy and Cara will revise current ordinance to match the library ByLaws
*Trustees reviewed Chapter 3 in the Trustees Handbook
*The Trustees discussed a Grant for an upgrade throughout the county libraries of the AED kits. Kyle made a motion to approve money toward the upgrade of our AED unit with the Grant. Elizabeth seconded the motion. Motion carried
*The Chili Cookoff that was held in January was successful. 8 chili recipes were shared. 38 people attended the event. $263.00 was raised to assist in the support of library functions.
*Toddler Fest is scheduled for April 22, 2023. It will be held at the Greene County Rec Center from 10:00 a.m.-Noon.

Meeting adjourned at 8:21 p.m.

Next Meeting: Wednesday, March 29, 2023 @ 7:00 p.m. in the Rippey Public Library

Rippey Board of Trustees Meeting - January 18, 2023

Present: Elizabeth Blakeman (via phone), Cindy Devilbiss (president), Chelsi Lawrence, Cara McCoy (Library Director), Brenda Roberts (Secretary), Lyle Rychnovsky, DeeAnn Thompson
Absent: Kyle Mowrer

Due to the lack of participants on January 25th, the Library Board of Trustees agreed to meet one week earlier than normally scheduled.

Approval of Agenda: Chelsi made a motion to approve the Agenda. Lyle seconded. Motion carried.
Public Comments: No public comments
Approval of December Minutes: Lyle made a motion to approve the December minutes. Chelsi seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Approval of the January Bills: DeeAnn made a motion to approve the January Bills. Chelsi seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Clerk’s Report:
General Fund: $4,822.09
Grant Balance: $$2,495.32
Memorial Balance: $8,419.57
Petty Cash: $45.31

Old Business:
Cara has completed all paperwork for the Wheelchair Grant and the Children’s Grant allocated from the Greene County Community Foundation

The Board discussed and solidified the 2023-2024 Library Budget. Chelsi made a motion to approve the proposed budget. Lyle seconded the motion. Motion carried.

To become a Tier 1 Library, the library must be open 15 hours a week to include hours on Saturday.  The Board discussed changing library hours to accommodate the Tier 1 guidelines. DeeAnn made a motion to change the library hours beginning February 6, 2023 as follows: Mondays: CLOSED Tuesday: 2-5 p.m. Wednesday: 2-6 p.m. Thursday: 2-5 p.m. Friday: 2-5 p.m. Saturday: 9-11 a.m.

The Rippey Library Service Policy was amended and approved to reflect the new library hours to begin February 6, 2023. Chelsi made a motion to amend and approve the Rippey Library Service Policy. Lyle seconded the motion. Motion carried.

The Chili Cook-off has been advertised on Raccoon Valley Radio. 

The Trustee Handbook Chapter 2 was reviewed by the Board.

New Business:
3 Grants will be written to purchase 2 new laptops, updating the Adult Non-fiction section and updating Children’s Non-fiction books.

GCLA will meet next week. Finalize Toddler Fest and Summer Reading events.

Next Meeting: February 22, 2023 @ 7:00p.m.

Rippey Board of Trustees Meeting-December 27, 2022
Present: Elizabeth Blakeman, Cindy Devilbiss (President), Chelsi Lawrence, Cara McCoy (Library Director), Kyle Mowrer, Brenda Roberts (Secretary), Lyle Rychnovsky, DeeAnn Thompson

Meeting called to order at 7:05 p.m.

Approval of Agenda: Kyle made a motion to approve the Agenda. Lyle seconded. Motion carried.
Public Comments: No public comments
Approval of November Minutes: Chelsi made a motion to approve the minutes with meeting time amended from 7:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. DeeAnn seconded. Motion carried.
Approval of December Bills: Elizabeth made a motion to approve the December bills. Chelsi seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Clerk’s Report:
General Fund: $4,000.62
Grant Balance: $2,673.26
Memorial Balance: $8843.11
Petty Cash: $40.31

New Business:
Kyle made a motion to move the Library Board Trustee meeting day to Wednesday evening at 7:00 p.m. beginning in January through April meetings. Elizabeth seconded the motion. Motion carried

The Board discussed the Proposed Budget for the 2023-2024 fiscal year.

The Board discussed steps needed to become a Tier 1 library. This would make the Rippey Public Library eligible for state funding and any other additional funding that may be available.

Library Ordinance amendment tabled until the January meeting.

Chili Cook-off will be Saturday, January 21, 2023. Chili should be checked in at 10:30 a.m. Lunch to be served 11:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.

Director’s Report:
Cara attended a Summer Reading 2023 informational meeting. Theme: Find Your Voice

Toddler Fest: April 22,2023 @ Greene County Rec Center 10 am-Noon

Next Meeting: Wednesday, January 25, 2023 in the Rippey Public Library @ 7:00 p.m.

Rippey Library Board of Trustees Meeting - November 29, 2022

Present: Elizabeth Blakeman, Cindy Devilbiss (President), Chelsi Lawrence, Cara McCoy (Library Director), Brenda Roberts, Lyle Rychnovsky, DeeAnn Thompson
Absent: Kyle Mowrer

Meeting called to order at 7:00 p.m.

Approval of Agenda: Lyle made a motion to approve the Agenda. Chelsi seconded. Motion carried
Public Comments: No public comments
Approval of October Minutes: DeeAnn made a motion to approve the minutes. Elizabeth seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Approval of November Bills: Lyle made a motion to approve the bills. Chelsi seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Clerk’s Report:
General Fund: $4,994.98
Grant Balance: $1,864.36
Memorial Fund Balance: $8,778.85
Petty Cash: $39.81
Elizabeth made a motion to approve the Clerk’s report. Chelsi seconded the motion. Motion carried

Old Business:
County Funding Allocation for the fiscal year 2023/2024 will be $8,347.00 which is based on rural circulation

There will be a county budget meeting on December 5, 2022

A letter of Thanks was received from Mary Weaver for the library’s participation in the trunk or treat event in October. The evening was very successful.

New Business:

Review by the Board of the By-Laws of the Rippey Public Library Board of Trustees. Chelsi made a motion to approve the By-Laws as written. Lyle seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Cara made a request for money to purchase more adult literature (Fiction/NonFiction)
Elizabeth made a motion to make an allowance of $850 from the Memorial Fund to be used to purchase adult Fiction/NonFiction books. DeeAnn seconded the motion. Motion was carried.

Discussion to host a Chili Cook off in January 2023.

Discussion about Grant options.

Meeting Adjourned @ 7:57 p.m.

Next Meeting: December 27, 2022 in the Rippey Public Library @ 7:00 p.m.


Rippey Library Board of Trustees Meeting - October 26, 2022

Present: Elizabeth Blakeman, Cindy Devilbiss (President), Chelsi Lawrence, Brenda Roberts (Secretary), Lyle Rychonvsky, DeeAnn Thompson, Cara McCoy (Library Director)
Absent: Kyle Mowrer

Approval of Agenda: Lyle made a motion to approve the Agenda. Elizabeth seconded. Motion carried.
No public comments were presented
Approval of September Minutes: DeeAnn made a motion to approve the September Minutes with a correction from Dee to DeeAnn. Lyle seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Approval of October Bills: Chelsi made a motion to approve the October Bills. Elizabeth seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Approval of Clerk’s Report: Chelsi made a motion to approve the Clerk’s Report. Lyle seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Clerk’s Report:
General Fund: $4095.87
Grant Balance: $2663.72
Memorial Fund Balance: $8,733.85
Petty Cash: $144.56

Old Business:
Children’s Grant: Cara presented a listing of books purchased for the Children’s department.

New Business:
Library Trustees Training: Tuesday, November 1, 2022 @ the Scranton Public Library 6-8 p.m
Halloween Party/ FOR Trunk or Treat in Rippey: Sunday, October 30, 2022. Provide cookies, bars, etc.
Cara shared the monthly Greene County Library Association overview. She attended a disaster preparedness program for the library. 
Need volunteers for December 6-10, 2022 to cover the circulation desk.
Review Chapter 2 at the November meeting

Elizabeth made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Lyle seconded the motion. Motion carried. 7:52p.m.
Next meeting: November 29, 2022 @ the Rippey Public Library - 7:00 p.m.


Rippey Library Board Trustees Meeting - Thursday, September 29, 2022

Present: Cindy Devilbiss (President), Kyle Mowrer, Brenda Roberts (Secretary), Lyle Rychnovsky, DeeAnn Thompson, Cara McCoy (Librarian)

Absent: Elizabeth Blakeman, Chelsei Lawerence

Approval of Agenda: DeeAnn made a motion to approve the Agenda. Lyle seconded. Motion carried
Approval of the August Minutes: Lyle made a motion to approve the August Minutes. Kyle seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Approval of September Bills: Kyle made a motion to approve the September Bills. Lyle seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Clerk’s Report:
General Fund: $5,149.89
Grant Balance: $2,663.72
Memorial Balance: $8,513.85
Petty Cash: $108.56
Lyle made a motion to approve the Clerk’s Report. Dee seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Old Business:
Hotspot: The Board of Trustees discussed the carrier options for the Hotspot. Kyle made a motion to utilize Verizon as the Hotspot carrier. DeeAnn seconded the motion. Motion carried.

New Business:
Trustees will review Chapter 2 in the Trustees Handbook for the October meeting.
Trunk or Treat will be held in Rippey on October 30, 2022 from 5-7 p.m. Library will hold pumpkin decorating in the south room. Theme: Literature characters 
Lyle made a motion to use money for the Petty Cash to purchase pumpkins from Deal’s Orchard for the Trunk or Treat event.
Books will be handed out to each child in attendance to decorate pumpkins.

Kyle moved to approve the Library Card Application revision. Lyle seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Kyle moved to approve the Request for Reconsideration Form. Lyle seconded the motion. Motion carried

Meeting adjourned at 8 :00 p.m.
Next meeting: Tuesday, October 25, 2022 - Rippey Public Library @ 7:00 p.m.


Rippey Library Board of Trustees Meeting - Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Present:  Elizabeth Blakeman (via phone), Cindy Devilbiss, President, Chelsie Lawrence, Kyle Mowrer, Lyle Rychnovsky, Brenda Roberts, Secretary, Cara McCoy, Librarian

Absent: DeeAnn Thompson

Call to Order: Cindy Devilbiss called the meeting to order

Approval of Agenda: Kyle moved to approve the agenda. Lyle seconded. Motion carried

Public Comment: None

Adoption of July Minutes: Chelsi moved to approve the July Minutes. Elizabeth seconded. Motion carried

Adoption of August Bills: Lyle made a motion to approve the August Bills. Chelsi seconded. Motion carried.

Clerk’s Report:
General Fund: $6,244.72
Grant Balance: $9,233.30
Petty Cash: $106.56
Memorial Balance: $9,501.85

Kyle made a motion to approve the current Clerk’s Report. Lyle seconded. Motion carried


Handicap door accessibility. The electrical portion of the door installation is complete. There is drywall needing to be repaired in the entryway of the library.

Items have been ordered for the Children's department.


Policy of Grievance Procedure: Amended and Approved August 30, 2022
Kyle made a motion to amend and approve the Grievance Policy. Chelsi seconded. Motion carried.
Policy Duties of the Librarian: Amended and Approved August 30, 2022
Elizabeth made a motion to amend and approve the Duties of the Librarian
Library Personnel Policy: Amended and Approved August 30, 2022
Kyle made a motion to amend and approve the Library Personnel Policy. Lyle seconded. Motion carried
Children’s Internet Safety Policy: Approved August 30, 2022

Butterfly Effect Book Discussion September 9th
Churdan, Rippey, Scranton
White Bird - Movie at Jefferson Theater for Teens

Meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m.
Next Meeting: September 27, 2022 @ 7:00 p.m.


Rippey Library Board of Trustees Meeting-Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Present: Chelsie Lawrence, Kyle Mowrer, Lyle Rychnovsky, DeeAnn Thompson, Brenda Roberts (via phone), Cara McCoy - Librarian
Absent: Cindy Devilbiss, Elizabeth Blakeman

Call to Order: Kyle Mowrer called the meeting to order in place of Cindy.

Approval of Agenda: Chelsi moved to approve the agenda. Lyle seconded. Motion carried.

Public Comment: None

Adoption of June Minutes: DeeAnn moved to approve the June Minutes. Lyle seconded. Motion carried.

Adoption of July Bills: Lyle moved to approve the July Bills. Chelsie seconded. Motion carried.

Clerk’s Report: Chelsi made a motion to approve the Clerk’s report. DeeAnn seconded. Motion carried.

Old Business: 

Hotspot - No action was taken.

Rippey Fun Daze Fundraiser:
Saturday, July 30, 2022 the Library will serve Walking Tacos $3 p/bag + Water $1 from the Community Room Kitchen Noon-2:00 p.m.

New Business:

Policy: Volunteer Duties - Approved 7/26/2022
Policy: Collection Development - Approved 7/26/2022
Policy: Public Internet Access - Amended and Approved 7/26/2022

Trustees Training: Monday, August 22, 2022 @ Jefferson Public Library - 6:30-8:00 p.m.

Director’s Report:

Cara received permission from the Rippey City Council to sell the (2) DVD racks
Cara discussed possible purchases for the Children’s Dept. with the Board of Trustees.
The Board gave permission for the purchase of Bean Bag chairs, puzzles, TV mount, Bench w/cubbies underneath, STEM items - (2) $70, Paint for corner area of children’s section
Monthly Circulation  Stats
Upcoming Events - Atrium training
Cara will create a Request for Reconsideration form

Adjournment: DeeAnn made a motion to adjourn. Lyle seconded. Motion carried. 
8:16 p.m.


Rippey Library Board of Trustees - June 28, 2022

Present: Cindy Devilbiss (President), Brenda Roberts (Secretary), Chelsi Lawrence, DeeAnn Thompson, Kyle Mowrer, Cara McCoy (Library Director)

Absent: Lyle Rychnovsky, Elizabeth Blakeman

Call to Order:
Approval of Agenda: Motion to approve the Agenda made by DeeAnn. Chelsi seconded. Motion carried.

Public Comment: Nancy Hanaman spoke about the Rippey Daze Celebration July 30, 2022.
Nancy was confirming that the Library prepare and sell walking tacos for the celebration.

Approval of May Minutes: DeeAnn made a motion to adopt the May minutes as amended.( The Board discussed ways to use the large amount of the General Fund before the end of the fiscal year. Ex: Books, Supplies, Games, Movies)

Approval of June Bills: DeeAnn made a motion to approve the June bills. Chelsi seconded. Motion carried.

Approval of the Clerk’s Report: Kyle made a motion to approve the Clerk’s report as presented. Chelsi seconded. Motion carried.

Old Business:

The Board reviewed the final revisions for Hotspot Lending Policy. Chelsi made the motion to approve the Hotspot Lending Policy. Kyle seconded the motion. Motion carried.

New Business:

Policy: Library Circulation: Amended and Approved 6/28/2022
Policy: Hotspot Lending Policy and Agreement- Approved 6/28/2022 
Policy: Rippey Public Library Policy Statement- Approved 6/28/2022
Policy:Unattended Children - Approved 6/28/2022
Policy: Severe Weather - Approved 6/28/2022
Policy: Duties of the Assistant to the Library Director - 6/28/2022

The Board discussed supplies needed for serving walking tacos during the Rippey Fun Daze celebration fundraiser.

The Board discussed Accreditation. Cara presented steps needed to obtain Accreditation from the State Library.

Cara requested July 13th and July 15th working at the Greene County Fair on behalf of the Library. Volunteers will cover the hours the library is open.

Kyle made a motion to open the library on the afternoon of July 30, 2022 during the Rippey Fun Daze.

Officer election: Nominations and voting were completed placing the following Trustees in positions of Secretary and President.
Brenda Roberts (Secretary 2022-2023)
Cindy Devilbiss (President 2022-2023)

The Board reviewed Chapter 1 in the Trustees Handbook and discussed.

Kyle made a motion to adjourn the meeting. DeeAnn seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Next Meeting: July 26,2022 @ 7:00 p.m. @ the Rippey Public Library

Rippey Library Board of Trustees - May 31, 2022

Present: Cindy Devilbiss (President), Brenda Roberts (Secretary), Lyle Rychonvsky, DeeAnn Thompson, Chelsi Lawrence

Absent: Elizabeth Blakeman, Kyle Mowrer

Call to Order:
Approval of Agenda: Motion to approve the Agenda made by DeeAnn. Lyle seconded. Motion carried.

Public Comment: Dale and Nancy Hanaman spoke about their appreciation of our new Librarian, Cara McCoy. Dale has been assisting Cara with data entry of new books and updating of spine labels. Dale encouraged asking for a key to the kitchen of the Community Center.

Approval of Minutes: Motion to approve the April Minutes was made by Lyle. DeeAnn seconded. Motion carried.

Welcome to Chelsi Lawrence as a new Library Trustee.

Adoption of May 2022 Bills: Motion to approve May Bills was made by Chelsi. DeeAnn seconded. Motion carried.

General Fund: $5,784.61
Memorial Fund: $9,501.85
Grant Balance: $9,254.50
Petty Cash: $53.36

Lyle made a motion to approve the monthly Clerk’s Report. Chelsi seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Old Business:

Cindy has ordered the Hotspot. Verizon’s basic service for a computer is $30 as opposed to $20 which is the basic plan for a tablet.
Lyle made a motion to approve purchasing 2GB of data for $30 per month. DeeAnn seconded. Motion carried.

New Business:

Trustees read Chapter 1 in the Trustee’s Handbook for discussion at the June meeting.

DeeAnn made a motion to approve $75 for Cara to spend supplies and Summer Reading prizes. Lyle seconded. Motion carried.

Chelsi made a motion to upgrade Concourse cataloging to Atrium. Elizabeth seconded. Motion carried.

The Library Board will have a work day onTuesday, June 21, 2022 beginning at 5:00 p.m.

Cara presented the Board with public suggestions. The Board will fulfill the suggestion to place an OPEN sign out in front of the library.

Lyle made a motion for Cara to purchase a 7ft. OPEN sign from Amazon. Chelsi seconded the motion. Motion carried.

July 30, 2022 Rippey Daze Fundraiser. Elizabeth made a motion for the Library Board to serve walking tacos contingent on other vendors. Lyle seconded. Motion carried.

There was discussion about accreditation of the library. Chelsi made a suggestion to show current movies for Movie Night.

Chelsi made a motion to purchase a Popcorn machine. DeeAnn seconded. Motion carried.

Lyle made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Elizabeth seconded. Motion carried.

Next Meeting: June 28, 2022 @ the Rippey Public Library @ 7:00 p.m.

Rippey Library Board of Trustees April 26, 2022

Present: Cindy Devilbiss (President), Brenda Roberts (Secretary), Lyle Rychonvsky, DeeAnn Thompson, Kyle Mowrer (via phone)

Absent: Elizabeth Blakeman, Jess McKim

Call to Order 
Approval of Agenda
: Motion made by Lyle to approve the Agenda, seconded by DeeAnn. Motion carried.

Approval of March 2022 Minutes: Motion to approve the minutes made by Lyle, seconded by DeeAnn. Motion carried.

Approval of Special Meeting Minutes April 21, 2022. Motion was made to approve by DeeAnn and seconded by Lyle. Motion carried.

General Fund: $6,958.84
Memorial Fund: $9,501.85
Petty Cash: $53.36
Grant Balance: $9,254.50

Approval of Monthly Bills: Motion was made to approve by Lyle, seconded by DeeAnn. Motion carried.

Old Business:

Cara McCoy has accepted the Library Director position. Her official start date is May 9, 2022.
Cara attended the monthly Greene County Library Association meeting on behalf of the Rippey Public Library.

Hotspot: A motion was made to purchase (1) $80 Orbic Speed Mobile Hotspot through Verizon with a basic $20-15GB Data plan instead of (2) by Lyle, second by DeeAnn. Motion carried.

Toddler Fest was held April 2, 2022. 6 children accompanied by adults were present during the 2 hour event.

New Business:

Board Trustee, Jess McKim will be moving out of Rippey. A new City trustee has been sought out. Chelsie Lawrence will be presented to the City Council to replace and complete Jess’ term on the Library Board of Trustees.

The Board discussed placement of the door opener for the exterior doors for handicap access.
The printer behind the circulation desk needs replacement of 4 drums at a charge of $140. A motion was made to purchase the drums from LaserFax, it was seconded by Kyle.

The library will receive $8,347.00 from the County for funding of the 2022-23 fiscal year.

Motion for adjournment was made @ 8:16 p.m.
Next meeting will be Tuesday, May 31, 2022 @ 7:00 p.m. in the Rippey Public Library

Rippey Library Board of Trustees -  Special Meeting April 21, 2022

Present: Cindy Devilbiss (President), Brenda Roberts (Secretary), Lyle Rychonvsky, DeeAnn Thompson, Kyle Mowrer via telephone.

Cindy called the meeting to order.

The Board discussed the hiring of Cara McCoy for the Library Director position with a wage increase from $10 p/hour to $12 per/ hour
Lyle made a motion to increase the hourly wage from $10 p/hour to $12 per/hour and offer this to Cara McCoy.

Meeting adjourned at 7:35 p.m.
Next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Rippey Public Library Board of Trustees - March 29, 2022

Present: Cindy Devilbiss (President), Brenda Roberts (Secretary), Kyle Mowrer, Lyle Rychonvsky, DeeAnn Thompson

Absent: Jess McKim

Approval of Agenda: DeeAnn made a motion to approve the Agenda. Lyle seconded. Motion carried.
No public comments were heard
Adoption of Minutes: Kyle made a motion to adopt the minutes as presented. Lyle seconded. Motion carried.
Adoption of March Bills: Lyle made a motion to the March Bills. Kyle seconded. Motion carried.
Clerk’s from February and March: Lyle made a motion to approve the Clerk’s reports. DeeAnn seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Old Business:

Cindy will contact a business in Carroll and/or Sara at the Jefferson Public Library to assist with the Brother printer at the check out desk.

New Business:

Hiring New Librarian: Kyle made a motion to offer Cara McCoy the director position for 16 hours a week and Mary Weaver for 6 hours a week with some yearly flexibility. Lyle seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Friday night, April 8, 2022 @ 6:00pm. Community Dinner in the Community Room. Charlie Mundy asked if the library is able to be open.

April 16, 2022 @ 2:00 pm - Easter Egg Hunt on library grounds. Charlie asked if the library could be opened on that afternoon.

Gifts for Volunteers: $50 Sparky’s gift cards for each volunteer. Kyle made a motion to purchase Sparky’s gift cards for volunteers. DeeAnn seconded the motion. Motion carried.

New Trustee options were discussed.

Grant check distribution, Monday, April 4, 2022 @ 7:00 p.m. - Presbyterian Church, Jefferson 
Brenda and DeeAnn will be in attendance that evening.

Motion to adjourn 8:17 p.m. 

Next meeting: Tuesday, April 26, 2022 @ 7:00 p.m. Rippey Public Library

Rippey Public Library Board of Trustees Meeting - February 22, 2022

Present: Cindy Devilbiss (President), Brenda Roberts (Secretary), Elizabeth Blakeman, Kyle Mowrer, DeeAnn Thompson, Lyle Rychonvsky (via phone)

Absent: Jess McKim

Approval of Agenda: Lyle made a motion to approve the Agenda. Elizabeth seconded. Motion carried
No public comments were heard.
Adoption of Minutes: Elizabeth made a motion to approve the January minutes. DeeAnn seconded. Motion carried
Adoption of February Bills: Lyle made a motion to approve February Bills. Kyle seconded. Motion carried.

No Clerk’s Report

Old Business:
Printer could be serviced through a business from Carroll.

Coverage for Library: Nancy Hanaman, Dale Hanaman, Elizabeth Blakeman, Jean Borgeson

New Business:
Kyle made a motion to increase the hourly librarian wage from $9.00 to $10.00. Lyle seconded
Motion carried with Trustee, Elizabeth Blakeman abstaining from the vote.

DeeAnn made a motion to contact the Blank Park Zoo with a $150 cap for expenses.

Bridges renewal will be approximately $360

Kyle made a motion to approve the revised advertisement for Librarian for hire and place in businesses and newspapers. Lyle seconded. Motion carried.

Rippey Fun Days was discussed as to library participation Summer 2022.

Meeting was adjourned at 8:32 p.m.

Next meeting: March 29, 2022 in the Rippey Public Library


Rippey Public Library Board of Trustees Meeting - January 25, 2022

Present: Cindy Devilbiss(President), Brenda Roberts (Secretary), Elizabeth Blakeman, Lyle Rychonovsky, Kyle Mowrer (via phone), DeeAnn Thompson, Sara Heinen (Librarian)

Absent: Jess McKim

Approval of the Agenda: Elizabeth made a motion to approve the Agenda. Lyle seconded. Motion carried.
No public comments were heard.
Adoption of Minutes: Kyle made a motion to approve the minutes. Lyle seconded. Motion carried.
Adoption of January Bills: Lyle made a motion to approve the Bills with a correction of Memorial for Wilmuth Peters, not Velda DeMoss.

General Fund: $7,593
Memorial Fund: $9,351.85
Petty Cash: $23.85

Adoption of Clerk’s Report: Elizabeth made a motion to approve the monthly report. DeeAnn seconded. Motion carried.

Old Business:
Chili Cookoff Recap: Raised $197.00. Approximately 25 people were in attendance. 7 Chili recipes were presented by the community. 1st Place: Jamie and Kyle Mowrer

Budget Proposal report to be presented to the Rippey City Council was discussed and voted on. Lyle made a motion to approve the budget to be presented. Kyle seconded the motion. Motion carried.

The Board discussed the Library Hotspot Lending Policy drafted by Sara. It was agreed to table further discussion until next month to gather more information.

New Business:
Sara looked into getting the printer serviced.
Greene County Librarian Association meeting
Sara is part of the Children’s and Teens Programming
Greene County Reads - Butterfly Effect/book for Spring
Lincoln Highway-Fall Read for adult program
Toddler Fest-April 2, 2022 - 10:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m.-  Greene County Community Center
Upcoming date for Staff and Trustees training

Lyle made a motion to give a gift to volunteers covering Sara’s Leave of Absence. Elizabeth seconded. Motion carried.
Elizabeth made a motion to add Martin Luther King Jr. Day and Juneteenth to the Service Policy of paid holidays and library closings for the librarian. DeeAnn seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m.
Next meeting: February 22, 2022 @ 7:00 p.m. at the Rippey Public Library


Meeting Minutes - 2021:

Rippey Public Library Board Minutes - December 21, 2021

Present: Cindy Devilbiss(President), Elizabeth Blakeman, Lyle Rychnovsky, DeeAnn Thompson, Kyle Mowrer(via Telephone), Sara Heinen(Librarian), Brenda Roberts(Secretary)

Absent: Jess McKim

Public Comments: Rick Liebich on behalf of himself wanted to apologize for the December City Council Meeting. He has a strong support for the Library Board and the Librarian.

Approval of Agenda made by Kyle Mowrer, Lyle seconded. Motion carried.

Adoption of November 2021 Minutes made by Elizabeth. Lyle seconded. Motion carried.

Adoption of December 2021 Bills made by Elizabeth. DeeAnn seconded. Motion carried.

Adoption of December 2021 Clerk's Report made by Lyle. Kyle seconded. Motion carried

Memorial Fund: $8,351.85

Genderal Fund: $7,083.20

Petty Cash: $14.18

Old Business:

Holiday Party recap. 7 Adults attended, 0 Children

We learned to have holiday parties after school when children get off the bus.

Discussed having an event on January 13, 2022 for children after school. Serve prepackaged snack, read book, craft.

Finalize Chili Cookoff: January 22,2022

Cindy - Cinnamon rolls, winning gift

Lyle - Booked Community Room, Call Dale Hanaman

Sara - Facebook Post

Kyle - Kast a Kernel event

New Business:

Discussion of Budget for the 2022-2023 to be presented to the City Council for approval.

Library Directors Report was given

Hot Spots - Sara will draft a policy for the use of Hot Spot devices to be presented at the January meeting

Lyle made a motion to purchase (2) Hot Spot devices. DeeAnn seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Sara will contact Dave Summerson about getting the printer serviced.

Greene County Library Association Meeting in January.

The Board went into Closed Session at 8:25 p.m.

Next Meeting: January 25, 2022 @ 7:00 p.m.


Rippey Public Library Board Minutes - November 30, 2021

Present: Cindy Devilbiss(President), Elizabeth Blakeman, Kyle Mowrer, Lyle Rychonovsky, Sara Heinen(Librarian), Brenda Roberts(Secretary)

Absent: Jess McKim, DeeAnn Thompson

Call to Order: Cindy Devlibiss

Adoption of October Minutes - Lyle made a motion to approve the minutes. Elizabeth seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Adoption of November Bills - Kyle made a motion to approve November bills. Elizabeth seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Approval of Clerk's Report - Lyle made a motion to approve the November report. Kyle seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Old Business:

Trunk or Treat recap : Approximately 30 families attended. A successful evening of fun.

New Business:

  • Cindy and Sara gave an overview of the October County Trustees meeting ni Grand Junction with Mari Ann Mori (State Librarian).
  • Kyle made a motion to spend up to $150 for a rolling stool to do lower library shelf work. Elizabeth seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Library Director's Report:

  • Movie inventory is almost completed. There are some movies with no cover and some covers with no movies.
  • There are several CDs for patron usage.
  • Sara will attend her first Greene County Library Association meeting in January
  • Greene County Supervisors meeting January 20, 2022 @ 9:30 a.m.
  • There will be a Christmas Party on Saturday, December 11, 2021 @ 10:00 a.m.
    • Story Time
    • Christmas Cookie Decorating
    • Hot Chocolate
    • Free Book for each child
  • January 22, 2022 - 11-1 p.m. Chili Feed
    • 10:45 a.m. Check-in
    • Chili Cookoff
    • Kast your Kernel
    • Chili, Hot Chocolate, Coffee, Cinnamon Rolls, Crackers

Kyle moved to approve the Rippey Public Library Behavior Policy as written. Lyle seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Next meeting: Tuesday, December 21, 2021 @ Rippey Public Library 7:00 p.m.

Adjournment: 8:36 p.m.


Rippey Public Library Board Minutes - October 26, 2021

Present: Cindy Devilbiss(President), Kyle Mowrer, Lyle Rychonovsky, Brenda Roberts(Secretary), Sara Heinen(Librarian)

Absent: Elizabeth Blakeman, DeeAnn Thompson, Jess McKim

Call to Order: Cindy Devilbiss

Approval of Agenda: Kyle moved to approve the Agenda. Lyle seconded the morion. Motion carried.

Public Comment: None

Approval of Minutes: Kyle motioned to approve Minutes. Lyle seconded the motion. Motion carried.

General Fund - $10,286.40

Memorial Balance - $7,761.85

Petty Cash - $43.18

Approval of Clerk's Report: Kyle made a motion to approve the Clerk's Report. Lyle seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Old Business:

  • Stolen laptop was returned to the Library by County Sheriff.
  • Finalization of Trunk or Treat - Sunday, October 31, 2021 - 6-8p.m.
    • Outer room to the library/Pumpkin decorating
    • Contest at 7:30 p.m.
    • Treat bag for each child

New Business:

  • Library Director's Report - Library website is LIVE. Bridges is LIVE. Facebook post will be posted about each program
  • Program Possibilites
    • January - Storytime?
    • Chili Cookoff

Motion to adjourn - 8:15 p.m.

Next Meeting - Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Rippey Public Library Board Minutes - September 28, 2021

The meeting was called to order by President Cindy Devilbiss.

Mary Weaver sent notes and asked the Trustees to consider:

    Can the Friends of Rippey use the display cases to display memorabilia.

  One display case belongs to the Library, the other one will be returned. It isn't ours(the glass one).

Motion: Lyle approbes adding items to display case. Lyle seconded. 

Old Business:

  • Progress / Update on website: Library card, policies that have been updated , contact information and programs from the old site. 2017 and older. We discussed adding meeting minutes, starting with the most recent as well as the Trustees contact information an dhow to get ahold of us. Sara will work with Dori at the State to ensure link process is working.
  • Open House: Went well. Some peole from town came.
  • $ from the Cinnamon Roll sale: we will use it for books and materials, perhaps a Fall party.
  • $426 presently in the general fund from the cinnamon roll sales.

New Business:

Library Director's Report / Recap: Sara has been scanning books in Concourse and when running across books not in the system, adding to Concourse. Also finding a lot of books mis-filed. Next step is to weed and Trustees will assist with that process. Sara to let us know when she's ready.

The incident with the missing laptop was discussed.  Sara shared what we leaned from Dan and the deputy. We will table this to the next meeting and see what any updates are.

Policy Updates: we have three that need to be updated. At next meeting we will cover the three:

  • Library Internet Safety Policy
  • By-Laws for Library Board
  • Behavior Policy

Fall Pumpkin decorating contest / costume party: perhaps we could combine with Rippey's Trunk or Treat. Cindy to find out when that is and circulate. Come in the week ahead and pick a pumpkin, then bring it back decorated. Good treats and books.

Mailer: talk about Haloween party, new website, Bridges going live

Adjourn: motion was made to adhourn by Lyle, Seconded by Kyle.


Rippey Public Library Board Minutes - August 31, 2021

Present: Jess McKim, DeeAnn Thompson, Lyle Rychnovsky, Kyle Mowrer, Cindy Devilbiss, President, Brenda Roberts, Secretary, Sara Heinen, Librarian

Absent: Elizabeth Blakeman

Meeting called to order by Cindy Devilbiss.

Lyle made a motion to approbe the Agenda.  Kyle seconded. Motion carried.

DeeAnn made a motion to approbe the August Bills. Lyle seconded the motion. Motion carried.

General Fund: $10,128.24

Memorial Fund: $7,723.44

Grant: $497.50

Motion to approve Clerk's Report by DeeAnn. Kyle seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Cindy will contact Mary Millard about ordering Microsoft Office 365.

There is a new website for the Library.

Jess made a motion to approve $400 plus $352.56 start-up fee and the first year enrollment to Bridges E-Book program. Kyle seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Jess and DeeAnn have offered to assist Sara with reading shelves and to clean up the collection and computer information.

Next meeting September 28, 2021 @ 7:00 p.m.

Rippey Public Library Board Minutes - July 27, 2021

Present: Jess McKim, DeeAnn Thompson, Lyle Rychonovsky, Cindy Devilbiss(President), Brenda Roberts(Secretary)

Absent: Elizabeth Blakeman, Kyle Mowrer

Meeting was called to order by Cindy Devilbiss, President

Lyle moved to approve the Agenda. Jess seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Lyle moved to approve the June minutes. DeeAnn seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Jess moved to approve the July bills. Lyle seconded the Motion. Motion carried.

Financial Report:

General Fund: $11,221.71

Memorial Fund: $7,322.21

Grant Balance: $497.50

Carry Over from 2020-21: $3,332.77

Jess moved to accept the Clerk's Report. DeeAnn seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Old Business:

The Board reviewed Sesquicentennial activites for July 31st.

Lyle made a motion to Mary Millard to prepare monthly payroll for the librarian. Jess seconded the motion. Motion carried.

The Board discussed Director interviews. Jess made the motion to hire Sara Heinen as the new Library Director for the Rippey Public Library. Lyle seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

Lyle moved to adjourn the meeting. Jess seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Next Meeting: August 31, 2021 @ 7:00 p.m. in the Rippey Public Library


Rippey Public Library Board Minutes - June 29, 2021

Present: Elizabeth Blakeman, Kyle Mowrer, Lyle Rychonovsky, DeeAnn Thompson, Cindy Devilbiss(President), Brenda Roberts(Secretary), Phyllis Bardole(Librarian)

Absent: Jess McKim

Meeting was called to order by CIndy Devilbiss, President

There was no Public comment

Lyle moved to approve the Agenda. Elizabeth seconded the motion. Motion carried.

DeeAnn moved to approve the June Bills. Lyle seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Financial Report:

General Fund: $3,390.37

Memorial Fund: $7,628.44

Kyle moved to approve the City Clerk's report. Elizabeth seconded the motion. Motion carried.

The Board discussed selling cinnamon rolls and bottled water during the Rippey Sesquicentennial on July 31, 2021. Lyle made a motion to sell cinnamon rolls for $3 and water for $1.

The Summer Reading Program is set to begin July 26th. Other dates: July 29, Aug. 2, Aug. 5, and final visit from Blank Park Zoo on Aug. 6.

The Board discussed purchasing a license for Microsoft Office 365. This program may be used on a maximum of 5 computers in the library. Kyle made a motion to purchase Microsoft Office 365. Lyle seconded the motion. Motion carried.

New Business:

The Board had an election of new officers. The Board in a unanimous vote retained Cindy Devilbiss as President and Brenda Roberts as Secretary for one more fiscal year.

Cindy Recommended that the Trustees sign up for the Iowa State Library emails to know when grant opportunites and other activites come available.

It was recommended that the Board discuss adding Juneteenth to the calendar of paid holidays and that the incoming librarian is aware of all paid holidays.

Lyle made a motion to adjourn. Elizabeth seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Next meeting: Tuesday July 27, 2021 @ 7:00 p.m. in the Rippey Public Library.


Rippey Public Library Board Minutes  - May 25, 2021

Present: Cindy Devilbiss, President, Brenda Roberts, Secretary, Lyle Rychnovsky, DeeAnn Thompson, Elizabeth Blakeman, Jess McKim, Phyllis Bardole, Librarian, Rick Liebich, City Council Liaison

Absent: Kyle Mowrer

Meeting called to order by Cindy Devilbiss

Public Comments: Melinda Blakeman gave an update on the upcoming Summer Readnig Program

Lyle moved to approve the agenda. DeeAnn seconded the motion. Motion carried.

DeeAnn moved to  approve the minutes as presented. Lyle seconded the motion. Motion carries.

The May 2021 bills were reviewed. Lyle moved to approve the bills to be paid by the City Clerk. Elizabeth seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Review financial report


General Fund: $4,849.39

Memorial Fund: $7,628.44

Petty Cash: $60.84

Elizabeth made a motion to approve the Clerk's Report. Lyle seconded the motion. Motion carried.

New Business:

Lyle made a motion to approve $200 for the Summer Reading Program. DeeAnn seconded the motion. Motion carried.

The Board allotted $200 for the rental of the COmmunity Room for Summer Reading events fo rmagician and Blank Park Zoo programming in June and July if needed.

The Board approved $50 for supplies to refurbish the Library Book Drop Box.

There was discussion to sell water and cinnamon rolls for the sesquicentennial celebration on July 31, 2021.

Lyle made the motion to adjourn. Elizabeth seconded the motion. Motion carried. 

Next meeting: Tuesday, June 29, 2021 @ 7:00 p.m. in the Rippey Public Library 


Rippey Public Library Board Minutes - April 27, 2021

Present: Phyllis Bardole, Librarian, DeeAnn Thompson, Lyle Rychnovsky, Kyle Mowrer, Cindy Devilbiss, President

Absent: Brenda Roberts, Secretary, Elizabeth Blakeman

Meeting was called to order by Cindy Devilbiss

Kyle moved to approve the amended agenda (correcting parade route comment at the sesquicentennial): seconded by Lyle. Topic added - discuss the breakfast/water to be served at the sesquicentennial.

No public comment

Approval of minutes: A motion was made to approve the minutes as amended by DeeAnn, secnoded by Lyle

April Bills: Lyle motioned to approve the bills, Kyle seconded.

Financial Report: Kyle motioned to approve this month's financial report; seconded by DeeAnn

We have ~ $2500 to spend by the end of the year (2 months left). We need to go ahead with the purchase of the light and door alarm. We will authorize $600 to cover the cost of this and this should be plenty of funds, we don't expect it to cost this much. We've had this conversation in past meetings. Kyle made the motion for door alarm, lights, and a phone with caller ID enabled. seconded by Lyle. Motion carried.

New Business:

Summer reading: Brenda is not able to do it this year. Greene County Library Assoc. will pay for a magician to come to 3 libraries one day and 3 libraries another day. We aren't sure what this date is.

We can set our own reading program and it's typically in July. Usually it's Wednesdays and we've had it at 2pm and about a half hour at a time. We provided treats. K-6 grade. Older kids have helped in the past. There are programs to choose from. Also another program is A StoryBook Walk.

There can be funds. The last time we spent $106.  Melinda Blakeman is interested in facilitating the program this year. Action: Cindy will circle back with her to confirm.

Office 365 vs. Office 2019: We decided to purchase Office 2019 vs. going forward with O365. Motion made by Kyle. Seconded by Lyle.

Display Case: The one that was delivered was not the correct one. We will switch it out.

Magician is coming this summer as well as part of GCLA

Blank Park Zoo: Action: Phyllis to get information on this and send around to the Trustees.

In discussing how to plan our budget for the rest of the year, we discussed purchasing ~ $1000 this month via Amazon. There are books and perhaps posters/DVDs to purchase. With this expenditure,we have ~ $1500 to spend in the month of June. This will leave ~$2000 in the budget by fiscal year end. We need to pay for Bridges yet and wish to leave some money in the account.

Action item: All trustees - send list to Phyllis for suggestion purchase.

We discussed weeding books/ the large number of children's books we have. Perhaps during the summer reading program - each child gets to take home XX number of books.

Regarding the sesquicentennial: We will plan on cinnamon rolls and bottles of water.

Action item: Cindy will provide the tank for water and ask Mary Weaver for ideas on where to get cinnamon rolls and any idea of quantity?

Action item: Book drop box could be updated/ spruced up before sesquicentennial as well, Kyle to oversee this.

Sarah/ Library technical assistance update:

Phyllis has benefitted from Sarah spending a few hours at the library. We still have funds left for this so we discussed Sarah returns and helps Phyllis with the web posting. We need to ensure our website is updated and current.

Motion to adjourn: Lyle

Rippey Public Library Board Minutes - March 30, 2021

Present: Lyle Rychnovsky, Phyllis Bardole, Librarian, DeeAnn Thompson, Jess McKim, Kyle Mowrer, CIndy Devilbiss, President

Absent: Brenda Roberts, Secretary, Elizabeth Blakeman

Meeting called to order by Cindy Devilbiss

Moved to approve the agenda: DeeAnn motioned, Lyle seconded

Public comments: Mary Weaver came to ask us to consider:

  • Rippey Booster being digitized and wondering where they should be returned. We decided to send them to the Library here nad we can determine what to do with them.
  • July 31 sesquicentennial. Rippey artifacts will be displayed for the day. The library bought a display case. David Weaver can helpt moce it. We suggested putting it in out "lobby" of the building and Dan said he would go get the display case. The glass case is cracked, as a reminder. Also, any items that aren't needed in the lobby area can be moved to Dan's shop.
  • Sesquicentennial parade will start at old school, then turn at our corner and turn south. Car show by the post office and vendors by the library. Would we want to consider a bake sale or something? Or bottled water?

Approve of the minutes : Lyle motioned to approbe the minutes of the February meeting; Kyle seconded.

March bills: Kyle motioned to approve; Jess seconded.

Financial Report: Lyle motioned to approve; Jess seconded.


General Fund: $5139.76

Memorial Fund: $7578.44

Petty Cash: $99.99

We will spend ~ $1100 per month in salary and utilities for the rest of the fiscal year which is $3300. Leacing us with a general balance of $1839.76. We will receie another installment of $2521.50, leaving us with an estimated amount of $4361.26 to use within the next three months. (Next month let's determine how much we wish to keep in the account at fisal year end).

New Business:

  • Phyllis spoke with Jane in Jefferson about computer help. We have $350 from Greene Co tech fee plus $750 from memorial money that was earmarked for IT support. Phyllis needs help with computer questions and has arranged Sarah from Jefferson Library to come to Rippey and assist with questions. Sarah can come to Rippey starting this Thursday.

                  Motion: Have person come for $350 worth of computer help and re-evaluate after that time. Motion was made by Lyle; Seconded by DeeAnn. Motion carried

  • We have bags that go to daycares that we receibed from Greene Co(?) Phyllis asked who has a daycare in our area so we can distribute. The bags contain healthy snacks and other general items for kids.
  • State Library advised our website needs to be updated. There is information on it that does not belong. Jean B. spoke about printing off the historial information and then determing what to do with it. The state will build a new, smaller site. We need more information because this site will still need to have minutes posted to it, etc...
  • A vendor contacted Phyllis about our Concourse system needing to be updated. The sysem that we use to check out books on. Our patron data is saved on the new computer vs. in the cloud. The cost is $1540 and it's called Atrium. Robin is from the Atrium books systems vendor. Our question is -- What does this do fo rus? We need more information. With the addition of Bridges, not sure we need another system. Phyllis to get more information.
  • Summer Reading Program - Tales and Tails. We will discuss this next meeting.
  • Sex Offender Policy Update: Discussed and updated according to direction from the State Library office. Will issue new policy dated today.

Old Business:

Securitey: Will touch base at next meeting. Perhaps we need a door buzzer so it sounds when that door is open. Perhaps a sign 'alarm will sound if opened'

New Chairs: They are here and they are comfortable!

Motion to adjourn: Lyle; seconded by Kyle

Next meeting is April 27th at 7pm

We did discuss briefly having food or water for the sesquicentennial. We will discuss further at the April meeting.


Rippey Public Library Board Minutes - January 26, 2021

Present: DeeAnn Thompson, Jess McKim, Kyle Mowrer, Lyle Rychnovsky, Cindy Devilbiss, President, Brenda Roberts, Secretary, Phyllis Bardole, Librarian, Rick Liebich, City Council Liaison

Absent: Elizabeth Blakeman

No public comment

Kyle made a motion to approve the agenda. DeeAnn seconded. Motion carried.

Lyle made a motion to approve the minutes. Kyle seconded. Motion carried.

DeeAnn made a motion to adopt the bills as presented. Lyle seconded. Motion carried.

Clerk's Report - No monthly report

New Business:

Cindy investigated neighboring libraries and what programs are being used for eBooks.

Jefferson: Tumbler(kids), Bridges(adults)

Fee is based on community size.

When the State Library returns information on price, Cindy will email board members before the next meeting. If affordable, she has the ability to subscribe to either/ or both.

Cindy contacted the local Post Office about sending a mailer and the estimated price.

The Rippey Public Library has 2 Facebook accounts. We will take down the two accounts and begin with a new account.

The library is in need of a new phone.

There was entry gained to the library through the north emergency door. The board discussed safety measures to keep the building secure. 

Brenda will work on updating the Board Minutes and Library Policies on the Rippey Public Library website.

Meeting was adjourned.

Next meeting will be held Tuesday, February 23, 2021 in th eRippey Public Library @ 7:00 p.m.



Meeting Minutes - 2020:

Rippey Public Library Board Minutes - December 22, 2020

Present: Cindy Devilbiss, President, Brenda Roberts, Secretary, Elizabeth Blakeman, Lyle Rychnovsky, Phyllis Bardole, Librarian

Absent: Kyle Mowrer, Jess McKim, DeeAnn Thompson

No public comment

Lyle made a motion to approve the agenda. Elizabeth seconded. Motion carried.

Elizabeth made a motion to approve the minutes. Lyle seconded. Motion carried.

Lyle made a motion to approve the December Bills. Elizabeth seconded. Motion carried.

Clerk's Report:

General Fund: $ 7,912.28

Memorial Fund: $6,358.44

Petty Cash: $81.02

New Business: 

Phyllis handed out a flyer that will be presented to the Greene County Board of Supervisors. They flyer is an overview of the countywide activites that happend throughout 2020.

Lyle made a motion to purchase 6 stackable chairs from In Stock Chairs @ $79.00 each. Elizabeth seconded the motion. Motion passed.

Cindy proposed to have Dave Summerson come and evaluate the present comuter with her proposal. This will be revised at the January meeting.

Books were donated to the library by Phyllis Lepke.

The Library will be closed on Friday, December 25, 2020 and January 1, 2021.

The meeting was adjourned.

Next meeting will be held Tuesday, January 26, 2021 in the Rippey Public Library @ 7:00 p.m.


Rippey Public Library Board Minutes - November 30, 2020

Present: Cindy Devilbiss, President(via phone), Kyle Mowrer(via phone), Lyle Rychovsky, DeeAnn Thompson, Brenda Roberts, Secretary, Phyllis Bardole, Librarian

Absent: Elizabeth Blakeman, Jess McKim

No public present

Lyle made a motion to approve the minutes, Kyle seconded. Motion carried.

DeeAnn made a motion to approbe the November bills, Lyle seconded. Motion carried.

Clerk's Report:

General Fund: $9,186.94

Memorial Fund: $6,268.44

Petty Cash: $77.12

New Business:

Policy Updates - Sex Offender Policy will be sent to Mandy Easter at the State Library for review.

The Budget for 2021-2022 will be presented to the City Council for approval on Monday, December 7, 2020. Kyle made a motion to approve the proposed 2021-2022 budget. Lyle seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Greene County Supervisors made a county-wide mask mandate.

Phyllis reported on th eGreene County Reads program. She and Nancy Hanaman on the planning committee.

Holiday Books and Best Sellers will be posted on the Library Facebook page as well as holiday closings for Christmas and New Years.

The Board discussed using funds towards a new desktop computer, chairs, and a phone.

Due to schedule cnflicts on Monday evenings, the board decided to move Board meetings to the last Tuesday of each month unless otherwise stated.

Kyle made a motion to adjourn th emeeting. Lyle seconded. Motion carried.

Next meeting: Tuesday, December 22,2022 @ 7:00 p.m. in the Rippey Public Library.


Rippey Public Library Board Minutes  - October 26, 2020

Present: CIndy Devilbiss, President, Jess McKim, Kyle Mowrer, Elizabeth Blakeman, Brenda Roberts, Secretary, Phyllis Bardole, Librarian

Absent: Lyle Rychnovsky

Public Comment: Mary Weaver approched the Board about the flip chart in the south room and replacing the plastic of the existing flip chart. Jean Borgeson found Rippey Booster nespapers from 1920-1922. Wondering if the Library Board could put any monies toward having them digitized.

Motion made by Kyle to approve the September minutes. Jess seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Motion made by Jess to approve the Ovtober bills as presented. Elizabeth seconded the motion. Motion carried.

No Clerk's Report.

New Business:

Library Board of Trustees reciewed the following policies in the Trustee Policy Handbook:

  • Registered Sex Offender Policy
  • Duties of the Rippey Public Librarian

              Amend Policy to add: Arrange for coverage in the absence of librarian. Kyle motioned, Jess seconded. Motion carried.

Pumpkin decorating contest was a success. 14 out of 18 pumkins came back for judging. Fun was had by all who attended.

Trunk or Treat for Halloween instead of door to door trick or treating to be held on Main Street on Saturday, October 31, 2020 5:30-6:30 p.m.

November Facebook posts: Access to digitized county newspapers, Library closure Thanksgiving and Friday, Ask Facebook friends what they would like to see at the library.

Plan Budget for 2021-2022. Special meeting to be held Monday, November 9, 2020 @ 7:00p.m.

Jess made a motion to approve $442 be paid by the Library to digitize the Rippey Booster. Kyle seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Old Business:

Reviewed Phyllis' Evaluation.

Adjournment motion made by Elizabeth. Kyle seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Next meeting Monday, November 30, 2020 @ 6:00 p.m. in the Rippey Public Library

Brenda Roberts,



Rippey Public Library Board Minutes - September 28, 2020

Present: Cindy Devilbiss, President, Jess McKim, Lyle Rychnovsky, Kyle Mowrer(via phone), DeeAnn Thompson, Elizabeth Blakeman, Brenda Roberts, Secretary, Phyllis Bardole, Librarian

Cindy called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.

No public comments

Lyle made a motion to approve the August minutes. DeeAnn seconded the motion. Motion carried.

DeeAnn made a motion for the city to pay the monthly bills aas presented. Lyle seconded the motion. Motion carried

Clerk's Report

General Fund: $8,840.52

Memorial Fund: $5,518.44

Petty Cash: $76.57

The Library Board revised and approved th efollowing policies in the Trustee Policy Handbook:

  • Rippey Public Library Board of Trustees Approved By-Laws for the Library Board of Trustees
  • Rippey Public Internet Safety (Children's Internet Protection Act)(CIPA)

Pumpkin Decorating Contest Judging Categories : Scariest, Funniest, Most Creative

Rippey Public Library Webpage is up and running. The Rippey Public Lib. Facebook page will come down soon.

Phyllis gave a report on the Greene County Reads program. 40 people participated countywide.

The Board of Trusteen adjourned the meeting with a motion made by Lyle and seconded by DeeAnn. Motion carried.

The Trustees went into a closed session to discuss the yearly evaluation of the librarian.

Next meeting: October 26, 2020 @ 6:00 p.m. in the RIppey Public Library

Brenda Roberts


Rippey Library Board Minutes - August 31, 2020

Present: Cindy Devilbiss, President, Elizabeth Blakeman, Kyle Mowrer, Deeann Thompson, Lyle Rychnovsky, Brenda Roberts, Secretary, Phyllis Bardole, Librarian.

Absent: Jess McKim

Cindy called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.

No public comments

Deeann made a motion to adopt the July minutes with corrections to be made: Greene County Reads will meet at Grand Junction, Paton, and Jefferson Libraries. Lyle seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Kyle made a motion for the City Clerk to pay the monthly bills as presented. Deeann seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Clerk's Report

General Fund: $10,231.48

Memorial FUnd: $5,518.44

Petty Cash: $76.57

New Business:

Library Website. Cindy will access the library website and update information.

Cindy will contact Dave Summerson of Perry about IT needs for th elibrary computers.

Cindy will submit a request to the Facebook site to reset password, add an electronic survey abd add 'Thank You" to donor patrons.

Brenda: Contact MaryAnn Mori at the state library about an ebook subscription.

             Contact Greene COunty CSD Superintendent, Tim Christensen about internet needs for distance learners in Rippey. How can the public library assist with Zoom or Google Meets?

It was discussed having a Pumpkin decorating contest for adults and children. To sign up, call the library. Pumpkin pick up will be held the week of October 5th. Pumpkins will then be decorated and brought back to the Rippey Library on Saturday, October 17th at 10:00 a.m. Cindy will contact judges. Kyle will call Deal's Orchard about purchasing 2-3 dozen pumkins. Phyllis will work on advertising.

There was discussion about how much money to allot for book purchases from the General Fund. Lyle made a motion to allot for $200 per month for book purchases. Kyle seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Kyle. Lyle seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Next Meeting: Monday, September 28, 2020 @ 6:00 p.m.


Rippey Library Board Minutes July 27, 2020

Present: Cindy Devilbiss, President, Brenda Roberts, Secretary, Lyle Rychnovsky, Elizabeth Blakeman, Deeann Thompson, Kyle Mowrer, Phyllis Bardole, Librarian

Absent: Jess McKim-Steel, Trustee

Cindy called the meeting to order

There were no Public Comments

Cindy gave an official Welcome to new Library Board of Trustee members: Elizabeth Blakeman, Kyle Mowrer, and Deeann Thompson

Kyle moved to approve the agenda. Deeann seconded. Motion carried.

Minutes - Lyle made a motion to approve the minutes, Kyle seconded. Motion carried.

Deeann made a motion to approve the July bills. Elizabeth seconded. Motion carried.

Lyle made a motion to have the City Clerk revise the monthly finance report to include a change of the Rotary Grant from $350 to $500. Elizabeth seconded. Motion carried.


General Fund: $$4,675.37

Memorial: $5,518.44

New Business:

Phyllis reported on the children's program: The Bubble Man. Logistics were discussed to help the program succeed to include Trustee assistance for the day. Beginning September 17, 2020, Greene County Reads will be presented in a Zoom format. Jan Scharingson will be the facilitator. The discussion book will be Little Women by Louisa May Alcott. The Greene County Library Association will donate the books for this program.

Cindy opened the floor for brainstorming ideas to improve the library to increase community usage and outreach. Ideas: E Boks, Facebook options, Zoom service.

There was a discussion to create a diital questionnaire and mailing for community input to make library upgrades that would best suit community needs.

Cindy presented a draft for yearly planning. She encouraged board members to add input for monthly meeting discussions.

Confidentiality Policy was reviewed and re-approved. Deeann made a motion to approve. Lyle seconded. Motion carried unanimously.

September: Librarian evaluation by the Board of Trustees

                     Greene County Annual Report due September 20, 2020

Adjournment: Motion, Cindy, seconded, Lyle. Motion passed.

Next Meeting: Monday, August 31, 2020


Brenda Roberts


Rippey Library Board Minutes June 29, 2021

Present: Jean Borgeson, President, Brenda Roberts, Secretary(via phone), Cindy Devilbiss, Lyle Rychnovsky, Phyllis Bardole, Librarian

Absent: Nancy Burrow, Trustee, Rick Liebich, City Liason

Jean called the meeting to order

Lyle moved to approve the Agenda. Nancy Seconded. Motion carried.

May minutes - Lyle made a motion to approve the mintes, Brenda seconded Motion carried.

Cindy made a motion to approve the June Bills. Lyle seconded. Motion carried.

A webcam, headphones, microphone, 2- SAMSUNG Galaxy Tab A Kids Edition tablets and 2- SAMSUNG Galaxy Tab A tablets were purchased to be used by the youth of the library. A policy for their usage will be drafted at next month's board meeting.

Phyllis reported recieving $500 from the Rotary for the purchase of new books.

New signage will be placed on the Library door: Open for checking out books Only.

This is the last board meeting for trustee, Jean Borgeson. A thank you gift and an acknowledgement of years of service to the community was extended.

4 new Trustees will be added at the July meeting.

Adjournment: Motion Jean, seconded Lyle. Motion passed.

Next Meeting: Monday, July 27, 2020 6:00 p.m.


Brenda Roberts


Rippey Public Library Board Minutes, June 29, 2020

The Library Board met for their regular meeting June 29, 2020 in the library.

Rippey Library Board Minutes June 29, 2020

Present: Jean Borgeson, President, Brenda Roberts, Secretary (via phone), Cindy Devilbiss, Lyle Rychonovsky, Phyllis Bardole, Librarian,

Absent: Nancy Burrow, Trustee, Rick Liebich, City Liaison

Jean called the meeting to order

Lyle moved to approve the Agenda. Lyle seconded. Motion carried

May Minutes - Lyle made a motion to approve the minutes, Brenda seconded. Motion carried.

Cindy made a motion to approve the June Bills. Lyle seconded. Motion carried

A webcam, headphones, microphone, 2- SAMSUNG Galaxy Tab A Kids Edition tablets and 2- SAMSUNG Galaxy Tab A tablets were purchased to be used by the youth of the library. A policy for their usage will be drafted at next month’s board meeting.

Phyllis reported receiving $500 from the Rotary for the purchase of new books.

New signage will be placed on the Library door: Open for checking out books Only. Masks will be required when in the library.

This is the last board meeting for trustee, Jean Borgeson. A thank you gift and an acknowledgment of  years of service to the community was extended.

Four new Trustees will be added at the July meeting.

Adjournment: Motion Jean, seconded Lyle. Motion Passed

Next Meeting: Monday, July 27, 2020 6:00 p.m.


Brenda Roberts


Rippey Library Board Minutes May 18, 2020

The Rippey Library Board of Trustees met for their regular meeting on May 18, 2020. Bills were paid and a special thanks and gift was given to Nancy Burrow for her years of service on the library board. Nancy was appointed at the April 3, 2014 city council meeting to finish a term and was appointed to her own term in July, 2019. Rev. Paul and Nancy will be moving soon to Indianola to begin their lives as newly retirees.

Rippey Library Board Minutes May 18, 2020 6:00 p.m.

Present: Jean Borgeson, President (via phone), Brenda Roberts, Secretary, Nancy Burrow (via phone), Cindy Devilbiss, Lyle Rychonovsky, Phyllis Bardole, Librarian,

Absent: Rick Liebich, City Liaison

Jean called the meeting to order

Lyle moved to approve the Agenda. Lyle Nancy seconded. Motion carried

April Minutes - Cindy made a motion to approve the minutes, Cindy Lyle seconded. Motion carried.

No Clerk’s report for May.

Nancy moved $1,000 to be paid to the Greene County Librarian Association for county newspaper digitization. Lyle seconded. Motion carried

Ipads have been difficult to purchase due to the present pandemic. The board chose to purchase (4) Tablets in place of the Ipads. Brenda will contact Mary Millard about changes to the technology order.

There was an election of Board of Trustee Officers. Cindy Devilbiss was voted in as the board President beginning July 1, 2020 for the fiscal year 2020-21. Brenda Roberts was voted in as the Secretary continuing the fiscal year 2020-21.

This is the last board meeting for trustee, Nancy Burrow. A thank you and an acknowledgment of  years of service to the community was extended.

Adjournment: Motion Jean, seconded Lyle. Motion Passed

Next Meeting: Monday, June 29, 2020 6:00 p.m.


Brenda Roberts


Rippey Library Board Minutes, April 27, 2020

The regular meeting of the Rippey Library Board was held Monday, April 27, 2020 in the library at 6:00. Routine business was taken care of.

Rippey Library Board Minutes April 27, 2020 6:00 p.m.

Present: Jean Borgeson, President (via phone), Brenda Roberts, Secretary, Nancy Burrow (via phone), Cindy Devilbiss, Lyle Rychnovsky, Phyllis Bardole, Librarian,

Absent: Rick Liebich, City Liaison

Jean called the meeting to order

Nancy moved to approve the Agenda. Lyle seconded. Motion carried

March Minutes - Lyle made a motion to approve the minutes, Cindy seconded. Motion carried.

Adoption of March Bills - Motion to approve by Nancy, seconded by Lyle. Motion carried

Mary Millard gave an understanding of money outstanding in the General Fund that needs to be used before the end of the fiscal year. 

$350.00 remains from a Tech Grant. This will be put towards the purchase of Ipads for student use in the library. Purchase of a webcam/microphone/earphones w/USB port for librarian use for Zoom meetings. Cindy made a motion to purchase tech equipment. Lyle seconded the motion. Motion carried

Brenda will contact Mary Millard to purchase tech equipment.

Awaiting information from head librarian at the Jefferson Public Library re: Rippey Public Library’s portion to be paid for county newspaper digitization project. 

Adjournment: Motion Cindy, seconded Lyle. Motion Passed

Next Meeting: Monday, May 18, 2020 6:00 p.m.

Brenda Roberts, Secretary


Rippey Library Board Minutes, March 30, 2020

The regular meeting of the Rippey Library Board met March 30, 2020 in the library. Bills were paid and the members voted to postpone (once again, from April 2019) the library 75th celebration to coincide with the 150th celebration on August 1, 2020.

Rippey Library Board Minutes March 30, 2020 6:00 p.m.

Present: Jean Borgeson, President (via phone), Brenda Roberts, Secretary, Nancy Burrow (via phone), Cindy Devilbiss, Lyle Rychnovsky, Phyllis Bardole, Librarian, Rick Liebich, City Liaison

Jean called the meeting to order.

Lyle moved to approve the Agenda. Cindy seconded. Motion carried

February Minutes - Cindy made a motion to approve the minutes, Lyle seconded. Motion carried. 

No Clerk’s Report

Adoption of February Bills - Motion to approve by Cindy, seconded by Lyle. Motion carried 

Phyllis reported on a County Librarian meeting via Zoom. Next meeting will be April 20, 2020

Rippey Public needs to put money toward digitizing Greene County newspapers. 

There was discussion by the Board to postpone the 75th Birthday Celebration for the library. Lyle made a motion to postpone the celebration until August 1, 2020. Nancy seconded. Motion carried 

The Board needs to hold an election of officers to begin duties June 1, 202 

Adjournment: Motion Lyle, seconded Cindy. Motion Passed 

Next Meeting: Monday, April 27, 2020 6:00 p.m. 

Brenda Roberts, Secretary


Rippey Library met in special session on March 19, 2020

The Rippey Library Board met in special session on March 19, 2020 to officially approve closing the library to foot traffic, complying with the state and county government recommendations

Rippey Public Library Board Minutes - Special Meeting March 19, 2020 

Special meeting was called to order by President, Jean Borgeson 

Present: President, Jean Borgeson (via phone), Secretary, Brenda Roberts, Nancy Burrow (via phone), Cindy Devilbiss, Lyle Rychnovsky, Phyllis Bardole (Librarian), Rick Liebich (City Liaison) 

Comments were heard from the public. Mary Millard questionably objected to the closing of the Library.

Cindy Devilbiss made a motion to close the Library to foot traffic for the safety of the community beginning Friday, March 20, 2020 thru April 13, 2020. 

Lyle Rychonovsky seconded the motion. Motion carried.

The Librarian will continue to fulfill other duties of the library as needed.

Lyle motioned to adjourn. Cindy seconded the motion. Motion carried

Next meeting will be held Monday, March 30, 2020

Brenda Roberts, Secretary


Rippey Library Minutes, February 24, 2020

The regular meeting of the Rippey Library Board met February 24, 2020 in the library. Voted to purchase a display case from the Greene County Historical Society, set April 25, 2020 open house for library and Lions Club. Summer Reading plans have been implemented, with Brenda Roberts directing the sessions.

Rippey Library Minutes February 24, 2020

Present: Jean Borgeson, President (via conference call), Lyle Rychnovsky, Cindy Devilbiss, Brenda Roberts, Secretary, Rick Liebich, City Council Liaiso

Agenda: Cindy made a motion to approve. Lyle seconded. Pass

No public comments were presented

Minutes read: Lyle motioned, Cindy seconded. Passed

Bills reviewed: Lyle motioned, Cindy seconded. Passed

General Fund: $7,291.91

Memorial Fund: $5,815.64

City Council approved the display case to be placed in the outer south room.

Lyle made a motion to purchase the display case. Cindy seconded. Passed

Display case will be purchased with funds from the Memorial Fund.

Phyllis drafted a letter to the Greene County Foundation with specifications for projected usage. 

New Business:

Brenda to purchase Summer Reading incentives before March 1.

March 2, 2020: County librarians will attend a morning meeting of the County Supervisors. Librarians will present digitizing newspapers. Phyllis and Lyle plan on attending the meeting.

March 9, 2020: Phyllis to attend Summer Reading Conference

75th Birthday Celebration of the Rippey Public Library set for Saturday, April 25, 2020. Lyled motioned. Cindy seconded. Passed

Motion to adjourn made by Cindy. Lyle seconded.

Next meeting: March 30, 2020 6:00 p.m. in the library

Brenda Roberts, Secretary


Rippey Library Board Minutes January 27, 2020

The Rippey Library Board of trustees met on January 27, 2020 at 5:30 in the library. Minutes were approved and bills were approved to be paid by the city clerk, A gift of $2500 was approved to be placed into the memorial fund. Sesquicentennial plans were discussed, as well as a report from Lyle concerning his attendance at the Greene County Supervisors meeting concerning the six libraries in the county. A policy concerning unsupervised children was drafted.

Rippey Public Library Board Minutes

Monday, January 27, 2020

 Meeting was called to order by Jean Borgeson, President.

 Present:Jean Borgeson, President (via conference call), Brenda Roberts, Secretary, Nancy Burrow, Lyle Rychnovsky, Phyllis Bardole, Librarian, Rick Liebich, City Council Liaison. Absent: Cindy Devilbiss

 Nancy moved to approve the Agenda. Lyle seconded the motion. Motion carried

 No public comments were shared.

 Lyle moved to approve the minutes as presented. Nancy seconded the motion. Motion carried 

The January 2020 bills were reviewed. Nancy moved to approve the bills to be paid by the City Clerk. Lyle seconded the motion. Motion carried

 Review financial report

Balances: January 27, 2020

General Fund: $8,181.95

Memorial: $5, 883.09

The library received a $2,500 gift.  After Board discussion, Lyle moved the $2500 gift to be placed in the Memorial Fund. Nancy seconded the motion.

 New Business:

 Lyle gave correspondence regarding his attendance of the Greene County Supervisors’ budget meeting on January 6, 2020.

 Mary Weaver spoke on the Sesquicentennial to be held August 1, 2020. Discussions of the purchase of a display case were tabled until the February 2020 meeting.

 Old Business:

 Children under the age of 6 frequenting the library without proper supervision was discussed by the Board.  A letter from the Board will be drafted and presented to the parents of children referring to the liability issues to the library.

 The Board discussed a meeting time change in February from 5:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.

 Nancy moved to adjourn. Lyle seconded the motion. Motion carried

 Next meeting: February 24, 2020 at 6:00 p.m.

Brenda Roberts, Secretary


Meeting Minutes - 2019:

Rippey Library Board Minutes, December 16, 2019

The regular meeting of the Rippey Library Board of Trustees was held December 16, 2019 at 5:30 in the library. Minutes and bills were approved. A policy was reviewed.

Rippey Public Library Board Minutes

Monday, December 16, 2019

Meeting was called to order by Board Trustee, Nancy Burrow.

Present: Secretary, Brenda Roberts, Nancy Burrow, Cindy Devilbiss, Lyle Rychonovsky, Phyllis Bardole (Librarian) Absent: President, Jean Borgeson, Rick Liebich (City Liaison)

Lyle moved to approve the Agenda. Cindy seconded the motion. The motion carried. No public comments were shared.

Cindy made a motion to approve the minutes as presented. Lyle seconded the motion. Motion carried

The November 2019 bills were reviewed. Lyle moved to approve the bills to be paid by the City Clerk. Cindy seconded the motion. Motion carried

Review financial report

Balances: December 16, 2019

General Fund: $6,806.08

Memorial: $3,438.73

New Business

The Board referred to the policy manual in regards to children accessing the library unaccompanied by an adult. According to policy, “A child under the age of 6 must be accompanied by a seventh grade or older sibling or a parent/guardian who will be responsible for them in the library.”


The Lions’ Club and the Public Library will work jointly to prepare a celebration of 75 years of service by both institutions.

The Board discussed the possible purchase of a new Excel program for the library.

Phyllis, Lyle and Nancy plan to attend the meeting of the county supervisors regarding county budgeting distributions on January 6, 2020.

Coverage of the library hours from December 27, 2019-January 17, 2020 will be handled by Trustees.

Lyle moved to adjourn. Cindy seconded the motion. Motion carried

Next meeting: January 27, 2020 @ 5:30 p.m. in the library.

Brenda Roberts, Secretary


Rippey Library Board Minutes, November 25, 2019

The regular meeting of the Rippey Library Board met on November 25, 2019 at 5:30 in the library. The budget was discussed and worked on together. A proposal was drafted to submit to the city council for the 2020-2021 fiscal year. The proposed additions to the Personal Policy were approved.

Rippey Library Board Minutes November 25, 2019

Meeting called to order by President, Jean Borgeson.

Present: President: Jean Borgeson, Secretary: Brenda Roberts, Nancy Burrow, Lyle Rychonovsky, Phyllis Bardole (Librarian), Rick Liebick (City Liaison)

Absent: Cindy Devilbiss

Lyle moved to approve the Agenda as presented. Nancy seconded the motion. Motion carried

No public comments were shared.

Nancy moved to approve the Board Minutes as presented. Lyle seconded the motion. Motion carried

The November 2019 bills were reviewed. Lyle moved to approve the bills to be paid by the City Clerk. Nancy seconded the motion. Motion carried

Review financial report

Balances: November 25, 2019

General Fund: $7,569.70

Memorial: $3,438.73

New Business:

There was discussion among the board about Budget planning for the fiscal year 2020-2021. Lyle made a motion to approve the presented budget to be put before the Rippey City Council. Nancy seconded the motion. Motion carried.

 The Personnel Policy was discussed with some suggested changes to three items of the present policy. Nancy moved the Personnel Policy be approved with the suggested changes to be made. Lyle seconded the motion. Motion carried

 The annual Library children’s Christmas party will be held Wednesday, December 18, 2019.

 The board discussed and agreed to hold the December meeting on Monday, December 16, 2019.

 Phyllis is due to have surgery on Friday, December 27, 2019. The board discussed covering the library shifts through trustee assistance and other possible library volunteers.

 Lyle made a motion to adjourn. Nancy seconded the motion. Motion carried

 Next meeting: December 16, 2019 @ 5:30 p.m. in the library.

 Brenda Roberts, Secretary


Rippey Library Board Minutes October 28, 2019

The regular meeting of the Rippey Library Board met on October 28, 2019

Rippey Library Board Minutes October 28, 2019

 Meeting was called to order by President, Jean Borgeson.

 Present: President, Jean Borgeson, Secretary, Brenda Roberts, Nancy Burrow, Cindy Devilbiss, Lyle Rychonovsky, Phyllis Bardole (Librarian), Rick Liebich (City Liaison)

 Cindy moved to approve the Agenda. Lyle seconded the motion. The motion carried.

 No public comments were shared.

 Cindy moved to approve the minutes with a change of the Next meeting date at the end of the minutes from November 25 to October 28. Nancy seconded the motion. Motion carried.

 The October 2019 bills were reviewed. Nancy moved to approve the bills to be paid by the City Clerk. Lyle seconded the motion. motion carried.

 Review financial report

Balances: October 28, 2019

 General Fund: $8,411.66

Memorial: $3,594.79

 New Business

 Phyllis reported on Halloween Party, Flu Clinic, Fire truck, and Greene County Library Association programs.

 The 7th Annual Greene County Library Trustee Training will be held on Thursday, November 14, 2019 at the Jefferson Community Country Club 6:00-8:00 p.m. with Maryann Mori as the State Library Consultant leading the training.

 Nancy moved to adjourn. Lyle seconded the motion. Motion carried

 Next meeting: November 25, 2019 @ 5:30 p.m. in the library.

 Brenda Roberts, Secretary


Rippey Library Minutes September 30, 2019

The regular meeting of the Rippey Library Board met on September 30, 2019 at 5:30 in the library.

Rippey Library Board Minutes September 30, 2019

 Meeting was called to order by President, Jean Borgeson.

 Present: President, Jean Borgeson, Secretary, Brenda Roberts, Nancy Burrow, Cindy Devilbiss, Lyle Rychonovsky, Phyllis Bardole (Librarian), Rick Liebich (City Liaison)

 Cindy moved to approve the Agenda. Nancy seconded the motion. The motion carried.

 No public comments were shared

 Nancy moved to approve the August 2019 Board Minutes as presented. Cindy seconded the motion. The motion carried.

 The September 2019 bills were reviewed. Lyle moved to approve the bills to be paid by the City Clerk. Nancy seconded the motion. The motion carried.

 Review financial report

Balances: September 30, 2019

 General Fund: $7,095.51

Memorial: $3,519.79

 New Business

 Fundraiser ideas were discussed as well as a celebration of the 75th Anniversary of the Library. It is also the 75th Anniversary of the Rippey Lions’ Club. ex:

Combine with the Lions’ Breakfast in November.

 Cindy will look into ideas for the library can help celebrate the 150th Birthday of Rippey.

 Highlights were shared from the meeting held at the Jefferson Public Library for new library trustees.

 A letter was shared from the daughter of Dan Peters.

 Phyllis reported on the Mini Con held at Jefferson Community Center. It ran from 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. There were over 100 participants. Vendors were also present.

 There will be a Greene County Library Association meeting on the morning of October 21st at the Scranton Public Library.

 A Library Trustee meeting will be held at the Jefferson Country Club November 14 from 6-8:30 p.m.

 Lyle moved to adjourn. Nancy seconded the motion. Motion carried.

 Next meeting: November 25, 2019 @ 5:30 p.m. in the library.

Brenda Roberts, Secretary


Rippey Library Board Minutes August 26, 2019

Rippey Library Board Minutes August 26, 2019

 Meeting was called to order by President, Jean Borgeson.

 Present: President - Jean Borgeson, Secretary - Brenda Roberts, Nancy Burrow, Lyle Rychonovsky, Phyllis Bardole (Librarian), Rick Liebich (City Council liaison)

Absent: Cindy Devilbiss

Agenda was approved by acclamation

 No public comments were shared

 Lyle moved to approve the July 2019 Board Minutes as presented. Nancy seconded the motion. The motion carried

 The August 2019 bills were reviewed. Nancy moved and Lyle seconded the motion to approve the bills to be paid by the City Clerk. The motion carried

 Review financial report

Balances August 26, 2019

 General Fund: $8010.00

Memorial: $3,410.91

 New Business

 A workshop for new Library Board Trustees will be held at the Jefferson Public Library on Tuesday, September 24, 2019 at 6:30 p.m.

 September is Promote Your Library Month

October is State Library Advocate Month

 There was discussion about upcoming budget planning

 It was agreed to purchase two corded mouse devices to use with computers. Lyle moved to approve and Nancy seconded. The motion carried.

 A Thank You to Luann and Jack Waldo for the gift of a subscription to the IOWA Magazine was discussed.

Phyllis reported on donated books to the library.

 Lyle moved to adjourn and Nancy seconded. Motion carried.

 Next meeting: September 30, 2019 @ 5:30 p.m. in the library.

Brenda Roberts, Secretary


Rippey Library Board Minutes July 29, 2019

The regular meeting of the Rippey Library Board met July 29, 2019 in the library. The board welcomed new board members Cindy Devilbiss and Rychonovsky.

Rippey Library Board Minutes July 29, 2019   

Meeting was called to order by Nancy Burrow as President, Jean Borgeson was unable  to attend.   

 Present: Brenda Roberts, Secretary, Nancy Burrow, Cindy Devilbiss, Lyle Rychonovsky,  Rick Liebich (City Council liaison), Phyllis Bardole (librarian)   

Agenda was approved by acclamation.   

Lyle moved to approve the June 2019 Board Minutes as presented and Cindy seconded  the motion. The motion carried.   

The July 2019 bills were reviewed. Lyle moved and Cindy seconded the motion to  approve the bills to be paid by the City Clerk. The motion carried.   

Review financial report 

 Balances July 29, 2013   

General Fund: $8,872.83 

Memorial: $3,535.66   

A formal ‘Welcome’ as newly appointed Library Board Trustees was extended to Cindy  and Lyle.   

 Phyllis reported on the progress of computer upgrades happening at the library through  Bits of Technology.   

 Brenda gave an overview of library reports at the July City Council meeting and a  reflection of the Summer Reading Program. The summer program theme was’ A  Universe of Stories’. Attendees ranged from age 5 to age 12. Eight children were in attendance with assistance from 3 middle school students.   

 Phyllis reported on library certification dates beginning in September.   

 Lyle moved and Cindy seconded to adjourn. Motion carried   

Next meeting: August 26, 2019 @ 5:30 p.m. in the library. 

Brenda Roberts, Secretary


Rippey Library Board Minutes June 24, 2019

The Rippey Library Board met for their regular meeting on Monday, June 24, 2019. Bills were approved and approval of Bits of Technology in Perry to update computers and purchase the computer and printer with money provided by the Grow Greene County Grant. Honored retiring board member, Dale Hanaman.

Rippey Library Board Minutes June 24, 2019  (To be approved at the next meeting)

The regular meeting of the Rippey Library met on Monday, June 24, 2019 in the library. 

Knowing that Jean and Nancy would be out of town, Dale had consulted Mariann Mori on the legality of using remote attendance.  It is legal as long as everyone can hear each other.

Dale called Jean Borgeson and Nancy Burrow, and they both answered and said they could hear everyone.  He then called the meeting to order.

Present:  Dale Hanaman, Brenda Roberts, Rick Liebick , Lyle, Rychonovsky, and Nancy Burrow and  Jean Borgeson by their speaker phones. 

President Dale Hanaman called the meeting to order.

Agenda  was approved by acclamation  

Public Comment:

Nancy moved and Brenda seconded a motion to adopt the May 2019 board minutes as read. The motion carried.

The June 2019 bills were reviewed.   Nancy moved and  Brenda  seconded the motion to approve the bills to be paid by the city clerk.  The motion carried.

Review FY 2018-2019 financial report 

Balances June 30, 2019

General Fund:   $3,300.00

Memorial:   $3,747.00  (includes $2,000 reimbursement from CD in April 2018, as well as undesignated donations and memorials.} 

Election of Officers: Since the city didn’t appoint the three vacated seats at their last meeting, Brenda nominated Jean as president for the ensuing year and Jean nominated Brenda to be secretary for the ensuing year.  The members accepted these nominations. 

Dale reported on the computer & printer upgrade (Michael from Bits of Technology) The  estimate was shared.  A discussion was held and the non-members were asked for their input.

Brenda moved Nancy seconded to use Bits of Technology to upgrade the computers and printer.  The matching funds for the Growing Greene County Grant will be used from the carryover money, CD reimbursement from 2018 or non-designated donations/memorials received during the year.  (Lions Club, anonymous donations or memorial money that families and friends have not designated for a particular use.}  Motion carried

City Council Meeting – Dale shared information from Maryann Mori communication concerning the city’s non-action to vote on the names submitted for filling the vacant seats on the board. 

There seems to be a legal glitch the city will have to address before filling the vacancies.  The city would have to put any changes to the 1983 ordinance on a ballot at an election of the city citizens.  The 2002 code didn’t address the changes from five board members from the city to seven, (three from township, two from city), by a vote of the city. Dale has shared this information with the mayor, Dan Brubaker.

 We would hope the inaction of the 2002 council would not impair the current governing body of the city, along with their attorney, can find a temporary solution for the library in time for the city elections in November.  At that time, perhaps the wording and number of trustees can be on the ballot and be decided for the best interest of the city library by their citizens.

 In the meantime, we still need three board members to fill the vacancies, by our next meeting.

 Phyllis reported the fire marshal did a check of the building.  The table in front of the exit door on the north side of the room needed to be removed.  This was done, with the keyboard temporarily removed to the kitchen by councilman Garry Higgins. Janice Johnston has the other keyboard to use for her piano students.

Programs for June-July mainly will be the summer reading sessions, led by Brenda Roberts.

There were no further remarks from the board or librarian.

Phyllis presented a card of thanks and monetary gift to Dale from the current board members and librarian, as well as some past librarians and board members and thanked him for the many years of leadership and dedication.  Dale was appointed to fill a vacancy on the board July 1, 2008 appointed to his own term July 2013.

Nancy moved and Brenda moved to adjourn. The motion carried.

Next Meeting will be July 29 at 5:30 p. m. in the library.

Jean Borgeson, Secretary

At the city council meeting July 1, 2019 the council approved Nancy Burrow to her own term, as well as Cindy Devilbiss, and Lyle Rychonovsky to complete the vacancies on the board.  

 The city approved matching county levy $6,449 + $1 for funding FY 2019-2010. 

 Ordinance for library will be placed on the November city election ballot.


Rippey Library Board Minutes May 20, 2019

Rippey Library Board of Trustees met for their regular meeting on Monday, May 20, 2019. The corrected minutes of March 25 April 29 were reviewed and approved as corrected. Summer Reading plans are underway. Two new names to present to city for approval to serve on the board, filling expired terms, were Scot Groves and Lyle Rychonovsky, as well as Nancy Burrow who agreed to serve her own term as long as they live in Rippey.

Rippey Library Board Minutes May 29, 2019

(approved at the June 24, 2019 meeting)

The Rippey Library Board of trustees met at the library on Monday, May 20, 2019 for their regular meeting.  The meeting was moved up a week because of Memorial Day.

Those attending were Dale Hanaman, Nancy Burrow, Brenda Roberts and Jean Borgeson, trustees and Phyllis Bardole, Librarian.  Scot Groves was also in attendance.

The agenda was approved by acclamation.

There were no public comments.

The corrected minutes of March 25, as well as the April 29 minutes were reviewed. Brenda made a motion to approve both minutes as read and Nancy seconded the motion.  The motion carried.

The city clerk’s report was reviewed.

May Balances:

General Fund:  $4,171.05

Memorial Fund:  $3,838.84

Grant:  $1,383.oo (includes $100 left from last year’s Rotary grant)

Petty cash:  107.33

Gillett Fund:  $22, 402.37

 Phyllis reported no correspondence this month.

In June, the program, “Insect Zoo” will be presented in each of the Greene County Libraries. The presenters are from Iowa State University and the program is funded by the Greene County Supervisors and the Greene County Library Association.  The program will be at Rippey on June 27, 2019 at 4:30 at the library.  Phyllis has contacted Claudia about the use of the library for this event.  The public will be encouraged to attend.  Phyllis may need volunteers to help provide snacks and drinks. 

The theme for Summer Reading is, “A Universe of Stories” and will be held later this summer.  The dates will be determined by the volunteers who are willing to help lead the sessions. 

Dale reported the city council approved to roll over any carryover funds from this fiscal year to 2019-2020 fiscal year at their meeting on May 6, 2019.  The library was opened several weeks this year due to the resignation of the previous librarian and the time it took to advertise and schedule interviews for a librarian.  Also, volunteers kept the library open when Phyllis was recovering from surgery.  There were no payroll or book expenses during this time.

Jean reported she was grateful to get a “yes” answer to the first two people she called to be on the library board!  Lyle Rychonovsky agreed to finish Connie’s term, which ends June 30, 2019 and then begin his own term on July 1, 2019.  Scot Groves agreed to replace Dale, as his term ends June 30, also.  Scot will begin his term on July 1, 2019, also.  The terms are for six year.  Also, Nancy Burrow agreed to serve her own term as long as they remain in Rippey. Nancy was completing the term of Connie Ades when she resigned and moved to the country. 

Phyllis will present these selections to be approved by the city council meeting on June 3, 2019.

The board decided to table the review of the policies listed.  These policies were developed with the help of the state consultant and the state law librarian. A motion by Nancy and second by Brenda was made to send the Confidentially and Sex Offender policies, as well as the Children’s Internet Safety Policy to those people at the state level, to review and make sure there were no new rules made since they were written.

Phyllis brought up a concern about the cleaning.  She is finding it increasingly difficult to physically do at this moment.  The volunteers, who have helped in the past, have the same problem.  To clean during hours open takes away from the business of running the library and away from the desk, which she doesn’t feel she should do, especially if there are people in the library.

Jean expressed a desire to have Scot take a picture of the board and Phyllis, with Dale, as she will be in AZ in June.  Scot agreed and did just that! 

Jean said, in part, “Dale was another person who said “yes” to Velda and I when we asked him to fill  a vacancy in 2008.  Thank you Dale, for the many years of volunteering your time, your cooking skills and your willingness to complete your term.”

Brenda made the motion to adjourn and Nancy seconded the motion.  The motion carried

The next meeting will be June 24, 2019

Jean Borgeson, Secretary


Rippey Library Minutes April 29, 2019

The Rippey Library Board of Trustees met for their regular meeting.

Rippey Library Board of Trustees Minutes April 29, 2019

(to be approved at the next meeting.)

The Rippey Library Board of Trustees met on Monday, April 29, 2019 at 5:30 in the library for their regular meeting.

Those attending were Dale Hanaman, Nancy Burrow, Brenda Roberts, Connie Neese, and Jean Borgeson, Trustees, Phyllis Bardole, Librarian and Rick Liebick, City Council Liaison.

The agenda was unanimously approved.

There was no public comment.

Adoption of the March 2019 minutes was approved with a few spelling and grammar corrections.  Connie made the motion to approve the corrections and Brenda seconded the motion.  

The April bills were approved by a motion by Nancy and second by Brenda.

The members reviewed the city clerk’s financial report.

April Deposits: 

Memorial:  $500.00

Greene County 4th quarter:  $1, 639.75

Grow Greene County Grant:  $1,283.00

City of Rippey to Library from Gillett CD ($1,500 back to Memorial from last June; $500.00 to General) This action was approved by the council on May 7, 2018.

April 2019 Balances

General:  4,780.73

Memorial:  3,818.84

Grant remaining:  1,383.00

Petty Cash:  105.08

Jerry Gillett CD  22,402.37  (interest added:  133.12)


 Phyllis reported on the county librarian association meeting, held in Paton this morning.  She received a memorial from the children of Midge Vannatta.  Money was given in memory of Barb Parkison, who served on the board from 2008-2010 when she and her daughter, Pastor Deb Parkison, moved to Manson.  Barb passed away April 19, 2019. This deposit will be noted on next month’s report.

The summer reading was discussed.   Decisions will be made in the coming months about dates and volunteers to help.

Dale announced a reminder from the city clerk that a motion was needed to make to request to the city council that extra library funds at the end of the year be rolled over into fiscal year 2019-2020. Nancy made the motion, Brenda seconded and it carried.

Dale announced he would be completing his term on June 30 and will not be serving another term. Connie and Nancy’s term will be up, also.  Connie will be moving and that term ends on June 30, also. Nancy agreed to be re-appointed to her own term as long as she and her husband stay in Rippey.  Several names were mentioned to contact for two library board members, one from the country and one from the city.  Jean will contact those people.

There were no more comments from the librarian or the board members, so Nancy moved and Connie seconded the motion to adjourn. 

The next meeting will be Monday, May 20, 2019, due to Memorial Day being on our regular meeting night.

Jean Borgeson, Secretary


Rippey Library Minutes March 25, 2019

The Rippey Library Board of Trustees met March 25, 2019 for their regular meeting. Some attended the Greene County Foundation awards night to accept our grant.

Rippey Libary Board Minutes March 25, 2019

(approved as corrected at the May 25th meeting)

Dale Hanaman, Connie Neese, Brenda Roberts, Rick Liebich, Nancy Burrow, and Phyllis Bardole attending.

The February minutes and approval of bills were motioned to accept by Brenda Ro berts and seconded by Connie Neese.

The grant from Greene County Community Foundation awards are tonight. Some members of the board will travel to Jefferson to recieve the check for a grant to the Rippey Public Library for $1,283.00, which is 3/4 of amount needed (library will need to pay 1/4, aproximately $427) for two patron computers, one desk computer and a printer.

A motion from Nancy, second from Brenda to authorize Dale Hanaman to deposit the check from Greene County Community Foundation for $1283.00 for purchase of two patron computers, one desk computer, and a printer, with approximately $427.00 from library funds.  He will turn in bills and receive reimbursement check from the city as soon as possible. Motion passed.

Program for April 11 is Greene County Reads.  Phyills has worked to get copies available of School for Unwanted Girls.

Library Policies were reviewed.

Rippey Library  Collection Developemt Policy:  A motion to remove one sentence on having some resources available that can be accessed by internet. Motion by Connie Neese and seconded by Brenda Roberts.  Motion carried.

Rippey Library Grievance Policy was reviewed with no changes.  A motion to approve as reviewed was made by Brenda Roberts and seconded by Nancy Burrow.  Motion carried.

The Rippey Library Duties of Librarian were reviewed and approved with no changes.  Motion  by Nancy Burrow and second by Brenda Roberts.

Rippey Library Personel Policy was reviewed and approved with no changes. Motion by Brenda Roberts and seconded by Connie Neese.  Motion carried.

A motion to adjourn by Brenda Roberts and Seconded by Connie Neese was passed.

The next meeting will be Monday, April 29, 1t 5:30.

Respectifully submitted by Nancy Burrow, Secretary Pro-Tem.


Rippey Library Board Minutes Feb. 25, 2019

The regular meeting of the Rippey Library Board met on February 25, 2019. The trustees approved the bills and made a tentative schedule for opening the library while Phyllis recovers.

Rippey Public Library Board of Trustees, Monday, Feb. 25, 2019

(to be approved at the next meeting)

The regular meeting of the Rippey Board of Trustees met on Monday, February 25, 2019 at 5:30 on the library.

Attending were, Nancy Burrow, Connie Neese, Dale Hanaman  and Jean Borgeson, trustees and Phyllis Bardole, librarian.  Absent were Brenda Roberts and Rick Liebich.

The meeting was called to order by Dale.  The agenda was changed by acclamation to include the approval of the December 2018 minutes, as stated in the January minutes.

The December 2018 minutes and the January 2019 minutes were reviewed. Nancy made a motion to approve both sets of minutes and Connie seconded the motion.  The motion carried.

The bills were presented and Nancy made a motion to approve the bills to be paid with Connie seconding the motion.  The motion carried.

Phyllis read a correspondence concerning the final schedule for the summer reading, featuring insects.  There will be more information later.

The board planned a tentative schedule for opening the library for Phyllis during the time of her recovery.

The Art on the Fly is February 26.  There are 15 signed up for the event. Some Board members and Phyllis are furnishing cookies and apple juice.

Nancy made a motion to adjourn with Connie seconding the motion.  The motion carried.

The next meeting will be Monday, March 25, 2019 at 5:30.

Jean reminded the group that she will be in AZ next time.

Jean Borgeson, Secretary


Rippey Library Board Minutes January 28, 2019

The Rippey Library Board of Trustees met for their regular meeting on January 28, 2019.

Rippey Public Library Board Meeting  January 28,2019

Present:   Dale Hanaman , Nancy Burrow, Connie Neese, Phyllis Bardole

Meeting called to order at 5:40

Agenda approved by acclamation

No public comment

Adoption of December Minutes- tabled until Feb board meeting (moved by Neese, seconded by Burrow. Passed

Review of Current clerk’s report

Reiew of Creene County Founation Grant Application 

                                        Phyllis Reported on the Art on the Fly Program will be held Feb 26, 6-9 pm At the library

Review of Grant Application Greene County Community Foundation

Review Sexual Harassment of Employees Policy City of Rippey

       Policy reviewed and accepted

Review Budget Proposal 2019-2020

       Policy reviewed, and will need some tweaks, hours, raises and other adjustments.  

Proposed Car Show

       Katrina  Buttler  with a group sponsored a Car show a couple of years ago.  They would like to sponsor again this year with proceeds going to the Library.

Suggested list

   Dale presented a list of books that the library my want to consider to the library to purchase.

Adjournment by acclamation.

Next meeting  Monday February 25, 2019   5:30  Respectfully submitted Nancy Burrow


Meeting Minutes - 2018:

Rippey Library Board Minutes December 17, 2018

The regular meeting of the Rippey Library Board of Trustees met on Dec. 17, 2018 due to the regular meeting date falling on Christmas Eve.

Rippey Library Board Minutes  December 17, 2018   5:30pm

(To be approved at the next meeting)

Attendance Rick Liebick, Connie Neese, Dale Hanaman, Phyllis Bardole, Brenda Roberts, Nancy Burrow

Agenda was approved by consensus

There was no public comment

Minutes were read and approved with previous corrections (moved by Roberts, scan easily seconded by Neese)

Finances  Hanaman explained a new format so the board how to follow how our funds are being spent

Bills for December were reviewed and accepted to be paid. (moved by Neese, seconded by Roberts)

Proposed budget was reviewed and it was decided that we may need to make some changes, and will be voted on at a later date.

Librarian    Bardole reported that the printer is inconsistent in its operation. This will be included in grant that is in progress in being written.

Katrina Buttler (former librarian) asked if we would be interested in having another Car Show in October (as we had in the past.) With money from the show, benefitting the library, the board decided to have Buttler go ahead with plans. Motion  Roberts, second  Neese)

Bardole asked if the library board was interested in another Art on the Fly event. During our discussion, we told Bardole to go ahead and get information, dates, etc.

Grant writing

Mary Weaver in working on writing a grant for the library to get a Large Screen computer, 2 Laptop computer to replace ones that are not working                                      And a printer.   We will need to come up with matching funds in order to get the grant.

The board discussed the Christmas party for the children and adults Wednesday December 19 from 2:30 to 4:30.

Adjournment  motion by Burrow, seconded by Roberts.

Next board meeting will be January 28 at 5:30

Respectfully submitted,

Nancy Burrow

Substitute Secretary


Rippey Library Board Minutes November 19, 2018

The Circulation and Volunteer Policies were reviewed, updated and approved at the regular meeting on November 19, 2018. The budget request for FY 2019-2020 was approved for consideration by the city.

Rippey Library Board of Trustees Meeting

Monday, November 19, 2018  (to be approved at next meeting)


The regular meeting of the Rippey Board of Trustees met on Monday, November 19, 2018 at 5:30 in the library.  Those attending were:  Trustees, Dale Hanaman, Connie Neese, Nancy Burrow, Brenda Roberts and Jean Borgeson, along with Phyllis Bardole, Librarian and City Liaison, Rick Liebich. 

The agenda was approved by general consensus.

There was no public attending, wishing to speak.

The minutes of the October meeting were reviewed.  Connie made the motion to approve and Nancy seconded the motion.  Motion carried.

The November bills were reviewed and Dale apologized and thanked city clerk, Mary Millard for catching the fact that the three holidays weren’t included in the payroll.  The adjustment was made too late for Mary to include in her report and will be shared later, when she has the time to correct the figures. 

There was no correspondence from Phyllis, but she sent a thank you to the States family for their donation in memory of Janet Fessler.

The Circulation Policy was reviewed, and with suggested changes, the motion by Nancy and seconded by Connie, the motion carried.  Dale will send the corrected version to the trustees, librarian and city clerk to be shared.

The Service Policy and Salary Policy to be reviewed was determined to have been done at the October meeting.

The Volunteer Policy was reviewed and the motion by Nancy and second by Brenda, carried.

Dale shared the budget request for Fiscal Year 2019-2020 and Nancy moved and Connie seconded the motion to submit the figures to the city for consideration.  These figures include using some of the Gillett funds to cover some matching funds for grants.

Dale reminded the group that Mary Weaver and he will be attending the “Focus on Grant Writing” workshop on Thursday, November 29, 2018.  A decision needed to be made for the application for a grant to purchase a printer and two laptop computers, for Mary Weaver to help write the grant from the Greene County Foundation, as the deadline is soon.   We will have to match funds. The trustees unanimously approved going forward with this application. 

The other items, Data Base Purchase, E-Book –Bridges, and other Databases were tabled until a later date.

The library will host a Christmas party on Wednesday, December 19.  The details will be worked out by Phyllis and the board members.

Phyllis reminded the group that Monday the 29th, she will be gone and Monday Dec. 10, she will be traveling home from Wisconsin and will need a volunteer.    Nancy and Jean will check their schedules.

Jean reminded the members that she would be in AZ for the next meeting. 

There being no other comments from the librarian or the board members, Brenda moved and Connie seconded the motion to adjourn.

The next meeting is Monday, December 17, at 5:30.  Note the change in day, due to the Christmas Holiday.

Jean Borgeson, Secretary


Rippey Library Board Minutes, October 29, 2018

Change in meeting time to 5:30 to accommodate Rick Liebich, who was appointed by the city council as the city liaison to attend the library board meetings, as requested by the board at the council meeting on October 1, 2018. Approved Service Policy to reflect the hours open from 2-5 Monday-Friday. Approved salary for librarian.

Rippey Public Library Minutes, October 29, 2018

(to be approved at next meeting)

The regular meeting of the Rippey Public Library Board of Trustees met on Monday, October 29, 2018 at 5:30 in the library. (The change of time is to accommodate the appointed city liaison, Rick Liebich to the library board meetings that was approved at the city council meeting on October 1, 2018)

Attending were:  Nancy Burrow, Connie Neese, Brenda Roberts, Dale Hanaman, and Jean Borgeson, trustees; Phyllis Bardole, librarian and Rick Liebich.

Dale called the meeting to order with a general approval of the agenda. 

After reading and correcting the minutes to read Nancy Burrow, instead of Nancy Hanaman, Nancy Burrow moved and Connie Neese seconded the motion to approve the minutes of the regular meeting on September 24 as well as the two special meetings on September 27 and September 20.  The motion carried.

The bills were reviewed and a motion from Nancy Burrow with a second from Brenda Roberts to approve payment of the bills by the city clerk was approved by the trustees.

The city clerk’s report was reviewed.

October balances:

General:  $5,773.35

Memorial:  $1,940.00

Grant:  $325.92

Gillett CD:  $24,269.25

Petty Cash:  $10.00

The Service Policy was updated to reflect the current hours from 2-5 over the winter months.

A discussion of the librarian’s salary resulted in a motion from Brenda Roberts and second from Connie Neese, to increase the salary for the librarian to $9.00 an hour beginning November 1, 2018.

Dale shared a revision of the circulation report he had updated.  The trustees will look it over and vote on it at the November meeting.

The E-Rate process was reported by Dale.

Also, the “Edge” program that the state is encouraging their libraries to participate in was determined to be something our library wouldn’t qualify for, as we are too small.

Dale will continue reviewing and bringing our oldest policies forward for updating if needed. We will try to keep the “every three year” current for the policies.

Dale presented a tentative budget for the 2019-2020 Fiscal Year.  We will most likely have to use some of the Gillett CD to cover books, as memorial money doesn’t generate as much funds as in the past.

Suggestions for the future included a book study for adults and something for the kids on Wednesdays. A Christmas party was mentioned for early December.

Phyllis reported on the Greene County Library Association that was held this morning in Grand Junction.  Their next meeting will be in January and they will present their budget requests to the county supervisors.

Events we are all invited to attend:

Halloween party, Wednesday, October 31, from 4-5. 

There will be Library Trustees Training, Tuesday, November 13, at the Shriver Community Building in Paton from 6:00 - 8:00.  The theme “People Focused Library” will be led by Maryann Mori.  The count librarians will furnish soup and snacks.

There will be a Grant Writing training on November 29, from 5:30-8:30

Due to Phyllis being unable to attend the next meeting on Monday, November 26, our meeting will be held on November 19 at 5:30 in the library.

Further out:  the December meeting will be on December 17 at 5:30 because of Christmas Eve falling on our regular meeting night.

There being no further business, Connie Neese moved and Nancy Burrow seconded the motion to adjourn.  Motion carried.

Jean Borgeson, Secretary


Rippey Library Special Meetings, September, 27 and 30, 2018

Rippey Library Board interviews of librarian candidates on September 27 and confirmation of new librarian, Phyllis Bardole on September 30 2018.


Rippey Library Special Meeting to Interview Candidates for Librarian Position Minutes September 27, 2018

Rippey Library Board of Trustees met in special session on September 27, 2018 at 5:00 in the library for the purpose of interviewing the people who applied for the library director.

Attending were Dale Hanaman, Brenda Roberts, Nancy Burrow, Connie Neese, and Jean Borgeson.

Connie Neese had to leave before the interview sessions were over.

After the completion of the interviews, the remaining four trustees unanimously selected Phyllis Bardole as our new librarian for the Rippey Library.

Dale notified Dan Brubaker, Rippey Mayor, of our selection and would be announcing this during our monthly library report at their city council.

After a note from Mary Millard, Rippey City Clerk, questioning if we held another public meeting to discuss and approve the hiring, we consulted Maryann Mori, Central District Consultant, State Library  of Iowa and were advised we could hold a meeting over a weekend. 

A meeting was scheduled for Sunday, September 30, 2018 at 5:00 in the library   and posted the agenda on the inside the door at the library, on the bulletin board at Sparky’s, on the inside bulletin board inside the Post Office , which is always open and taped on the outside doors of the two banks Saturday afternoon before 5:00..

Rippey Library Board of Trustees  Special Meeting Minutes, September 30, 2018  at 5:00

Rippey Library Board of Trustees Special Meeting to Confirm the Choice of  our new Librarian

Present were Rippey Library Trustees Dale Hanaman, Brenda Roberts, Nancy Burrow, Connie Neese and Jean Borgeson.

Brenda Roberts  made a motion to approve the agenda and Nancy Burrow seconded the motion.  The motion carried.

No public was in attendance for comments.

Dale gave a brief review of the interviews for each of the candidates and asked the board if there was any comments to add. 

A motion to select Phyllis Bardole as our new librarian was made by Brenda Roberts and seconded by Nancy Burrow.  The motion carried unanimously.

All board members are planning to attend the city council meeting share the selection of the new librarian with the Rippey City Council..

There being no further business, Connie  Neese moved and Nancy Burrow seconded  the motion to adjourn.  The motion carried.

. Jean Borgeson, secretary


Rippey Library Board Minutes, September 24, 2018

Regular meeting. Included approval of the bills. Interview for librarian schedule was set up.

Rippey Library Minutes Monday, September 24, 2018

(to be approved at next meeting)

The regular meeting of the Rippey Public Library Board of Trustees met on Monday, September 24, 2018 at 5:00 in the library.

Attending were Dale Hanaman, Brenda Roberts, Nancy Burrow, Connie Neese and Jean Borgeson.

Dale called the meeting to order with a general approval of the agenda.

There was no public attending.

The minutes from the August meeting were approved with a motion from Nancy Burrow and second from Brenda Roberts. 

The city clerk’s report was reviewed.

The bills were presented and Brenda Roberts moved and Nancy Burrow seconded the motion to approve the bills to be paid by the city clerk.

The members discussed some correspondence concerning an upcoming trustees meeting at Paton.  Also, the group reviewed the application process.

 A review of the interview schedule was slated for Thursday, September 27.

Halloween party, old policies to review and budget proposal will be on agenda October 29, 2018.

Nancy Burrow moved and Connie Neese seconded the motion to adjourn.  Carried

Jean Borgeson, Secretary


Rippey Library Board Minutes August 27, 2018

The regular meeting of the Rippey Library Board of Trustees met on Monday, August 27, 2018. Resignation of librarian, ads for new librarian, open house and change in library hours were addressed.

Rippey Library Board  Meeting Monday, August 27, 2018

(to be approved at the next meeting)

The Rippey Library Board of Trustees met on Monday, August 27, 2018 at 5:00 in the library.  Attending were:  Dale Hanaman, Nancy Burrow, Connie Neese, Brenda Roberts and Jean Borgeson, trustees and Shawneene Kenan, Librarian.

Dale Hanaman, President, called the meeting to order. 

The agenda was approved unanimously.

No one from the public was in attendance.

The minutes from the July 25, 2018 meeting were reviewed.  Connie made a motion and Brenda seconded the motion to approve the minutes as read.  The motion carried.

The minutes from the August 20, 2018 special meeting were reviewed.  Connie made a motion and Nancy seconded the motion to approve the minutes as read.  The motion carried.

The city clerk’s report was reviewed.

August Balances:

Memorial:  2,009.66

General:  5,575.51

Petty Cash:  38.86

Gillett Fund:  24,178.83


 The bills were presented for approval.  Nancy made and Brenda seconded a motion to approve the bills to be paid by the city clerk.  The motion carried.

There was no correspondence.

The circulation and programs report from August was presented.  Shawneene cautioned the board that in the program migration from Concourse to the current system, some of the information has not transferred, so some information is missing.  Keeping daily records by a handwritten chart has been needed. 

There was no old business.

New business included discussing the process and timeline for the applications and hiring a new librarian. 

Starting Tuesday, September 4, the library will be open from 2-5.  Dale Hanaman, Nancy Burrow, Nancy Hanaman, Jean Borgeson and Connie Neese will be the volunteers.

The group was reminded of the open house on Thursday, August 30, from 3-5 for Shawneene.


Rippey Library Board Special Meeting, August 20, 2018

A special meeting of the Rippey Library Board of Trustees was held on August 20, 2018 to formally accept the resignation of Shawneene Kenan and to review the procedure to hire a new librarian.

Rippey Library Board of Trustees Special Meeting

Monday, August 20, 2018 at 10:30 a. m. in the community room.

The Rippey Board of Trustees met in Special Session on Monday, August 2018 at 10:30 a. m. in the community meeting room.  The meeting was called to formally accept the resignation of Shawneene, and to review and discuss the procedures to follow for hiring a new librarian.  Attending were, trustees, Dale Hanaman, Nancy Burrow, Connie Neese, and Jean Borgeson, and Shawneene Kenan, Librarian.  Absent was trustee Brenda Roberts.

Connie moved and Nancy seconded to accept the agenda.  The vote carried.

Nancy moved and Connie seconded the motion to accept, with much regret, the resignation of Shawneene Kenan as the Rippey Librarian.  Her last day will be August 31.

By acclamation, the September 15 fundraiser was postponed.

The board then discussed and reviewed the timeline and procedures to follow for hiring a new librarian, following the previous procedures in April, 2016, and advice from the Maryann Mori, Central District Consultant, State Library of Iowa.

It is hoped the interview process can begin on Tuesday, September 25, 2018.

The Library will stay open with volunteers until a librarian is hired. Hopefully a selection can be presented to and approved by the council, at their meeting on October 2, 2018.

Shawneene will be available to help train the new librarian.

There will be an open house from 2-4 on Thursday, August 30, 2018 for Shawneene.

The members were reminded of our regular meeting on Monday, August 27, at 5:00 in the library.

Jean Borgeson


Rippey Library Board Minutes July 30, 2018

The regular meeting of the Rippey Library Board of Trustees met on July 30, 2018. Programs were reported on and tentative plans for fundraiser and programs for fall were discussed.

Rippey Public Library Board Minutes July 25, 2019 

Connie Neese, Nancy Burrow, Shawneene Keenan, Dale Hanaman

Agenda approved Motion Nancy, seconded by Connie. Motion carried.

Minutes from June 25 meeting approved by consensus.

Treasurer’s Report Approved  Motion by Connie, seconded by Nancy, motion carried. Bills acceptance adopted

 Correspondence: Shawneene has received information from the Iowa Library Association concern the Edge program. See below.

Report on Programs

Will Struck Children’s Program – a fun program for children.                                                        

Summer Reading Program 6-8 children  participated.

 Old Business    No old business

 New Business

             Edge Program is a program from the State Library Edge is an on-line resource program to help evaluate and advance public technology.

            Gale is a program (to replace Ebsco) to help customers find information and resources for any research people would want to do.

            Mini Com Con to be held held August 4. A mini comic convention for children

 Board and Librarian Comments

We need to look at amounts and policies for Vacation Pay.

Do we want to hold a fund raiser for the library.  A spaghetti dinner perhaps with a silent auction?

We started looking at Tiny Cat.  This would be a replacement for the Concourse program.  This is the present computer library management program. It keeps track of books, books checked out, and so on. It was decided to wait until it is time to renew our subscription before we make a decision.

We talked about the possibility of having another Art on the Fly program.

 The library board also started to look at the Library Standards from the State Law Library.  These help allow the library to evaluate our present library, and look for ways to improve.

 Adjournment  Nancy moved, and Connie seconded we adjourn. Motion carried.

 Respectfully submitted

 Nancy Burrow, substitute secretary


Rippey Library Board Minutes June 25, 2018

The regular meeting of the Rippey Library Board of Trustees met on Monday, June 25, 2018. General business was taken care of and guest, Maryann Mori of the State Library Services gave a report on accreditation for libraries.

Rippey Library Board Minutes, June 25, 2018

(to be approved at next meeting)

The regular meeting of the Rippey Library Board of Trustees met on Monday, June 25, 2018 at 5:00 in the library.  Those attending were, Dale Hanaman, Nancy Burrow, Connie Neese, and Jean Borgeson, trustees; Shawneene Kenan, Librarian and one guest, Maryann Mori, District Consultant, Central District, State Library of Iowa.  Absent, Brenda Roberts.

There was a general approval of the agenda and no one from the public attended.

The minutes from the May meeting were approved by a motion from Connie and second from Nancy.

The city clerk’s final budget sheet for the fiscal year 2017-2018 was handed out.  With the use of memorial money to offset the shortfall, there is now zero amount in the general fund.  The council approved at their June 4, 2018 meeting to transfer $6,560.00 from the General Fund Account to the Library Fund per 2018-2019 Budget.  The Greene County share is $6,559.00 for the 2018-2019 Fiscal Year.  At some point in the next fiscal year, $2,000.00 from the Gillett CD will be used to reimburse the $1,200 Rotary Grant and $522.67 memorial money used to balance this year’s year-end budget, as was approved at the city council meeting on May 7, 2018. 

General Fund:  0

Memorial Balance:  $2,123.94 

Gillett CD:  $24,1787.83  April Balance

Petty cash: clerk’s statement: $17.93;  Librarian’s report:  $38.60 on hand.

The bills were reviewed and Nancy moved with a second from Connie that they be presented to the city for payment.

There was no correspondence and the circulation and programs report from June were handed out.

There was no old business.

New business included Maryann Mori of the State Library Services, who gave an interesting overview of the standards for accreditation for libraries.

Shawneene was certified in Public Library Management in May.  Congratulations to Shawneene!

Programs planned for July include GCLA meeting July 9, Library Booth for Extravaganza at the County Fair and Monday, July 16, children’s entertainer, Dennis Porter at 1 p. m. in the library. 

Shawneene will be on vacation July 23-31.  

An election by acclamation resulted in Dale continuing as president and Jean, secretary, for the ensuing year.

Jean reminded the members that she will be in AZ for the next meeting.  Nancy agreed to write the minutes.

The next meeting will be Monday, July 30, 2018 at 5:00 in the library.

Jean Borgeson, Secretary


Rippey Library Board Minutes, May 23, 2018

The regular meeting of the Rippey Library met on Wednesday, May 23, 2018, due to the regular meeting date being Memorial Day. Bills were approved, as well as the new summer hours adopted.


May 23, 2018
from 05:00 PM to 06:00 PM


Rippey Library

Contact Name

Shawneene Kenan, Librarian

Contact Phone


Add event to calendar


Rippey Public Library Minutes, Wednesday, May 23, 2018

(to be approved at next meeting)

The regular meeting of the Rippey Public Library Board of Trustees met on Wednesday, May 23, in the library at 5:00.  The meeting times were changed due to Memorial Day beingon the regular meeting night and the first date set didn’t work out.

Those in attendance were Dale Hanaman, Nancy Burrow, Connie Neese, Brenda Roberts and Jean Borgeson, trustees, and Shawneene Kenan, Librarian.

The agenda was unanimously approved by acclamation.

There was no one from the public in attendance.

The minutes from the March 30, 2018 regular meeting and the April 16, 2016 special meeting were approved as read by a motion from Nancy and seconded by Brenda. 

The clerk’s report will be shared in a couple days.

Balances for May

General Fund:  $714.91

Memorial Fund:  $2,646.61

Gellet Fund:  $24,178.83

Petty Cash:  $60.45

The bills were read and with a motion from Brenda and second from Nancy, the members approved the bills to be paid.

There was no correspondence.

The circulation and programs report from May were reviewed. It was noted that the Garden Gala program presented by Peg Gannon was very interesting.

There was no old business.

The new summer hours will be in effect as soon as school is out.

A nice group of people were in the next room painting their canvases. 

Plans for Summer Reading and programs will be from June 18-29. 

Shawneene reminded the members that Mariann Mori will be present at our next meeting, Monday, June 25, 2018 at 5:00.

There being no further business, Nancy made a motion and Brenda seconded the meeting adjourn.  



Rippey Library Board Minutes, April 30, 2018

The Rippey Library Board met on Monday, April 30, 2018 for their regular meeting in the library. A year-end adjustment will be needed to complete the budget for this year. The members voted to use the funds from the CD to cover any short-fall, rather than using memorial funds. Due to Memorial Day falling on our regular meeting night, the library will meet on Monday, May 21, 2018 at 6:00.

Rippey Library Board Minutes April 30, 2018

(To be approved at the next meeting)

The Rippey Library board met Monday, April 30, 2018 in the library at 5:00.  Attending were Dale Hanaman, Nancy Burrow, Connie Neese, Brenda Roberts, and Jean Borgeson, trustees and Shawneene Kenan, Librarian.  One guest, Mary Millard, Rippey City Clerk was also present.

There was a general approval of the agenda.            

Mary Millard, speaking for the council, expressed their desire to have a representative from the library board attend the city council meeting on May 7 to explain the reasons for asking for a library amendment to their budget to pay the bills out of the Jerry Gillett CD before June 30.  The board will be represented to answer any questions they may have at their meeting.

The minutes of the March 26 meeting were approved after some spelling corrections and the April 16 special meeting minutes were approved as read by a motion by Connie and seconded by Brenda.  Motion carried.

The city clerk’s year to date financial report was handed out and reviewed.


The bills were presented and Brenda made the motion to approve the bills for payment by the city council and Nancy seconded the motion.  Motion carried.

Summer hours were discussed and  Shawneene requested Thursday from 3-7 in June, July and August, with the other days remaining 1-5.

The Public Internet Policy was reviewed  and changes made with a motion from Connie and second from Brenda.  Motion carried.

The policy of the Duties of the Assistant Librarian were reviewed and a motion by Nancy and second by Brenda to approve the changes made was voted on.  Motion Carried

Dale will type them up and send  to all to review to be adopted at the May 21 meeting.

The events of April were reported on by Shawneene and included the Easter egg hunt, Greene County Reads and Toddler Fest.  Our library was able to count a share of attendance at these events, except Toddler Fest, as there was only one from Rippey attending, so the total was divided between the five remaining libraries.

The next meeting will be held Monday, May 21, 2018 at 6:00 in the library.  Note the change of date due to Memorial Day falling on our regular meeting day.

 Jean Borgeson, Secretary


Rippey Library Board Minutes, March 26, 2018

The Rippey Library Board met on March 26, 2018 for their regular meeting. Some policies were updated and the finances to June 30 were discussed.

Rippey Library Board Meeting on March 26, 2018

Connie Neese, Dale Hanaman, Shawneene Kenan, Nancy Burrow

Agenda was approved.

Minutes were reviewed.  Connie made a motion to approve minutes, Nancy seconded, approved.

Report from Treasurer- City states we have $926.  There should be a new check April 14. Discussion about paying for books from Memorial money.  Shaneene will check about this.

Bills from Shawneene . Nancy moved and Connie seconded to accept Report and pay bills as presented.

Program Report There were 8 children for the St.Patrick’s Day. Children reported they like painting projects. One will be scheduled, perhaps in April.

The board reviewed

Policy Statement. A few changes were made to add technology, and non-discrimination statements.  Approved.

The board reviewed the Severe Weather Policy. One addition was made. Approved.

The board reviewed the Policy concerning Unattended Children as reviewed and approved.


Easter Egg Hunt and decorating March 28.

Greene County reads April 20

Toddler Fest April 7


Respectfully submitted

                Nancy Burrow


Rippey Library Board Minutes, February 26, 2018

The regular meeting of the Rippey Library Board of Trustees met on Monday, February 26, 2018. Routine business, including approving the bills presented, library events, and reviewing policies were addressed.

Rippey Library Board Minutes February 26, 2018
(To be approved at the March meeting)
The Rippey Library Board of Trustees met on February 26, 2018 at 5:00 in the library.
Attending:  Dale Hanaman, Nancy Burrow, Connie Neese, Brenda Roberts and Jean Borgeson, trustees and Shawneene Kenan, Librarian.
President, Dale Hanaman called the meeting to order and a general approval of the agenda was given by the trustees.
The January minutes were approved as read with a motion from Brenda and second from Nancy.
There was no clerk’s report.
The bills were presented and reviewed.  Nancy made and Brenda seconded a motion to approve the library bills to be paid by the city at their March meeting. The expenses were $1,250.53 and income from the soup fundraiser was 482.50 plus a $40.00 donation, totaling $282.50. An additional $200.00 donation was given to Shawneene tonight.
Shawneene spoke about the online classes for Public Library Management (PLM) to be held April 6-May 25.  The Friday, April 6 class requires her to be present at the Pleasant Hill Library from 9:30 to 3:30.  She will put a sign on the door and let her patrons know ahead of time that the library will be closed that day.  The rest of the classes will be online.
Shawneene reported about the fun six kids had painting their projects on Valentine’s Day.  She has similar ideas for Easter.
The Rotary Grant Application was delivered and the results will be announced in April.  Shawneene reported that her husband, Mark, who works for Storey-Kenworthy, has donated a cupboard for the STEM materials asked for in the grant.
The Service Policy was reviewed, updated and adopted. 
After much discussion and rewrites, it was suggested Shawneene do some more research on the Circulation Policy wording and present her version at the March meeting.
The Confidentiality Policy was also tabled to review at a later date.
The Greene County Reads book has been selected and the librarians are in the process of coordinating the leader of the discussions, Jan Scharingson.  Rippey will be one of the host sites, this year.
Toddler-Fest is planned for Saturday, April 17.
Jean will be in AZ during the March meeting.  Brenda volunteered to be the secretary for the next meeting.
There being no further comments the meeting was adjourned with a motion by Nancy and second from Brenda.
The next meeting will be Monday March 26, 2018 at 5:00 in the library.
Jean Borgeson, Secretary


Rippey Library Board Minutes, January 29, 2018

The regular meeting of the Rippey Library Board of Trustees met Monday, January 29, 2018 at 5:00 in the library. Routine business included approving the bills to be presented to the city clerk for payment and finalizing plans for the soup luncheon to be held Saturday, February 17, 2018 from 11:00-2:00. A free-will offering will be taken to help supplement the budget.

Rippey Library Board Minutes January 29, 2018

(To be approved at the next meeting)


The Rippey Library Board met on January 29, 2018 at 5:00 in the library for their regular meeting.  Those present were Dale Hanaman, Nancy Burrow, Brenda Roberts, Connie Neese, and Jean Borgeson, Trustees and Shawneene Kenan, Librarian.

The meeting was called to order by President, Dale Hanaman.

There was a general approval of the agenda.

No one from the public was in attendance.

With a motion from Nancy Burrow and second from Brenda Roberts, the minutes from the December meeting were approved as read.

The city clerk’s report was reviewed and the bills presented to be paid were approved by all with the motion by Nancy Burrow and seconded by Brenda Roberts.

Balances for January 2018:

General:   $3,354.95

Memorial:   $210.00

Donations:  $1,972.76

Gillett CD  $24,100.72 

There was correspondence from the Greene County Library Association about their meeting with the county supervisors, explaining their budget asking for the fiscal year 2018-2019.

Shawneene wants to attend the Summer Reading Roundtable on the morning of March 8 at the Urbandale Public Library.  She may need someone to open or open late instead.

The circulation and program report from January were highlighted.  Shawneene announced that Rippey will be one of the host sites for the Greene County Reads.  Jan Scharingson will again be the leader and more information will be available, soon.

Old business included starting policy reviews, a few at a time, at the next meeting.  Shawneene will present some of the oldest dated policies at the next meeting.

The Soup luncheon will be held Saturday, February 18.  A free-will offering will help supplement the budget.

Shawneene discussed the Rotary Grant Application and is going forward with it, with some guidance from Mary Weaver.

There will be a Valentine craft on February 14 after school.

Toddler Fest is planned for Saturday, April 7.

There being no further comments, the meeting was adjourned.  The next meeting will be February 26, 2018 at 5:00 in the library.

Jean Borgeson, Secretary


Meeting Minutes - 2017:

Rippey Library Board Minutes December 18, 2017

The Rippey Library Board met on December 18, 2017. This was a change due to Christmas falling on their regular meeting night. Routine business was taken care of.

Rippey Library Board of Trustees Minutes December 18, 2017 (changed date because of Christmas)

To be approved at the next meeting

The regular meeting of the Rippey Library Board of trustees met on Monday evening, at 5:10 due to the forgetfulness of the secretary concerning the 5:00 meeting time.  Those present were Dale Hanaman, Nancy Burrow, Connie Neese and Jean Borgeson, trustees.  Trustee, Brenda Roberts, was absent.  Shawneene Kenan, Librarian, was also in attendance.

The agenda was approved by unanimous acclamation and there being no one from the public to speak, the meeting continued.   

The city clerk’s report was reviewed and the bills presented.  Nancy moved and Connie seconded the motion to approve the bills for payment by the city.  The vote carried.

Account Balances to date:

Memorial:  $160.00

General:  $2,992.24

Petty Cash:  $37.46

Gillett CD:  $24,100.72 (October)

There was no correspondence. 

The Tier status application was reviewed and the general consensus was that Rippey could never reach the goals required.

The December circulation and program reports were handed out.

Shawneene will attend the Greene County Library Association meeting on Monday, January 8, 2018 and together they will attend the Greene County Supervisor’s meeting to report and ask for their budget increase to be approved.

Old business included a review of the November 6, 2017 Trustee Training and the goal to review and, if needed, update policies in the coming months, starting with the oldest dates last reviewed.

Some kind of fundraiser will be considered for February or March.  Plans can be finalized by E-mail before our January meeting. 

There being no further comments from the librarian or board members, Nancy moved and Connie seconded to adjourn.  Carried

The next meeting will be Monday, January 29, 2018 at 5:00 in the library.

Jean Borgeson, Secretary


Rippey Library Board Minutes November 27, 2017

The Rippey Library Board of Trustees met for their regular meeting on November 27, 2017. General business was taken care of and the budget was approved to submit to the city for the 2018-2019 Fiscal Year.

Rippey Library Board Minutes November 27, 2017

(To be approved at next meeting)

The regular meeting of the Rippey Library Board of Trustees met on Monday, November 27, 2917 in the library.  Those present were Dale Hanaman, Nancy Burrow, Connie Neese, Brenda Roberts and Jean Borgeson, trustees, and Shawneene Kenan, Librarian.

President, Dale Hanaman called the meeting to order and the agenda was approved by a general agreement.

There was no public comment

The minutes from the October meeting were reviewed, corrected and approved with a motion by Nancy and seconded by Brenda. 

The Clerk’s report and bills submitted were reviewed.  Connie moved and Nancy seconded  the motion to accept the report and approve the bills to be submitted to the city clerk for payment.

Balances for November

General Fund:                  $4,135.40

Memorial Fund:                $160.00

Other Income:                  $1847.00

Petty Cash:                       $165.76

Gillett CD:                         $24,100.72 (October)

The circulation and program report for October was shared and the final figures for the budget were reviewed.  Nancy made the motion and Brenda seconded the motion to submit the 2018-2019 budget to the city to be considered in their budget planning for next year.  The motion carried.

New business included accepting a donation of a printer from her and husband Mark, as they were updating at home and donated the one they were replacing to the library.  The board accepted this donation with a grateful thanks to the Kenan’s.

Shawneene reminded the group of the upcoming music recital featuring the students of Janice Johnston and a Christmas gathering to be held Wednesday, December, 13 at 2:30.

There being no further business, Connie moved and Nancy seconded the motion to adjourn.

The next meeting will be Monday, December 18, 2017 at 5:00.  Note change of day, due to Christmas falling on our regular meeting night.


Rippey Library Board Minutes, October 27, 2017

The regular meeting of the Rippey Library Board of Trustees met in the library October 27, 2017. Bills were approved, reminder of the Trustee Training, to be held at Rippey on November 6, 2017 was shared and the group welcomed Connie Neese as a new trustee to fill out a vacant term.

Rippey Library Board of Trustees Meeting

Monday, October 27, 2017

(to be approved at the next meeting)

Attending were Dale Hanaman, Nancy Burrow, Connie Neese, Trustees and Shawneene Kenan, Librarian.  Absent, Brenda Roberts.

The meeting was called to order by President, Dale Hanaman.  The agenda was approved.

There was no public comment.

The minutes from the September 25, 2017 meeting were approved as read by a motion from Nancy and a second from Connie.

The Clerk’s report was reviewed and the bills to be paid were presented.  Nancy moved the bills be presented to the city for payment and Connie seconded.  The motion carried.


General:  $5,546.49

Memorial:  $2,451.87

Gillett Fund:  $24,100.72

The correspondence concerning the Trustee Training, to be held at Rippey on November 6, 2017 was shared.  The supper of soup and dessert will be provided by the County Liberians.  The training will begin with Maryann Mori, Consultant of Central District, State Library of Iowa in charge.

The circulation and programs report from September was handed out and reviewed.

There was no old business

New Business: The board welcomed Connie Neese who agreed to fill out the term of Carmen McColley.  Carmen was approved by the city on December 1, 2014 to fill out the term of Mary Millard, who resigned October 27, 2014.  This term ends on June 30, 2019.

Programs planned for October include a Halloween Party on October 31 from 4 ;. . – 6 p. m. 

Board and Librarian comments:  Shawneene shared that the annual reports for the county and state had been sent.  This being new to her, she sought help from the state and Jean, who reminded the group that it was rather difficult to figure out some of the former librarian’s figures, which would have be incomplete.  It was done the best we could and Shawneene now has an idea as to what is expected in those reports, so it should be easier for her next year.

Also a tentative budget was handed out.  It is hopeful to have this proposal approved at the November meeting so it can be presented to the city at their December meeting.

Nancy moved and Connie seconded the motion to move our meetings to 5:00 contingent on Dale contacting Brenda  to see if it was convenient for her.  The motion carried. (Brenda agreed on November 5, 2017).

The next meeting will be Monday, November 27, 2017 at 5:00.

Jean Borgeson, Secretery


Rippey Library Board Minutes, September 25, 2017

The Rippey Library Board of Trustees met for their regular meeting on Monday, September 25, 2017. Approved recommending Connie Neese to be presented to the city council for their approval to finish out a vacancy on the library board.

Rippey Library Board Minutes

Monday, September 25, 2017

(to be approved at next meeting)


The Rippey Library Board met for their regular meeting on Monday, September 25, 2017. Those attending were Dale Hanaman, Nancy Burrow, Jean Borgeson and Librarian, Shawneene Kenan.

The agenda was approved by general agreement.

There was no public attending for comments.

The minutes were approved as read with a motion from Nancy and second from Jean.  The motion carried.

The city clerk’s monthly report was reviewed.

July 1, 2017 beginning balances:  Budget 2017-2018

County: 5,846; City; 5,847; Other (donations) 4,282; Memorial: 2,441.87; Gillett CD: 24,052.80

Total Budget for 2017-2018:  15,975

Balances:                  July            August             September

General  Fund:       6,987.96    5,952.88           4890.20

Memorial:             2451.87     2451.87             2451.87

Petty Cash:            128.60      205.31               205.31

Gillett CD               24,100.72 October Balance

(The late Jerry Gillett lived out his life on a farm east of Rippey. He never married. When he drew up a new will in 1978 he chose to leave his estate to non-profit organizations in two Greene county towns, Grand Junction and Rippey. The library and the Senior Citizens Association were beneficiaries in Rippey. He died November 12, 1980. The interest has been part of the budget ever since, as well as the principle for occasional improvements in the old library and this building)

The bills were reviewed and Nancy moved with Jean seconding the motion to approve the bills.  The motion carried.

The circulation and programs report from August were discussed.

Old business included the result of the car show.  Shawneene was pleased with the cooperation of the community and their generous support.

New business: A motion by Nancy and seconded by Jean that Dale bring to the city council at their October meeting, the name of Connie Neese to finish out the vacancy on the board. The motion carried.

Programs/events:  Flu Clinic at Rippey: Friday, October 6; Greene County Public Health

The Author/Historian, Kathy Wilson Adult Program has been cancelled.

Farther out:  County Trustees workshop at Rippey Tuesday, November 6.  (will check on this, as city elections are that day)  Will need to furnish the supper that evening.  More information as the time draws near.

Halloween and Christmas possible events/ideas were discussed.  Also, maybe changing our meeting time to 5:00 so Shawneene doesn’t have to go home and back after the library closes at 5:00. 

Shawneene has the county and state reports ready to send by the end of the month.

The meeting was adjourned.

The next meeting will be October 30, 2017 at 6:00 in the library.

Jean Borgeson, Secretary

At the October 2, 2017 meeting of the Rippey City Council, Dale presented the recommendation of Connie Neese to the Rippey Library Board of Trustees, finishing out a vacant term, ending June 30, 2019. Connie was approved by the council.


Rippey Library Board Minutes, August 28, 2017

The regular meeting of the Rippey Library Board of Trustees met on Monday, August 28, 2017. Bills were approved for payment, a resignation of a board member was read, and election of officers was approved.

Rippey Library Board of Trustees Minutes

Monday, August 28, 2017

(to be approved at the next meeting)


The regular meeting of the Rippey Library Board of Trustees met in the library at 6:00 on Monday, August 28, 2017.  Present were Dale Hanaman, Nancy Burrow, Brenda Roberts, Jean Borgeson, trustees and Shawneene Kenan, librarian.

President, Dale Hanaman called the meeting to order.  The agenda was approved and there being no one from the public to speak, the meeting continued.

The minutes from the July meeting were read and with a motion from Nancy and a second from Brenda, they were approved as read.

The city clerk’s report was reviewed. 

The July bills and income report was presented and with a motion from Brenda and a second from Nancy, the bills were approved for payment by the city clerk.  

A notice to the board was received from Carmen McColley on August 13, 2017 stating she wished to step down from the board.  There will be an opening from the city, to fill out this term. Carmen was approved by the city on December 1, 2014 to fill out the term of Mary Millard, who resigned October 27, 2014.  This term ends June 30, 2019. 

Circulation and Programs report from August was handed out.  Shawneene gave an overview of the Summer Reading program. 

There was no old business. 

New business resulted in the election of officers for this fiscal year.  Nancy moved that the current officers carry over for another year.  Brenda seconded the motion.  Dale Hanaman, president, and Jean Borgeson, secretary, will serve another year. 

Programs planned for September were discussed.  Shawneene discussed the Car Show on September 23 and she will contact the volunteers and final details will be finalized.  So far, there has been wonderful help from others in the community to help organize the show and provide food for the meal.

Shawneene stated she needs to be gone on Friday, September 15 and needed someone to open the library.  Jean volunteered, depending on whether she is called for jury duty or not, then Dale will. 

She is working on the county and state reports, due October 30. Scott Dermitt, State Library Consultant, of the State if Iowa  Library Services, has been helpful when Shawneene has questions about these reports.

 Other events to be thinking about:

 The 5th annual Greene County Library Trustee Meeting will be held Tuesday, November 6, 2017 held this year in Rippey.  Maryann Mori, District Consultant in the Central District of the State of Iowa Library Services, will host the training.

 Also the Summer Reading Workshop will be held Friday, November 17 in Johnston and Shawneene will need someone to be at the library.

 There being no further business, Brenda moved and Nancy seconded the meeting adjourn.

 The next meeting will be Monday, September 25 at 6:00 in the library.

 Jean Borgeson, Secretary


Rippey Library Board Minutes, July 31, 2017

The regular meeting of the Rippey Library Board of Trustees met on Monday, July 31, 2017. General business was taken care of. The motion to change the library hours to open Monday - Friday from 1:00 - 5:00 was carried unanimously.

Rippey Library Board Minutes

Monday, July 31, 2017

Members present: 
Dale Hanaman, President, Carmen McColley, Nancy Burrow, Brenda Roberts, and Shawneene Kenan, Librarian.

 Reviewed agenda

Minutes approved

Bills Approved

Shawneene brought forth the discussion of the budget.  When Mary Millard, city clerk, was presented with the revised library budget for 2017-2018, Mary mentioned there being “cushion” money to assist with the possibility of overspending.  Shawneene will inquire further about how the “cushion” money is being provided. 

Shawneene received a $500 grant from the Rotary Club for the library.  This money has been designated for the children’s section of the library.  There will be an addition of a children’s couch, eventually six engraved Dewey Decimal Signs for the adult section, and books. 

Summer Reading Program:  The theme is “Build a Better World.”  Shawneene has planned speakers and activities to correspond with the theme.  Children of the program were actively working on an imaginary city on the tables in the room adjacent to the library.  Sparky’s will provide pizza for the final program day.  A big Thank You to Janice Johnston for providing snacks each week! 

Shawneene will be meeting with Gary Schmidt to plan a Car Show event for later in September. 

It was moved and seconded to approve $110 to bring a program presented by Kathy Wilson, an Author/Historian to Greene County.  The total cost for the event is $220. Grand Junction Public Library will pay the second half of the expense.  This will take place this fall. 

Shawneene’s Management Classes are going well.  It was recommended by the State Library that library boards take a class on board policies once a year through the State Library.  Shawneene will send links to our library board to the State Library site. Fall Library Hours will change Monday, August 21, 2017.  The hours will be Monday through Friday from 1:00 to 5:00. 

The meeting was adjourned at 7:00

The next meeting will be August 28, 2017 at 6:00. 

Brenda Roberts, Secretary, pro-tem


Rippey Library Board Minutes June 26, 2017

The regular meeting of the Rippey Library Board of Trustees met on Monday, June 26, 2017. Action was taken to approve taking funds from the CD; to cover the $513.00 shortfall for the fiscal year 2016-2017 year end totals. Changes in the library hours and Summer Reading was discussed. Also, the budget for the 2017-2018 year was revised to reflect what was levied from the county and the city.

Rippey Public Library Trustees Board Minutes

Monday, June 26, 2017 (to be approved at the next meeting)

Board Members Present: President, Dale Hanaman, Carmen McColley, Brenda Roberts, Shawneene Kenan, Librarian

Reviewed agenda

Minutes approved

$513.56 deficit was taken from the Memorial acct. It was moved and approved the amount of $513.56 be taken from the Gillette CD fund instead of the Memorial fund.  Shawneene will contact Mary Millard, City Clerk to make this adjustment.

Bills were reviewed with corrections being made to Memorials/Donations and approved.


General: $0

Memorial/Donation: $2,441.87

Gillette CD: $24,052.80

Petty Cash: $75.50

$5,846.00 was the allotted amount from the Greene County Board of Supervisors for the 2017-2018 fiscal year. $5,847.00 is the allotted amount from the Rippey City Council for the 2017-2018 fiscal year.

This library board made revisions to the proposed 2017-2018 budget to balance the projected income of $14,943 and expenditures for 2017-2018.

Old Business:

Model-A Club, June 4th lunch received $233. This money was donated to the Summer Reading Program.

Summer Reading Program is scheduled for July 14-Aug 8. Shawneene has been collecting prizes for Summer Reading Program with assistance from Janice Johnston. (Shopko, DQ, Sparky’s) Speakers: Bee Queen, DNR have been contacted for programing

The Zoo Visit had an attendance of 14 people (5 adults, 9 children)

Gary and Mary Weaver weeded around the library prior to Friends of Rippey Fundraiser June 24th. Shawneene will contact the ISU Extension office to solicit master gardeners to weed around the library once a month to fulfill volunteer hours.

Shawneene will be on vacation July 4-12. Sarah Kilgore has agreed to cover the hours.

There was discussion of present Library Hours due to patron feedback. It has been decided there will be one evening a week hours will be made available to accommodate working patrons. July 15th the following hours will be posted as summer hours until Labor Day. M, T, W, F 11:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Thursday 1:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m.

Furniture that will be removed for the library as follows: Table, 6 chairs, rolling cart, 2 upholstered chairs, 1 end table, 1 shelving unit.

Motion was made and approved to adjourn at 7:00 p.m. Next Rippey Library Board Meeting set for Monday, July 24, 2017


BrendaRoberts, Secretary Pro-tem


Rippey Library Board Met May 22, 2017

The regular meeting of the Rippey Library met on Monday, May 22, 2017. The bills were allowed. Other items on the agenda were deferred until the August meeting.

Rippey Library Board of Trustees Meeting

Monday, May 22, 2017  (to be approved at the next meeting)

 The regular meeting of the Rippey Library Board of Trustees met at the library on Monday, May 22, 2017.  The meeting date was changed because of Memorial Day. 

Jean Borgeson, acting for Dale Hanaman, who was still in Wisconsin, suggested she and Nancy Burrow  look over the bills and gave their approval to be paid.  Dale will get home tomorrow and do the same.  Brenda was sick and Carmen just forgot about the change.  Dale was able to sign the bills, also. With the Memorial Day Holiday looming and vacations starting, it didn’t seem likely there would be another day to schedule a meeting before the city council meeting.

Everything else on the agenda could wait until the August meeting.  Summer Reading will begin in July and, along with the county fair, that would be enough for Shawneene to do.  She is very discouraged at the turn-out when there is a program offered.  We assured her that it is not her fault, and all a library can do is offer their services to the public, and encouraged her to keep up with her ideas to provide for the community. 

With May and June being the busiest time for people, the focus will be Summer Reading..

The next meeting will be Monday, June 26, 2017 at 6:00.

Jean Borgeson, Secretary


Rippey Library Board Minutes April 24, 2017

The regular meeting of the Rippey Library Board of Trustees met April 24, 2017. The board welcomed Brenda Roberts to the board, finishing the term of Jo Bardole who resigned in March. The new summer hours will be from 11:00 – 3:00 Monday – Friday starting the Tuesday after Memorial Day and continuing until the week school starts in August.

Rippey Library Board of Trustees Meeting

April 24, 2017

 To be approved at the next meeting 

The regular meeting of the Rippey Library Board of Trustees met on Monday, April 24, 2017 at 6:00 in the library.

Attending:  Trustees, Dale Hanaman, Nancy Burrow, Brenda Roberts, Jean Borgeson and Librarian, Shawneene Keenan.  Absent, Carmen McColley.

Dale opened the meeting and asked for a motion to approve the agenda.  Nancy moved and Brenda seconded the motion to approve the agenda and the motion carried.

There was no public in attendance for any comments to be shared.

The minutes of the last meeting were reviewed and  were approved as read.

The city clerk’s report was reviewed and a motion by Brenda and second by Nancy was approved as read. 

The bills for April were approved with a motion by Nancy and second by Brenda.  They will be presented to the city council for payment at their May meeting.

At the May meeting, we will have a better indication of where we are on our budget to finish this fiscal year. We will then determine how much we will use from the Gillette CD to add to our donations received for this fiscal year, to cover our expenses ending June 30, 2017. 

Balances for April (including the bills approved tonight)

General Fund:  $1,824.38

Memorial/donations: $2,780.43

Petty cash:  $66.04

Gillette Fund:  $24, 052.80

There was no correspondence to share.

Under New Business, Dale officially welcomed Brenda to the board and thanked her for consenting to serve with the rest of us.

Old Business included a summary of the April activities and how busy and well attended the Toddler Fest and the Greene County Book Read activities were. 

May activities will be announced and posted as they are decided on. May 10 at 3:30 we will make Mother's Day Cards.

Summer Reading will be the next big event that takes lots of planning and volunteers, usually.  Dates will be decided on by the end of the school year.  This year’s theme is “Building a Better World.”

The service policy was looked at and revised to reflect new summer hours.   The members approved the changes and Dale will send the new written policy to be posted and dated April 24, 2017.

Other policies will be looked at, a few at a time, over the next few meetings, to keep current with the “every three years” guidelines.

Shawneene reminded the board of her vacation week, which is June 5-12.  She said Sarah Kilgore is willing to volunteer to keep the library open during this time.

The new summer hours will be from 11:00 – 3:00 Monday – Friday starting the Tuesday after Memorial Day and continuing until the week school starts in August.

There being no further business or discussion, Nancy moved and Brenda seconded to adjourn.  The motion carried.

The next meeting will be Monday, May 22, 2017 at 6:00.  Note change of day, due to Memorial Day.


Rippey Library Board of Trustees Minutes, March 27, 2017

The Rippey Library Board of Trustees met Monday, March 27, 2017 in the library for their regular meeting. Reports on the fundraiser, upcoming events and resignation of a trustee was brought before the board.

Rippey Library Board of Trustees Meeting, March 27, 2017

 To be approved at the next meeting.

 The regular meeting of the Rippey Library Board of Trustees met on March 27, 2017.

Attending were: Dale Hanaman, Nancy Burrow, Jean Borgeson, trustees, and Shawneene Kenan, Librarian.  Absent was Carmen McColley who was in MN.

 The agenda was approved unanimously. 

The minutes of the last meeting were read and corrected to read: “Jo moved and Carmen seconded a motion to increase the librarian’s salary from $8.00 to $8.50 through this fiscal year.  On July 1 2017, an increase to $9.00 per hour for the 2017-2018 Fiscal Year will take effect.”  A mistake of the secretary in the minutes was made, so it was moved by Dale and seconded by Nancy to correct this mistake. The motion carried. Mary Millard, city clerk had alerted Shawneene and came to the meeting with the corrected financial report.  Shawneene was having trouble with the program not changing the figures on the computer. 

 The motions by Jean and seconded by Nancy to approve financial report, and the bills to be paid, were approved unanimously.


General:  $1,824.38

Memorial/Donation: $2,780.43

Gillette CD:  $24,052.80

Petty Cash:  $66.04

 The circulation and programs report from March were handed out for review.

 Old Business:  A brief mention of the soup fundraiser held Saturday, March 25, included the very generous support of those who attended, or couldn’t attend. The library is grateful for the  $575.00 that will be used to fund the library and Summer Reading expenses in particular.

 New business included the events:  

Saturday, April 8, from 10-noon. The theme this year is "Bee a Reader." am until noon. This is a come and go event for children 2-5 years old and their families. There will be about 20 stations for the kids to visit. This is a FREE event held at the Jefferson Rec Center. There will be special appearances by Clifford, The Big Red Dog, from the Scholastic series and Martha, from the IPTV series, Martha Speaks.  This annual event is funded by the Greene County Supervisors to the Greene County Library Association to promote collaborative programs during the year.  Another popular program will be the final Summer Reading event. Without this funding the libraries wouldn't be able host these kinds of events by themselves.

Thursday,  April 13:  Decorating Easter Eggs from 5:00- 6:30

 Thursday, April 20: 2:00 p. m.

We have gotten a few of the Greene County Reads books in and we are still waiting for some. They are/will be available for pickup. The book is "Fates and Traitors"  by Jennifer Chiaverini, the New York times bestselling author of several acclaimed historical novels and of the beloved Elm Creek Quilt series.  There will be a Book discussion led by Jan Scharingson Thursday, April 20th at 2:00 p.m. at the Rippey Library, lasting an hour and a half. Author Jennifer Chaiaverini will join us via Skype during the discussion!

 The resignation of Jo Bardole was accepted with regret.  Her willingness to complete the term of Velda DeMoss and agreeing to serve her own term was duly noted.  A search for someone from the rural area to complete Jo’s term is underway.

 Shawneene will be attending the quarterly meeting of the Greene County Librarian’s Association in Churdan on April 3, in the a. m.  She also announced that she completed the Library 101 requirement.

 There being no other business or remarks, the meeting were adjourned.

 The next meeting will be Monday, April 24, 2017 at 6:00 in the library.

Jean Borgeson, Secretary


Rippey Public Library Minutes, February 27, 2017

The regular meeting of the Rippey Library Board of Trustees met on Monday, February 27, 2017. All board members and the librarian were in attendance, as well as one visitor from the public. The next meeting will be March 27, 2017 in the library.

Rippey Public Library Minutes
February 27, 2017

The Rippey Library Board of Trustees met Monday, February 27, 2017 for their regular meeting.
Shawneene Kenan, Librarian and Trustees, Dale Hanaman, Jo Bardole, Carmen McColley, Nancy Burrow, and Jean Borgeson were in attendance.  Mary Millard, Rippey City Clerk was also present.

President, Dale Hanamen called the meeting to order.

Secretary, Jean Borgeson moved to adjust the agenda to include the approval to the salary for the librarian, as the three month probation is concluded.  Carmen made to motion and Nancy approved the motion to act on this item during the action of bills presented part of the agenda.  The motion carried.  Jean thanked Mary for sending the E-mail reminder of this, on February 7, 2017.

With a name spelling corrected, a motion from Jo, and a second from Nancy, the minutes of the January 20, 2017 meeting were approved as read.

Mary Millard presented her concerns about the library’s potential shortfall by the end of this fiscal year on behalf of the city council.  The board thanked her for her suggestions and will look forward to the support the city council members will provide at our upcoming fundraiser in March.

The clerk’s treasurer’s report was presented, and Nancy moved with Jo seconding the motion to approve this month’s financial report.  The motion carried.

The February library bills were presented for review.  A motion by Carmen and second from Nancy, to approve the probationary increase to the librarian from 8.00 per hour to 8.25 was unanimously approved.

February 2017 Expenses: $1,621.18
February 2017 Income: $60.00

Balances as of Feb. 27 as presented by city clerk
General Fund $2,705.42
Memorial Fund:  $2,705.43
Gillette Fund: $24,016.82

Jo moved and Carmen seconded a motion to increase the librarian’s salary from $8.25 to $9.00 per hour, starting on July 1, 2017 for the new fiscal year.  The motion carried.

Shawneene shared a couple of correspondences with the group.  She is following up on the offer to libraries from the Des Moines Zoo.  The request from a gentleman in Illinois to use our library web site for advertising was rejected due to the potential hidden costs that may incur.

The circulation and programs report form February were handed out.  It was noted that the total items checked out in January was 75 and February was 99. 

Shawneene continues with her Wednesday activities for the kids who use the library every week. These are popular and they look forward to participating.

The Summer Reading plans are starting to unfold.  The theme this year is “Building a Better Community.”

Saturday, March 25, 2017 is the date of our annual fundraiser.  A soup lunch will be served from 11:00 – 1:00.  Be sure to check your local news outlets or call the library for information and ways to help with this event.

There being no further business, a motion to adjourn was made by Carmen, with the second by Nancy.  The motion carried.

The next meeting will be held on March 27, 2017 at 6:00 in the library.


Rippey Library Board Minutes, January 30, 2017

The Rippey Library Board met January 30, 2017 for their regular meeting. The Greene County Librarian's budget request to the supervisors was shared by Shawneene. Bills were approved for payment by the city clerk.

Rippey Library  Board Minutes, January 30, 2017

In attendance: Dale Hanaman, Carmen McColly, Shawneene Kenan, Nancy Burrow
Agenda was approved.                                                                                                            

Minutes for December were reviewed and approved.

No public comment was received.
Treasurer’s Report was accepted

161.48 was spent for books
227.72 spent on DVDs
Windstream bill was 98.62.

Shawneene was concerned that there was a lot of money was spent on new books, and they have not been checked out, even though they were placed in the new releases shelf.  Movies have been circulated well.
 Carmen moved and Nancy seconded that bills be paid. Motion passed

Correspondence:   Susan Davis sent in a copy of Love Birds for Life it is at the Librarian’s desk.
Librarian’s comments
Shawneene reported on the librarians meeting with Board of Supervisors. A budget was discussed.
 $1000 per library
Movie License $400 ($125 increase)
Greene County Reads $500 ($100 increase)
Toddler Fest   $650
Summer reading (100 increase )
Teen Program 1800 + 100/ library for books
Technology 900  $150/LIBRARY
Total   7,300 ($325 increase)

Shawneene stated her plans to take her vacation July 5-12. We discussed some ideas to cover the library.

A disc cleaner will be available in the Library for Public Use in February and August.

Shawneene wants to apply for a Rotary  grant for $1300 to buy a new lighter table, stackable chairs, two comfy chairs, and a reading mat for children.  We gave her the ok to proceed.

There are plans for Science projects coming up in February. Shawneene has a system to encourage reading. After students have spent 1 hour on the computers, they need to read a chapter in a chapter book in order to get more time on the computer.

Adjournment.  The next meeting is February 27 at 6:00 in the library

Respectfully submitted,
Nancy Burrow, Secretary pro-tem



Meeting Minutes - 2016:

Rippey Library Board of Trustees Minutes, December 27, 2016

Due to mix-up, holidays and people being gone, the library board utilized the electronic vote to approve the bills, so they could be paid. The rest of the minutes will be approved at the January 30, 2017 regular meeting of the library board.

Due to mix-up,  holidays and people being gone, the library board utilized the electronic vote to approve the bills, so they could be paid.  The rest of the minutes will  be approved at the January 30, 2017 regular meeting of the library board. 

From: Dale Hanaman

Sent: Tuesday, December 27, 2016 7:20 PM
To: Jean BorgesonJo BardoleCarmen McColleyNancy BurrowRippey Library
Subject: Board Meeting Approval

 Dear Library Board members

 Tonight we had our "remake" Library Board meeting due to my forgeting last week.  Sorry I missed that meeting.

 So, when we met tonight, Shawneene, Jo and I were present.  We need your affirmation of our action, so we can affirm our decisions.

 The minutes and bills were approved.  (A copy of the bills is included here.)

 Shawneene shared that there was a great response to the Family Movie Night, the Craft event today, and the Christmas crafts.

 She is interested in collecting LEGOs for use at the Library.  The LEGOs would provide additional stimulation beyond the computers.

 She is meeting with the Librarians on January 9, 2017 and the Supervisors and on January 1, 2017 with Marianne Mori.  She also suggested another book read, “The Bottomland", the All Iowa Read Book.  Dale suggested she talk with the other Librarians as there has been a Greene County Read Book selected in the past.

 Also you will find a copy of the working Budge and t for 2017-2018.  We will need to finalize this the end of January 2017.  The Library Usage sheet from Shawneene is also included here.

 Dale Hanaman, President (and secretary pro-tem)

 Action to approve the bills was received on December 28, 2016  from Carmen and Jean via E-mail.


Rippey Library Board of Trustees Minutes November 28, 2016

The Rippey Board of Trustees met Monday, November 28, 2016 for their regular meeting. Action taken: Books will be purchased out of the general fund, unless the memorials have been designated otherwise. The city clerk will be informed at the council meeting on December 6, 2016,, A tentative budget was worked on and will continue in the next couple meetings before presenting to the city council in February.

Rippey Library Board Meeting November 28, 2016

The Rippey Library Board of Trustees met on Monday, November 28, 2016 for their regular meeting.  Those attending were Dale Hanaman, Jo Bardole, Nancy Burrow, Carmen McColley, and Jean borgeson, board members, and Shawneene Kenan, Librarian.

President, Dale Hanaman called the meeting to order. Nancy moved, and Jo seconded the motion to approve the agenda.

There was no one from the public attending the meeting. 

Carmen and Jo moved and seconded the motion to approve the October minutes as read.  The motion carried. 

The bills were presented and reviewed to present to the city for approval, along with the city clerk’s unofficial report.  Jo and Carmen moved and seconded to accept these reports.

The memorial balance is getting low, so Jo moved and Carmen seconded that books be purchased out of the general fund, unless the memorials have been designated otherwise.  The clerk will be informed at their December 6 meeting. 

 Balances on hand for December from Shawneen’s summary

General Fund:  $5,946.40

Memorial Fund: $1,644.87

Petty Cash: $41.23

Gillette Fund:    $23,981.00

 There was no correspondence.

 The circulation and program reports for October were handed out.

 Under new business, the programs for December were discussed.

 A tentative budget plan for 2017-2018 was presented by Dale.  This will be adjusted and changed in the next couple months to be presented to the city by their February, 2017 meeting, so they can complete their city budget by the deadline in March. The supervisors will hear from the county librarians in January, as they start their budget process. 

 Shawneene expressed concern that she was slow to learn how to do some things. The board tried to ease her mind and are not worried about her learning her job.  She and the board thank Katrina, as she continues to help Shawneene “learn the ropes!”  She is a perfect example of a good volunteer.

The next meeting is Monday December 19, 2016 at 6:00.  Note the change of day because of the Christmas holidays.

 Jean reminded the group that she will be in AZ for the December meeting. 

 There being no further business, the motion by Nancy and second by Carmen, carried.

 Jean Borgeson, Secretary


Rippey Library Board of Trustees Minutes, October 24, 2016

The regular meeting of the Rippey Library Board of Trustees met on Monday, October 24, 2016. General business was taken care of and discussion on how to proceed with the interviews of the applicants for the library director's job was held. This was Katrina's last night and the board thanked her for her time with us and wished her well in her new endeavor. Katrina thanked the board for the experience and support given her during her time as librarian.

Rippey Public Library Board of Trustees Board Meeting
October 24, 2016 
To be approved at the November 28th  meeting.
The Rippey Public Library Board of Trustees met for their regular meeting on Monday, October 24, 2016 in the library.  Attending were:  Dale Hanaman, Carmen McColley, Jo Bardole, Nancy Burrow, Jean Borgeson, and Katrina Buttler, Rippey Library Director.
President, Dale Hanaman opened the meeting and asked for a change in the agenda.  The motion was made by Carmen to remove the scheduled closed meeting that was to follow the regular meeting.  Jo seconded the motion. The motion carried.
There was no public comment
The minutes from the September 26 meeting were reviewed, and with spelling corrections, approved as read.
The treasurer’s report was read and bills presented.  Nancy moved and Carmen approved submitting the bills to the city for payment. The motion carried.

Balances for October
General  Fund:  $4,191.03
Memorial Fund:  1,864.87
Petty Cash: 24.05
Gellett Fund $24,016.82
There was no correspondence.
Under old business the circulation and programs report from September.
Under new business, the process for viewing applications and interviewing for a new librarian was discussed.  There were three applications presented.  One application was eliminated because of missing the deadline.  The applicants will be contacted for mutual times interviewed, hopefully starting Tuesday evening at 5:30.
Dale urged the board members to use the questions for interviewing found on the Iowa Workforce Development site and handed out copies of potential questions.  The board was also encouraged to present their own questions, also.
Under Board and Librarian Comments, the board thanked Katrina for her time with us.  We regret her resignation, but recognize her desire to follow her dream as she readies for the next stage in her life.  Katrina, through her tears, thanked the board and shared how very much she grew to love the time she was able to spend as the Rippey Librarian, as well as the wonderful patrons she was able to meet. 
The meeting was adjourned with a motion by Jo and seconded from Carmen. The motion carried.
The next meeting will be November 28, 2016 at 6:00 p. m.


Rippey Library Board Minutes September 26, 2016

The Rippey Library Board met September 26, 2016 for their regular meeting. Routine business was taken care of as well as formally adopting the Children's Internet Policy Act that was discussed and formulated at the August 29, 2016 meeting. Change of October meeting date to the 24th due to the Halloween activities on the 31st.

Rippey Library Board Minutes September 26, 2016 

To be approved at the October 24th meeting.

Rippey Library Board met on September 26, 2016 at 6:00 in the library..  Those present were Dale Hanaman, Carmen McColley, Joe Bardole,and Jean Borgeson, trustees.  Absent was Nancy Burrow.  Librarian, Katrina Buttler was also in attendance. 

President, Dale Hanaman , opened the meeting and the agenda was unanimously approved by the members. 

The minutes of the last meeting were reviewed, with the spelling correction of Carmen’s name.  A motion by Carmen and second by Jo, the minutes were approved. 

There was no report from the city clerk, so Katrina will print off hers and send it to Jean for the minutes.  With a little discussion,  the secretary will also keep track of the finances until the board elects a treasurer.   

Katrina sent the report for the minutes:


General Fund:  5, 657.67

Memorial:           1,644.87

Petty Cash:              34.79

Gillette CD:        23,981.00 October 

The bills were submitted for approval and Jo made and Carmen seconded the motion to accept the bills to be submitted to the city clerk for payment at their city council meeting, October 7, 2016. 

Katrina presented a communication and a 1943-44 pencil depicting that year’s  schedule of the basketball teams,  to the library.   She will figure a way to display it. 

She reported about the Fall Festival that is scheduled for Saturday, October 29, from 2 – 5.  There is much going on that afternoon, and she is excited about the volunteers that want to help.

 Katrina shared that several movies have been missing in their cases.  She purchased a DVD/CD organizer and is in the process of taking the DVD and CD discs out of their cases, to store them separately, so the temptation to take them is reduced.  A discussion was held on how to keep them under lock and key, as well as replacing the file by the desk, as the key just doesn’t work. There is a need to secure confidential information, such as library applications, passwords, etc.

 At the August 29, 2016 meeting The Internet CIPA policy was discussed.  Katrina explained the options and costs.  Jean made a motion and Nancy seconded that the board direct Katrina to write the policy as explained, then with the board’s approval, send a copy to Mary Millard so she can continue the e-rate application.  The motion carried.  Mary indicated that it was ok, and continued her application.  With a motion from Jo and second from Carmen, this policy was formally adopted tonight, September 26, 2016. 

There being no further business, the meeting closed. 

The group was reminded that the next meeting will be on Monday, October 24, at 6:00, as not to interfere with the Halloween activities on Monday, October 31.

Jean Borgeson, Secretary


Rippey Library Board of Trustees Minutes August 29, 2016

Minutes of the regular meeting of the Rippey Board of Trustees meeting held on August 29, 2016. General business taken care of and approval of the Children's Internet Protection Act (IPA). A copy will be sent to Mary Millard so she can continue the e-rate application. Federal funds are used for this, so a policy has to be in place, to receive the funding to reduce the cost for this service.

Rippey Library Board Meeting Minutes
August 29, 2016

(To be approved at the September 26th meeting)

The Rippey Library Board met for their regular meeting on August 29, 2016 at 6:00 in the library.  Trustees attending were:  Dale Hanaman, Carmen McColley, Nancy Burrow and Jean Borgeson.  Absent:  Jo Bardole.  Librarian, Katrina Buttler was also in attendance.

There were no changes to the agenda brought to a vote.

No one from the public was in attendance.

The minutes from the July meeting were reviewed and a motion was made by Carmen with a second from Nancy to approve the July 25, 2016 minutes. The motion carried.

The city clerk was stuck in traffic, so there was no financial report from the city presented.  Katrina passed out her monthly income/expense report to date and the bills were presented to be approved.  Nancy moved and Carmen seconded the motion to approve the bills and send to the city clerk to be paid. The motion carried.

August Balances:
Memorial:  $1,644.87    $25.00 was for Eugene Muir.  $20.00 was for John Parker.
General:        $6795.11
Petty Cash:         20.01
Gillette Fund:  $23.981.00

There was no correspondence.

Old business included the circulation and programs report for August.

New business included programs planned for September and October.  Katrina will let us know the finalized events.

The Children's Internet Protection Act (CIPA) policy was discussed.  Katrina explained the options and costs.  Jean made a motion and Nancy seconded that the board direct Katrina to write the policy as explained, then with the board’s approval, send a copy to Mary Millard so she can continue the e-rate application.  Federal funds are used for this, so a policy has to be in place, to receive the funding to reduce the cost for this service.  The motion carried.

Katrina asked for a volunteer on September 16 so she can drive to OH for her sister’s wedding and on September 23 so she can attend the Penned Con 2016 convention in St. Louis.  It is a charity based author and reader convention that brings the community together to celebrate all things books. This particular convention donates to the Penned Con Scholarship Fund which assists autistic children in the St. Louis area receive their therapy services at Action for Autism.   The event consists of book signings, Q&A's, panels and workshops for aspiring authors, guest speakers and industry professionals. Jean volunteered to cover the two days.

The board will meet a week earlier in October, due to the Halloween activities planned for the 31st.

There being no further comments or business, Carman moved and Nancy seconded a motion to adjourn.  The motion carried.

The next meeting will be Monday, September 26, 2016 at 6:00 in the library.

Jean Borgeson, Secretary


Rippey Public Library Board of Trustees Minutes, July 25, 2016

The Rippey Public Library Board of Trustees met Monday, July 25, 2016 in the library for their regular meeting. Mary Millard, Rippey City Clerk, explained the erate funding and the need to update the Computer Usage Policy for the library. The Registered Sex Offender Policy was amended and the Confidentiality and Privacy Policy was adopted.

To be approved at the August 29, 2016 meeting.

Rippey Library Board Meeting
Monday, July 25, 2016

The Rippey Library Board of Trustees met on Monday, July 25, 2016 in the library for their regular meeting.  Attending were, Dale Hanaman, Jo Bardole, Nancy Burrow, Carmen McColley, Jean Borgeson, and Katrina Buttler, Rippey Librarian.

Dale Hanaman, President, called the meeting to order.  The agenda was unanimously approved by the members.

Mary Millard, Rippey City Clerk, updated the Erate Funding and the need to update the Computer Usage Policy so it complies with the Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA).  (Internet Safety, Technology Protection (filters))

After discussing this for a while, Jean moved and Jo seconded the motion that Katrina and Brian Hoffman from CompuSense in Jefferson, look at the computers and do whatever is necessary, within reason, to get filters put on all six computers.  The motion carried.

Katrina was designated as the library’s Information Technology (IT) person to manage the day to day control of the computers.

The board directed Katrina to create a Computer Usage Policy, working with the State Library Services, to be sure the policy complies with the Children’s Internet Protection Act.

The minutes of the last meeting were reviewed.  Nancy moved and Carmen seconded the motion to approve the minutes as written.  The motion carried.

The bills were presented.  Nancy moved and Jo seconded the motion to approve the bills to be paid.  The motion carried.

There was no treasurer’s report from the city clerk.  Katrina will keep track of our income/expenses, also.

The circulation and program reports from July were discussed.  The final figures for the 2016-17 FY were announced and the city council’s action on this was shared.

.Council meeting actions on July 5, 2016:

A motion was made by Donnie Carpenter, seconded by Rick Liebich to approve  the roll-over balance of $1,817.53 from FY16 to FY17 to offset expenses in  FY17.  Ayes: Liebick, Higgins, Johnston, Allen, Carpenter. Nays: none. Absent: None.

A motion was made by Donnie Carpenter, seconded by Rick Liebich to approve  Resolution #16-07-05 Transfer of Funds from General Fund to Library Fund.  Be it Resolved by the City of Rippey, Iowa for the City Clerk of Rippey, Iowa  to transfer the amount of $6,083.00 from the General Fund Account to the  Library Fund per 2016-2017 Budget.  Passed and approved this 5th day of  July, 2016.  Ayes:  Liebich, Higgins, Johnston, Allen, Carpenter, Nays:  None.  Absent: None.  Signed: Dan Brubaker, Mayor.  Attest:  Mary Millard, City Clerk.

So we should have FY16-17 levy of $6,082.00 from the county, $6,083.00 from the city (if the city paid 1.00 more than the county), plus the carry-over  of $1,817.53. Total:  $13,982.53

August activities will include craft days, games and just fun stuff until school starts on August 24

The Confidentiality and Privacy Policy was reviewed.  Carmen moved and Nancy seconded that this policy be adopted. The motion carried.

The amendments to the Registered Sex Offender Policy were reviewed.  Jo moved and Carmen seconded to amend the policy as written.  The motion carried.

Katrina will be attending school on September 13 and October 5 and will need a volunteer to open the library until she gets back from Johnston.

There being no further comments, the meeting was adjourned.

The next meeting will be Monday, August 29, 2016 at 6:00 in the library.

Jean Borgeson, Secretary


Rippey Library Board of Trustees Minutes, June 27, 2016

The regular meeting of the Rippey Public Library Board of Trustees was held on Monday, June 27, 2016. These minutes will be corrected and approved at the July, 25 meeting.

Rippey Public Library Board Minutes, June 27, 2016 (to be corrected and approved at the July 25, regular meeting)

The Rippey Library Board of Trustees met on Monday, June 27, 2016 in the library at 6:00 p. m. for their regular meeting. 

Attending were:  Carmen McColley, Jo Bardole, Nancy Burrow, Dale Hamaman, Jean Borgeson and library director, Katrina Buttler.

President, Dale Hanaman called the meeting to order and there was a general approval of the agenda.
The minutes of the May 23rd meeting were reviewed.  Carmen made and Jo seconded the motion to approve the minutes.

The bills were submitted for this month.  Nancy made and Carmen seconded the motion to approve the bills to be submitted to the city clerk for payment.

The city clerk’s financial report for the library was also shared.
June Balances:
General Fund:  $1,817.63
Petty Cash:         9.95
Memorial:  1,599.87
Gillett CD: 23,961.00
There was no public comment.

There was no correspondence for this month.

The circulation and programs reports from June were handed out. 

A review of the programs for June and future programs planned was given by Katrina.  The kids look forward to the activities she plans every week and Summer Reading is going well. 

Since the Sex Offender Policy has been challenged, everyone has had a chance to do their homework and enlist the help of the State Library Law Services Consultants.  Dale appointed Carmen and Nancy, along with Katrina to rewrite the policy using the guidelines sent from the consultants. 

Also, Dale appointed Nancy, along with Katrina, to draft the Confidentiality Policy for the library before the next meeting. 

These policies will be discussed at our next meeting.

Katrina reported the funding from the county supervisors was lower than anticipated, so there will be an adjustment to our funding this next fiscal year to reflect this lower amount.

Already fund raiser ideas have been raised!

The next meeting will be July 25, 2016 at 6:00 p. m.

Jean Borgeson, Secretary


Rippey Library Board Minutes May 23, 2016

The regular meeting of the Rippey Library Board was held May 23, 2016 in the library. The date was a week earlier because of Memorial Day.

Rippey Library Board Minutes May 23, 2016 (a week earlier due to Memorial Day)

The meeting was called to order by Dale Hanaman . Others present were Jo Bardole, Nancy Burrow, and Jean Borgeson, Absent, Carmen McColley and Katrina Buttler, librarian.

Due to the confusion of the early date because of Memorial Day and Katrina being gone, due to a family emergency, the meeting didn’t get posted. A motion was made by Jo and seconded by Nancy to go ahead with the meeting, so the bills could be submitted on time. Considering the difficulty of getting people together before or after Memorial Day and having a quorum, it would be impossible to call a special meeting. The motion carried.

The minutes of the April 25, 2016 were approved as read.

The bills were reviewed and Nancy moved and Jo seconded to approve the bills to be submitted to the city clerk for payment. Motion carried.

It was noted that there would be a balance left for this fiscal year. This is due to the many days the library was opened by volunteers while searching and hiring a librarian, as well as when the librarian has other meetings to attend on behalf of the library or family emergency. This has happened several times in the last few years, mainly because there is no assistant. So, as in other years, this is the month to submit a request to the city that the funds are rolled over into the next fiscal year. Jo moved and Nancy seconded the motion. The motion carried.

The city clerk’s report was shared, as well.

May balances:

General Fund: $2,981.97

Memorial Fund: 1,599.87

Petty Cash: 69.20

Gillette CD: 23.981. ??

The Library Usage and Circulation Reports were handed out.

Summer Reading Program On Your Mark, Get Set, Read starts June 6th - all ages invited to participate. Every Tuesday in June and July, there is an activity at the library from 2:30-4:00 Every Thursday in June and July is movie day @ 2:30 Lots of prizes and giveaways for participating in the Summer Reading Program. Father's Day Card Crafts - Week of June 13th (Mon, Wed & Fri) T

he Hanson Family will perform Monday, June 20, at 4:00 p. m. This is a family of jugglers and unicycle performers who share the importance of reading and recycling. This is the collaborative activity of the Greene County Library Association and is funded by the Greene County Board of Supervisors. They will be performing at all six libraries in the county. T

he board reviewed the 2012 By-Laws for the Library Board. Nancy moved and Jo seconded to approve the updated version. The motion carried.

Also, a reminder that June is election of officers.

The board reflected on the fact that it is a definite upheaval when the board and other volunteers are asked to be in charge of the library during a long stretch. It has been very tiring and stressful for the board, as all are involved with other community and family commitments of their own. Thanks to Mary Weaver and Nancy Hanaman who helped out during this time. This will be discussed at a later time.

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned. The next board meeting will be Monday, June 27, 2016 at 6:00

Jean Borgeson, Secretary


Rippey Library Board Minutes, April 25, 2016

Rippey Library Board of Trustees Minutes from their regular meeting, April 25, 2016

Rippey Library Minutes April 25, 2016

The Rippey Library Board of Trustees met in the library on April 25, 2016 at 6:00 p. m.  Attending were Dale Hanaman, Carmen McColley, Jean Borgeson, and librarian, Katrina Buttler. Absent, Jo Bardole and Nancy Burrow ` .

The agenda was approved and the minutes of the last meeting were reviewed.  Carmen made the motion and Jean seconded the motion to accept the agenda and minutes.  The motion carried.

There was no public comment or correspondence.

The bills were reviewed and Carmen moved and Jean seconded the motion to approve the bills to be paid.  The motion carried. 

Mary Millard, City Clerk, spent the afternoon working with Katrina and Jean on what she needed each month and when to submit the bills to her to be paid, so she could print out her monthly treasure’s report in time for our meeting.  This was noted and Mary will have that report printed later or included in next month’s report.

The circulation report for April was handed out and sort reports about the Teen movie and Toddler Fest were shared.  Thanks to Dale, Carmen and others who helped at these events so our library could share in the attendance count.

Dale explained what he did and will do with the remaining books that were donated to the library after determining what could be used in our collection.

A reminder of the open house on Wednesday, April 27, 2016 was announced.  Dale and Jean will man the circulation desk so Katrina can circulate and meet the people who will come to greet her.

The Salaries of Staff policy was reviewed.  Carmen moved and Jean seconded to accept the revision as written.  The motion carried.

The Registered Sex Offender policy was reviewed and Carmen moved and Jean seconded to adopt this new policy for the library.  The motion carried.

The board then approved the motion by Jean to direct the librarian to write a letter to the person in question, giving authorization that they have use of the library.  The motion carried.

The By-Laws of the Library Policy was tabled until next month.

The board was requested by Janice Johnston to give permission to accept some keyboards to be checked out for use.  The keyboards have been donated with monies given to her as part of her outreach program of free piano lessons on the piano that was donated by the Carson Griffith family that is the west community room.  They will be available during library hours, thus giving the students access to a piano to practice on, as most of these kids don’t have pianos at home.  The motion was made by Jean and seconded by Carmen to accept the keyboards and the motion carried.

There being no other business or comments, the meeting were adjourned.

The next meeting will be May 23rd, 2016 at 6:00.  (note change of date due to Memorial Day)

Jean Borgeson, Secretary


Rippey Library Board of Trustees Minutes, March 28, 2016

The Minutes of the Rippey Library Board of Trustees Regular Meeting, March 28, 2016. Highlights include the hiring of Katrina Buttler as our new librarian.

Rippey Public Library Board of Trustees Meeting Monday, March 28, 2016
The Rippey Public Library Board of Trustees met for their regular meeting on Monday, March 28, 2016 at 6:00 p. m. in the library.  Those attending were Dale Hanaman, Jo Bardole, Nancy Burrow, Carmen McColley, and Jean Borgeson.

The agenda was approved the minutes from the February 29, 2016 meeting were reviewed.  Carmen moved and Nancy seconded that the minutes be approved as read.  Motion carried.

The treasure’s report was reviewed and a motion by Jo and seconded by Carmen to approve the report was voted on and accepted.

Balances for March:
General Fund  $3,391.90
Memorial Fund    1,599.87
Petty Cash       144.96

The bills were submitted for approval and Nancy moved and Jo seconded to approve the bills and to take $100 out of petty to the bank.  The motion carried.  (a patron had reimbursed the library for lost books, so there was a sizable total in the petty cash)

There was no public comment or correspondence.

The circulation and programs reports from March were handed out and looked at.

There will be no programs planned for April, due to the resignation of Andrea Williams. The library will be open by a group effort until a new librarian is hired. Everyone signed up for a time to finish out this week and will Dale will coordinate next week’s sign-up.

 Applications may be received until April 4 and interviews can start April 5, at 5:30.

New hours were settled on:  Monday 1-6; Tuesday, 2-6; Wednesday, 3-6; Thursday, 2-7 and Friday, 3-6. 

A discussion on the wages for the new hire was held.  Carmen moved and Nancy seconded to hire someone at $8.00 an hour and after three-month probation, a 25 cent an hour raise after that time.

After the new librarian has a few months under her belt, then we will re-address the possibility of hiring an assistant who would learn and work with the librarian and learn the duties, so there is someone who can step in when the need arises.

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned.

The next meeting will be Monday, April 25, 2016 at 6:00 p. m.

Special Meetings, communications and happenings concerning the library from April 4, 2016 until our regular meeting on April 25, 2016 for our records.

The following two weeks the library was open with volunteers.  Some cleaning was done and a little learning from some of us board members

April 4, 2016, Dale attended the Greene County Librarian Association meeting in Paton and sent a report of that meeting the same day.  He also posted on April 4 the Interview Meeting, Wednesday, April 6 beginning at 5:30 pm.

The library board interviewed Katrina Buttler at a special meeting held on April 6, 2016.  Katrina was unanimously approved to become the new librarian.  One other applicant didn’t follow through with the interview time.

-----Original Message-----
From: Rippey Public Library
Sent: Thursday, April 07, 2016 3:30 PM
To: Jo Bardole ; Jean Borgeson ; Carmen McColley ; Nancy Burrow ; Dale
Subject: Hiring if Katrina Buttler
Jo, Jean, Carmen and Nancy
 I just got off the phone with Katrina Buttler confirming we want her to  work, beginning on Monday, April 18.  She is ready to work!  I will be  meeting her here at the Library at 12:30 pm that Monday to being orienting  her.


From: Dale Hanaman
Sent: Thursday, April 07, 2016 9:32 PM
To: ; Nancy Burrow ; Carmen McColley ; Jo Bardole
Subject: Katrina's employment
Dear Jean, Nancy, Carmen, and Jo
As I said in my earlier email today, I did make contact with Katrina and she  will begin her work on Monday, April 18, at 12:30 pm.  I have also sent off  a note to Sarah Killgore, another one to Dan Brubaker, and a third to Mary
Millard.  Hopefully in the next few days the city council will confirm  Katrina as the new librarian.
I will also contact Maryann Mori after I've heard from the City Council and  Dan regarding the start time of Katrina.  I did send Maryann the updated hours of our library.
If you want to be in touch with Katrina Buttler, her address is 305 S Maple  Street, Jefferson.  Her phone is 641-757-0764 and her email is
Since all of these steps have been taken it is now official - except for  confirmation of the City Council.
Dale Hanaman=

From: <>
Date: April 11, 2016 at 8:43:59 PM CDT
To: Dale Hanaman <>
Subject: Re: New Librarian

Katrina has been approved  as our new librarian by the Council

---- Dale Hanaman <> wrote:


We have a new librarian!  Her name is Katrina Buttler (yes, two "tts").  She lives in Jefferson, is enthusiastic, and the Library Board believes she will be a great asset to our community.  Her start date will be Monday, April 18 at 1 pm.  Please contact the members of the Rippey City Council and approve / confirm our new librarian.  If you need more information, I will gladly share it.

I will also email Mary Millard regarding Katrina's start time and other information.

Dale Hanaman

The following week the library was open with volunteers.  Some cleaning was done and a little learning the Concourse System, from some of us board members.

Dale represented us at the movie sponsored by the GCLA on Friday afternoon, April 15 and then he and Carmen and one of her daughters, represented our library at Toddler Fest.

Katrina started on the 18th with Dale and myself trying to help.  It was soon evident, that she would catch on pretty quickly with the daily stuff. 

A community open house is planned for Katrina on Wednesday, April 27, 2016 from 3:30-5:30.

Jean Borgeson, Secretary


Rippey Library Board of Trustees Minutes, February 29, 2016

The minutes of the Rippey Library Board of Trustees regular meeting on February 29, 2016. Includes the notification on March 13, the resignation of Andrea Williams, Librarian.

Rippey Library Board Minutes
February 29, 2016

The Rippey Library Board met for their regular meeting at 6:00 on February 29, 2016 in the library.

Attending were:  Dale Hanaman, Jo Bardole, Nancy Burrow, Carmen McColley and Jean Borgeson, Trustees, and Andrea Williams, Director.

The meeting was called to order by President, Dale Hanaman.  A general approval of the agenda was approved.

The minutes from Monday, January 25, 2016 were reviewed and a motion by Jo and a second by Nancy and  they were approved as read.

The treasure’s report was handed out for review.  Nancy made the motion to approve this report and Jo seconded the motion. Motion was approved.
The bills were presented.  Jo made the motion to approve these bills and Carmen seconded the motion and the motion was approved.

Balances for February
General Fund:   $4,177.84
Memorial:  $1,579.87
Petty Cash:  $     98.08
Gillette Fund: $23,969  CD Interest added quarterly

There was no public comment or correspondence.

The circulation and program report from February was handed out.

Programs planned for March include:
February Coloring contest on-going
Craft Day - Wed. Feb. 17 at 4:00 p.m.
Coffee ‘N Bingo - Thurs. Feb. 18 at 11:00 a. m. Sponsored by Rippey Lions Club
Leap Year Craft - Thurs. Feb 25th at 4:15 p. m.
Beginner's Genealogy class presented by the Iowa Genealogical Society - Mon. Feb. 29 at 1:00 p. m.
March 29, Andrea attend the Youth Round Table and will need someone to work for her. More later.

There being no other board or librarian comments, the meeting adjourned.

The next meeting will be Monday, March 28, 2016 at 6:00.

On March 13, 2016 the board members received an E-mail from Andrea, giving her two-week notice:

Hello everyone,

I am emailing you all today to let you know that I have decided to pursue full time work and will be putting in my two week’s notice as of today.  I am grateful for the opportunity you gave me to work and learn here at the Rippey Public Library.  It was a tough decision to make, but in the end, full time income and benefits are what my family needs most at this time. 

Sarah Killgore has been in touch with me the last few months and has mentioned that she would be interested in returning to work at the library. 

Thank you again for everything,

Andrea Williams

To meet the deadlines for the papers, the ad for a new librarian was created and approved by E-mail to put them into the Scranton Journal and Jefferson Bee for two weeks. The Greene County News Online published the ad within my Rippey News but here is her options going forward.  We can discuss this at the meeting on March 28.

Jean Borgeson, Secretary


Rippey Library Board of Trustees Minutes, January 26, 2016

Rippey Library Board Meeting Minutes, January 26, 2016 (Postponed from the 25th because of snow storm). The board was reminded of the decision to use the general fund to buy books, as the memorial fund is dwindling and we may need that money for matching grants in the future. Andrea will explain the board’s decision to the clerk.
Rippey Library Board Meeting, January 26, 2016 (Postponed from the 25th because of snow storm)

Attending:  Dale Hanaman, Nancy Burrow, Jo Bardole, Jean Borgeson, and Librarian, Andrea Williams.

The agenda was unanimously approved.

There was no one from the public attending.

The minutes of the December 22, 2015 meeting were approved as read, with Jo making the motion and Nancy seconding.

The bills were presented and Nancy motioned and Jo seconded the motion to approve the bills. Motion carried.

Bills presented:  $1,028.81
Income  Greene County  $1,672.00

The clerk’s report was reviewed and on a motion from Jo and a second from Nancy, approved the report.
Balances as of January 26, 2016
Memorial Fund  $1,569.67
General Fund  $6,531.30
Petty Cash  $      86.73
Gillette Fund  $23,969.00
Jean reminded the board that we had decided a couple months ago to start using the general fund to buy the new books, as the memorial fund is dwindling and we may need that money for matching grants in the future.  Andrea will explain the board’s decision to the clerk.

February Programs:
February Coloring contest
Decorating Valentine's Cookies - Wed. Feb. 10 at 3:30 p.m.
Valentine's Day Craft - Wed. Feb. 17 at 4:00 p.m.
Coffee ‘N Bingo - Thurs. Feb. 18 at 11:00 a. m. Sponsored by Rippey Lions Club
Leap Year Craft - Thurs. Feb 25th at 4:15 p. m.
Beginner's Genealogy class presented by the Iowa Genealogical Society - Mon. Feb. 29 at 1:00 p. m.

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned.

The next meeting will be February 29, 2016 at 6:00 in the library.

Jean Borgeson, Secretary


Meeting Minutes - 2015:

Rippey Library Board of Trustees Minutes, December 22, 2015

Rippey Public Library Minutes for the December 22, 2015 meeting. Proposed budget for the 2016-2017 fiscal year was discussed.

Rippey Library Board Meeting 12/22/15 5:30 pm In attendance: Dale Hanaman, Nancy Burrow, Jo Bardole, Andrea Williams Jo motioned and Nancy seconded to approve the minutes. Nancy motioned and Jo seconded to approve the bills. Andrea reported that the IPTV Odd Squad program donated 6 DVDs to our library. Upcoming programs for January: Minions movie Sock snowman craft Bingo Coloring Contest Possible Beginning Genealogy Class We went over the proposed library budget for 2016-17. Included was a $.25 per hour raise for Andrea. If city and county funding stay the same or go up, the budget should work. Greene County Library Association meets January 4. Hopefully, we’ll know if the county funding changes or stays the same after that meeting. There was discussion about writing a grant for a book cart and laptop computer to be used in the library. Andrea is looking into prices. Nancy motioned to adjourn the meeting and Jo seconded. Our next meeting is January 25, 2016, at 6:00 pm. Substitute secretary, Jo Bardole


Rippey Library Board of Trustees Minutes, 30 Nov 2015

The Rippey Public Library Board of Trustees met for their regular meeting on November 30, 2015. Other than approving the minutes and paying the bills, it was a routine meeting.

Rippey Library Minutes

November 30, 2015

The Rippey Library Board of Trustees met on November 30, at 6:00 in the library.Those attending were Jo Bardole, Nancy Burrow, Dale Hanaman, Jean Borgeson, trustees and Andrea Williams, Librarian. 

President, Dale Hanaman called the meeting to order.  There was a unanimous approval of the agenda.

 The motion was made by Jo and seconded by Nancy to approve the minutes of the last meeting, as read. The motion carried.

 The bills were approved with Nancy making the motion and Jo seconding.

 There was no print out from the clerk due to the misunderstanding that since school was let out, the library would be closed and therefore no meeting.  The clerk’s report will be complete next meeting.

 There was no public comment or correspondence.

 The circulation and programs report from November were handed out.  Those who attended the trustee training in Scranton gave a report and Andrea talked about the book sale.

 Programs planned for December include the movie “Max” on December 2; crafts on December 7, 9, 16, and 21.  A coloring contest will continue all month.

 There being no further comments, the meeting was adjourned.

 The next meeting will be Monday, December 28, 2015 at 6:00 p. m.

Jean Borgeson, Secretary

 Note: Jean will be gone for the December and January meetings.  Carry on!!


Rippey Public Library Board of Trustees Minutes, October 26, 2015

The Rippey Public Library Board of Trustees met on October 26, 2015 for their regular meeting. Routine business was conducted. Two polices were passed.

Rippey Public Library Minutes October 26, 2015

The Rippey Public Library Board of Trustees met on Monday, October 26, 2015 at 6:00 in the Library for their regular meeting.    Attending were Carmen McCalley, Jo Bardole, Nancy Burrow, Dale Hanaman, and Jean Borgeson, trustees, and Andrea Williams, Librarian.

Dale Hanaman, President, opened the meeting.

There was a unanimous decision to approve the agenda.

The minutes from September 28, 2015 were read and approved.

The treasurer’s report was read and the bills were presented.  Carmen moved to accept both reports with Jo seconding the motion, and the motion carried.
Balances for October:
Memorial   $1,917.76
General:     $7,170.73

There was no public comment or correspondence.

The circulation and programs report form October was handed out.  The members were reminded of the upcoming trustee training in Scranton on November 12.  Carmen and Jo will represent Rippey Board.
The Greene County Public Health will hold a flue clinic here on Monday, Oct. 13, 1-4. Jean will open the library for them.

After school programs planned for November include the movie, “Inside Out,” Wednesday, October 18; an on-going coloring contest; October 23: make a craft to take home; a book sale the week of November 30 to December 26, with the books being available during the Friends of Rippey breakfast on Saturday, December 5.

A Summer Reading Workshop will be held on November 5 from 10:00 – 3:30 in the Johnston Library.  Jean and Dale agreed to open the library until Andrea gets back. (Jean failed opening the library but Dale was there at 2:00.)

The board reviewed the Behavior Policy and the Unattended Children Policy that was revised last meeting.  Nancy Burrow moved and Carmen McCalley seconded the motion to accept these policies as written.  Motion carried.

There being no further comments, the meeting was adjourned.

The next meeting will be Monday, November 30, 2015 at 6:00 in the library.

Jean Borgeson, Secretary



Rippey Public Library Board of Trustees Minutes, September 28, 2015

The Rippey Public Library Board of Trustees met on September 28, 2015. Routine business was taken care of and review of two policies to be adopted at the October meeting.

Rippey Library Board of Trustees Minutes September 28, 2015

The Rippey Library Board of Trustees met on September 28, 2015 at 6:00 in the library. Those attending were: Andrea Williams, Librarian and trustees: Dale Hanaman, Jo Bardole, Carmen McColley, and Jean Borgeson. Absent: Nancy Burrow.

The meeting was called to order by Dale Hanaman. Carmen made and Jo seconded a motion to approve the agenda. Motion carried. The minutes of the Monday, August 31 2015 meeting were approved as read.

The September treasurer’s report was handed out and bills presented.

Bills: $1,283.93 Income:

Donation: 30.00 Mary Weaver


General $7,882.12

Memorial $2,002.87

Petty Cash: $72.86

After reviewing, Jo moved and Carmen seconded that both reports be approved. Motion carried.

There was no public comment or correspondence.

Old business: Andrea shared the circulation and programs report from September. She reminded the trustees of the upcoming Library Trustee Training to be held at the library in Scranton. The topic this year will be “Intellectual Freedom, Censorship, & Confidentiality.”

New Business: Programs planned for October include a coloring contest, Halloween party to coincide with the city of Rippey trick or treat night, a movie day and a craft day. Also, there will be a possible visit from the firemen during National Fire Safety week. Andrea requested someone to open the library on October 15 for a couple of hours. Dale will, and if I’m available, I can. There will be a Flu Clinic on Friday, October 30 from 1:30-3:30. Dale or Jean can open the building for this purpose. The library will host a pre-Beggar’s Night party for Halloween. (At the October 5, 2015 meeting the city designated Saturday, October 31, 2015 as Beggar’s Night.)

The remainder of the meeting was spent revising the Behavioral Policy and the Unattended Children Policy. Jo will type them up and send the policies to us for review for approval at the next meeting.

There being no further comments, Carmen moved and Jo seconded a motion to adjourn. Motion carried. The next meeting is October 26, 2015 at 6:00.

Jean Borgeson, Secretary


Rippey Library Board of Trustees Minutes, August 31, 2015

The Rippey Public Library Board of Trustees met on August 31, 2015 for their regular meeting. Greene County Trustee Training on November 12 in Scranton, Greene County Library Association Continued Education at Rippey on September 14, and programs for September were announced.

Rippey Library Board of Trustees Meeting Monday, August  31, 2015

Attending were:  Dale Hanaman, Nancy Burrow, Jo Bardole, Carmen McCalley, Jean Borgeson, Trustees and Andrea Williams, Librarian.

Dale called the meeting to order with the members unanimously approving the agenda. 

The minutes were approved unanimously as read with a motion by Carmen and second by Jo.

The treasurer’s report was handed out and bills presented.  Both reports were moved by Nancy and seconded by Jo to be approved. The vote carried unanimously.

There was no public comment.

A flyer about the Greene County Library Trustee Training on November 12, 2015 in Scranton was handed out.

Andrea reviewed the circulation and programs report from August.

The programs for September were announced.  A movie afternoon and a Fall craft afternoon have been planned.

There will be a Greene County Library Association CE Training here on September 14 at 9:30 a. m.

There have been some nice donations and a discussion resulted in a general agreement that replacing some ear phones for the computers and some Wii games could be purchased from the Memorial fund.

It was noted that the answering machine message needs to be updated.  Andrea will take care of this.

Andrea spoke about an issue concerning the messes in the restrooms and a small child whose behavior is disruptive at times.  Suggestions were discussed and between now and the next meeting we can look at the policy concerning this and make necessary revisions.  Also, Andrea will speak to the city council to see if there could be locks on the doors to the restrooms during library hours, to help monitor the usage a little better.

There being no further business, Carmen moved and Nancy seconded the meeting to adjourn.  The motion carried.

The next meeting will be September 28, at 6:00 p. m. in the library.

Jean Borgeson, Secretary

At the September 8, 2015 meeting of the city council, “a motion was made by Ned Johnston, seconded by Garry Higgins that the Community Center restrooms will be locked during library hours with the librarian holding a key.  Patrons will need to obtain key to use restrooms during library times.  The restrooms will be closely monitored for cleanliness. Ayes: Higgins, Liebich, Carpenter, Johnston. Nays: None. Absent: Allen.”


Rippey Library Board of Trustees Minutes, July 27, 2015

Rippey Public Library Board of Trustees met for their regular meeting on July 27, 2015. Routine business. It was announced that the July 6, 2015 of the Rippey City Council, they approved Resolution #2015-2016 Transfer of Funds from General Fund to Library Fund in the amount of $6,689.00 and also agreed to rollover the remaining the library's general fund balance of $1,749.15 to the next fiscal year.

Rippey Public Library Board of Trustees Meeting Monday, July 27, 2015

The library board met on July 27, 2015 at 6:00 in the library. Board members attending were, Dale Hanaman, Carmen McColley, Jo Bardole, Jean Borgeson and Andrea Williams. Nancy Burrow, absent.

The meeting was called to order by Dale Hanaman and the agenda was approved. The minutes of the last meeting were read and Carmen made the motion to approve with Jo seconding the motion. Motion carried. The treasurer’s report was handed out and reviewed.

Jo made the motion to approve the report with Carmen seconding the motion. Motion carried.

The circulation and program report from July was discussed. Programs planned for August were reviewed. Announcement of an upcoming trustee training on November 12 in Scranton. The disc cleaner is in the library for the month of August. There was a donation of teddy bears given to the library.

There being no further business, Carmen made the motion to adjourn and Jo seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Next meeting will be Monday, August 31, at 6:00 p. m. Jean Borgeson, Secretary

From the July 6, city council minutes: “A motion was made by Garry Higgins, seconded by Rick Liebich to approve the rollover of the remaining Rippey Library’s general fund balance of $1,749.15 to the next fiscal year. Ayes: Higgins, Liebich, Allen, Johnson. Nays: None. Absent: Carpenter.” “A motion was made by Garry Higgins, seconded by Rick Liebich to approve Resolution #2015-076 Transfer of Funds from General Fund to Library Fund. Be it resolved by the City of Rippey, Iowa for the City Clerk of Rippey,Iowa to transfer the amount of $6,689.00 from the General Fund Account to the Library fund per 2015-2016 Budget Request. Passed and approved this 6th day of July, 2015. Signed: Dan Brubaker, Mayor, Attest: Mary Millard, City Clerk. Ayes: Higgins, Liebich, Allen, Johnston. Nays: None. Absent: Carpenter.”


Rippey Public Library Board of Trustees Minutes, June 29, 2015

The Rippey Public Library Board of Trustees met June 29, 2015 for their regular meeting. Routine business. Sex offender request to use library and decided to investigate how to word a policy. Summer reading report. Three policies adopted.

Rippey Library Board Minutes June 29, 2015 6:00 pm

Attending: Dale Hanaman, Carmen McColley, Jo Bardole, Nancy Burrow, Andrea Williams

Dale called us to order.  The agenda was approved.

A motion was made/seconded (Carmen/Jo) to approve the minutes.  Motion approved.

We discussed the Treasurer’s Report and the current bills.  A motion was made/seconded (Carmen/Jo) to approve the treasurer’s report and the current bills as printed.  Motion approved.

We discussed the request that the money left over ($1,749.15) in our budget (2014-2015) be rolled over for next fiscal year.  A motion was made/seconded (Jo/Carmen) to this effect.  Motion approved.

Old business:  Earlier this month the library received a request from a person on the offenders list to come and check out DVDs at the Library.  We discussed the location of the DVD collection and thought this would not be a problem.  It was decided that the client may come and get wanted DVDs for the present time.  It was also discussed that at some time we may need to draft a policy.

Program report:  A Des Moines Blank Zoo person came to the Library to present a program regarding several animals.  5 adults and 11 children and a youth attended.  A snake, toad, and ground hog were presented.  Those present were encouraged to touch the animals.  Other programs included bridge club and a craft event to make Father’s Day cards.
Presently a coloring contest is going on.  In July the Summer Reading Program will begin.  There will be 2 special programs per week. The theme is Super Heros.  Programs scheduled include a Juggler, fire fighter, crafts, masks, capes, an Avenger movie, and How kids can be Super Heros. There will also be prizes for reading logs.

The library received an estimate for making the glass doors handicapped accessible at a cost of $5000 from Carroll Glass Co.  Andrea Williams will investigate grants that are available, or will be available for the fall to help pay to this.

E rate Email was discussed.  We had two phone lines, one dedicated to the fax machine.  This line was taken out.  There will be a reduction of cost because previously there were 2 lines. 

The Policy on Collection Development was reviewed.  There were 3 editorial changes.  A motion was made/seconded (Carmen/ Jo) to approve this policy with the changes made.  Motion approved.   The review date will be noted.

The Personnel Policy was reviewed.  A motion was made/seconded (Jo/Carmen) to approve this updated policy.  Motion approved.  The review date will be recorded.

The Grievance Policy was reviewed.  A motion was made/seconded (Jo/Carmen) to approved the updated policy.  Motion approved.   The review date will be recorded.

Next Meeting July 27, 2015.

A motion was made/seconded (Carmen/Jo) to adjourn our meeting.  Motion approved at 7:00 pm.

       Respectfully submitted     Nancy Burrow  secretary protem


Rippey Public Library Minutes, May 26, 2015

The regular meeting of the Rippey Public Library met on May 26, 2015. Routine business. Summer Reading events, including Blank Park Zoo and a juggler. Policy revision adopted.

Rippey Public Library Minutes Tuesday, May 26, 5:30 (changed because of Memorial Day)

Attending:  Dale Hanaman, Jo Bardole, Nancy Burrow, Jean Borgeson and Andrea Williams.  Absent, Carmen McColley.

Nancy moved and Jo seconded to approve the agenda.  Motion carried.

The minutes of the last meeting were reviewed.  Jo moved and Nancy seconded to approve the minutes.  Motion carried.

The treasurer’s report and bills presented were reviewed.  There was a 40.65 bill for ink cartridges to Dale added to the bills, bringing the total to $1,614.42.   Jo moved and Nancy seconded the motion to approve both the treasurer’s report and the bills presented.  Motion carried.

Balances for May
General fund:  $2,852.30 (minus $40.65) = $2,811.65
Memorial:        $2,570.61
Petty Cash:  $41.11

No one from the public attended the meeting.

Old business included reviewing the circulation and program reports from May. 

New business:  Programs for June:  The Blank Park Zoo visit, sponsored by the Greene County Library Association will be in Rippey, June 12, 2015 at 1:00.  We will need a volunteer that day, as we are not open on Friday, and Andrea would have to take the whole day off from her other job.  Names were suggested and Dale will look into this.  The library proper doesn’t need to be open during this program.  June 17th will be a “come and go” crafting for celebrating Father’s Day.  This will be held during regular hours.

The board reviewed the Duties of the Librarian Policy. After a couple revisions, Nancy moved and Jo seconded to approve the revisions to the policy.  Motion carried.

Andrea will be in Michigan for a family reunion that will extend into Monday, June 1 and Tuesday, June 2.  Dale and Nancy will take these days.

Looking ahead:  The Greene County Library Association will sponsor a Juggler on July 13.  The details of when he will be in Rippey, are yet to be decided.

Andrea is planning the summer reading, two times a week for the month of July.  More details later.

There being no further business the meeting was adjourned.

The next meeting will be Monday, June 29, at 6:00.

Jean Borgeson, Secretary